"This...this one is also from the Metropolitan Police Department...sir?!"

"Then, that, Officer Araki, right? Please advise..."

Looking at the faintly tattooed Araki Sosuke between the neckline and sleeves, Police Officer Hasegawa and Chairman Anato were taken aback, and shook hands with him tremblingly.

Even if they want to break their heads, they can't figure it out. The blond hair with a face full of "noisy and superior", "imperial opinion is useless", and a one-eyed blindfold like a pirate, would actually be a member of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Moreover, the police department before the second person can personally act as a driver for him, drove from a long distance in Tokyo, and lighted cigarettes and poured tea. It is estimated that the level is not low.

The two familiar with each other on weekdays exchanged glances, nodded slightly, and came to a consistent answer.

Special talents.

The Araki-kun in front of him must be the same as the one in the movie. He is a "returning undercover" and an infinite walker with a promotion and salary increase.

Looking at this unconcealable criminal atmosphere and the visually inspected tattoo area, maybe it was undercover for years, accidentally overturned the head, lying down and became the gang boss, until even the little O chicken and P eye no longer have a place to tattoo, he was only caught Forced to apply for the net and return to the team.

"So, the eye wearing the blindfold was injured during the ‘Final Decisive Battle’ to cover the second-before police officer who led the raid? 』

There was a scene where the two of them were naked, holding guns against each other, looking at each other affectionately, and fought against the group of extremes. The two looked at Sosuke Araki and Ryoma before Erqian, unknowingly they were already full of awe.

"That, as you two saw, the small village of Hinamizawa Village was built by the Anato clan during the Warring States Period to escape military disasters. It has a long history..."

After a few simple conversations, the chairman Anato led the three along the main road in the village.

"During the Warring States Period, our Anato clan was also considered a famous family. Because we made great achievements in the attack on the Rokupola, and under the order of Ashikaga Takeshi, he took office as An Yunshou, built a castle on Kikuyama, and later moved the castle to Wonkiyama. ..."

"It is said that at the beginning, our Anto clan was in good condition on the battlefield because we mastered many magical spells, oh ha ha ha..."

After a brief introduction to the village, the seemingly simple and shy, he revealed the boldness of the country uncle, and began to talk about "the glory of the Anto family".

Because the people in the village are descendants of the Anato clan, in addition to being the chairman of the Hinamizawa Village Community Council, Anato Toyo is also the current patriarch of the Anato family.

"The original patriarch was my father, but because he suddenly passed away a month ago, I was elected as the patriarch..."

Having said that, President Anato's cheeks twitched from the pain, and tears flowed in his eyes.

"The so-called patriarch is actually in charge of coordinating the parents in some villages when they are busy with the farming."

"A month ago..."

Hearing this, Araki Sosuke was thoughtful and seemed to want to ask something, but in the end he closed his mouth.

"Ah, sorry, let the two of you laughed...don't look at this village now, it was actually very lively when I was a kid."

Wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes, the Acupuncture Chairman who led the way in front of him complained bitterly.

"The young people nowadays are all thinking about going to the big cities, how can they understand the beauty of rural life! It is estimated that after the death of our generation, there will be no more people left in the village..."

In Japan, where the economy is developing rapidly and urbanization and industrialization are advancing vigorously, there are at least thousands of such small villages that are sparsely populated, have more houses than people, and are on the verge of extinction.

With the rapid rise of big cities represented by Tokyo, the attractiveness of bustling urban life to young people has reached an unprecedented level.

More and more young people in Japan choose to abandon their native hometown and pursue their dreams in big cities.

In order to revitalize the countryside and solve the problem of vacant houses, the Japanese government has implemented various drainage policies such as "vacant house bank" and "free house delivery", but it still cannot solve the social problem of "village disappearance".

"Two, here we are..."

In a short while, Chairman Anto stopped in front of a gray torii gate tied with a thick rope.

"This is the only shrine in the village, Furute Shrine."

On the ten-meter-long staircase behind the torii is an ancient shrine with a wooden structure and a width of five meters.

"...To be precise, it is the old Furute Shrine."

After considering it for a moment, a look of nostalgia flashed in the eyes of President Anto.

"This shrine is said to have been built when the village was established in the Warring States Period... A hundred years ago, after the inheritance of the last clergy was cut off, it was transformed into a family shrine."


Araki Zongsuke opened the old door of the ancestral hall and strode in.

Before the second, Ryoma and Police Officer Hasegawa squatted in the open space in front of the shrine and smoked.

After all, he only needs to be a good driver for this mission, not too deeply involved.

In this ancestral hall of less than fifty square meters, in addition to the original shrine royal plaques, there are also densely packed "Anto Clan ancestors" tablets.


Araki Sosuke's eyes constantly shuttled between the tablets, seeming to be searching for something.

"President Anato, are the genealogies of the nobles also kept in the ancestral hall?"

"Genealogy... Why did you know that there is this thing?"

President Anato was stunned for a moment, then opened the drawer and handed over a brand new booklet.

"The Anato family originally didn't have a genealogy. In recent years, my father spent time in the ancestral hall to record every tablet before compiling this genealogy..."

"The above records the information of the members of the past generations that can be collected, and try to match the known kinship, and also contains some sources and allusions, which is the only one."

"You haven't read this genealogy carefully, have you?"

Araki Sosuke flipped through the thick family tree in his hand and asked casually.

Every word on the page is handwritten neatly with a pen, which shows that the writer has devoted a lot of time and energy to it.

"Ashamed to say, I am usually busy with work and the affairs of the self-governing association, and I don't have time to read it carefully... After sorting out my father's belongings, I kept it here...

"Oh, so, it was your father who uploaded the genealogy information of the Anato clan on those surname genealogy websites, right?"

"Is the Metropolitan Police Department so magical? You even know this? Before my father was alive, he did try to tinker with those things on the Internet. I helped to register the account..."

Suddenly asked this question, the Anato-President froze for a moment, touched the back of his head with few hairs, and laughed nostalgicly.

"Although my father is getting older, he always says to learn to keep pace with the times..."

"Because the number of people in the village is dwindling day by day, and I am worried that in the next few decades it will become a deserted village that no one cares about. To bury the history of the Anado family and the happy lives of everyone in the village, he decided to compile The genealogy is uploaded to the Internet."

"At least, let the children who have moved out, when they miss one day, they can still have information to look up and leave a thought."

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