On the periphery of the shrine, several elderly and children attracted by the fire and smoke were stopped by Ryoma and Hase in front of the shrine, curiously watching the "fire" Furute Shrine.

"Well, it's all done at this level. This weird person who has become a Buddha can't be'resurrected from the dead' anymore."

With his hands in his pockets, Araki Sosuke's face finally relaxed.

"Sergeant Araki, my father's death should also be related to the things under this ancestral hall."

Behind him, President Anato, who was still pale, asked abruptly.

"Feel sorry……"

"Confidential, I understand..."

"I was the only one who found my father's body in the first place... Therefore, only me and the police knew from beginning to end. His death was not that simple."

Before Sosuke Araki finished speaking, Chairman Anto continued to mutter to himself.

"Because, if there is no person who has died normally, the expression will be distorted with horror and the eyes will burst..."

"I didn't dare to tell the people in the village about this, only that he was buried in a hastily natural death and put away all the relics."

"Until today, when I saw the scene in the basement, I didn't think of it... The bowel sacrifice is said to be a ritual born to pray for the help of the'mountain god' and destroy the enemy."

"The state of father's death... ooh... is very similar to the legendary people who died on the battlefield as a result of the Anato family's curse..."

Speaking of this, Anato-President seemed to have lost all his strength, and tremblingly sat on the ground, covering his face and sobbing.

"It should have been discovered earlier to prevent him from tinkering with those unknown things...I am really useless..."

"It doesn't matter if you just nest in the mountains and dare not go to the big city... not only did you fail to protect your father, but he didn't even leave behind anything he cared about..."

At this moment, this simple country uncle cried like a child.

"Sorry for you...Although you can't disclose any information, you must believe that we are doing this for the sake of protecting more people."

Sosuke Araki patted his shoulder comfortingly.

My own "despicable foreigners" burned shrines in other people's villages as soon as they came, and it was indeed a bit unkind.

"Furthermore, I believe that even without these things, the long history of the Anato clan will flow in the blood of every descendant and pass on word of mouth..."

However, if the Anato president knows, because his father uploaded the "Anato clan" genealogy to multiple surname query websites on a whim, it led to a weird revival of "knowing the name will be serviced by the door", How would you feel after slaughtering dozens of people, including his father?

That's right, the place name "Hina Misawa" was "telled" to Sousuke Araki after the woman in white became a Buddha last night.

Born in Hinamizawa Village, she suffered from eye diseases since childhood, and her eyeballs were quite different from ordinary people.

Because of her ugly appearance and subtle name, she has been squeezed out by the villagers since she was a child and treated as a monster.

In such a small village with fixed personnel, simple interpersonal relationships, and a stagnant pool of water, once labeled with this kind of "label", it is often faced with a more cruel and unchangeable fate.

In the years of famine and war, all the disasters that occurred were attributed to her who had long hair and covered her face all day and lived like a mouse crossing the street.

Regardless of the name or appearance, to her, it is a scar that is meaningless and ashamed to see others.

Because ugliness is original sin.

At the end of the winter of another year, some villagers who believed that she was the symbol of "unknown" chose to use the method of "intestinal flow sacrifice". The way to pray for the "mountain god" to bless the village's prosperity.

When this ugly crime was concealed in the dust of history, the descendants of the villagers who knew nothing about it still worshipped this shrine and its "ancestors" devoutly for hundreds of years...

But I don't know it, and at the same time it is offering, the existence under the shrine that no one knows.

Until, the "real name" that symbolized her painful life was re-known to the world because of the re-edited genealogy.

Death is not terrible.

For some people, living in the viciousness and cruelty of others all their lives because of defects in their names and appearances is more terrifying and unforgivable than death.


"All in all, you can go back when it's finished burning here and check it again, right?"

After the crying Anato chairman was helped away by Officer Hase, Ryoma and Araki Sosuke sat side by side on the stone steps behind the torii gate, vomiting clouds and fog.

Behind them is the shrine that has not been burnt.

"Ryoma, do you think that after death, is it better to be remembered or forgotten?"

With pillows in both hands, lying under the torii, looking up at the white clouds floating in the blue sky, Sosuke Araki suddenly asked thoughtfully.

"For people who are dead, it shouldn't matter if they are not remembered... If you asked me a month ago, I would definitely answer you like that."

"But now, after understanding that death is not necessarily the end, I can only say...I don't know..."

Loosening the tie on his neck, Ryoma glanced at the "fire scene" behind him, and his eyes became deep.

"Perhaps, the memory of the living for the dead is just a kind of restraint."

"Well, actually... During the'retreat practice', I secretly visited Saitama."

Without warning, Araki Sosuke uttered a line that made Ryoma's eyes tremble before Lingji.

"What, you guy...have gone?!"

"Yes? Wait, maybe you too..."

"Yes, not only the Saitama Rei Garden, but also the apartment building in Shinjuku I have checked several times."

After the two of them stared at them with big eyes, they immediately smiled in relief.

"In fact, before I went, I actually didn't think about it in my heart. I was afraid of facing their spirit bodies and worried that I would see them becoming resentful spirits..."

After discovering that they can see the spirit body, anyone will want to confirm whether the spirit body of a deceased friend will wander in that spiritual garden.

"However, after spending a night in the Spirit Garden, I didn't see the spirit bodies of Xingping and Lizi. I was relieved and I was a little bit disappointed."

Araki Sosuke sighed, and spit out melancholy smoke rings upward, seeming to want to add a few strange-shaped white clouds to the blue sky.

"Obviously, there were so many things that I had agreed to do together, and I didn't do so many things I wanted to say, and suddenly the two of them eloped like this."

"I said... Zongsuke..."

Before the second, Ryoma habitually stretched out his hand and rubbed the other's golden oil head, and asked curiously: "If... I mean if..."

"That night, you really saw Xingping or Reiko... what would you do..."

"I don't know... nor have I thought about... nor will I think about..."

Araki Sosuke slowly got up, picked up a thick book under his hips, and walked towards the embers of the shrine that was about to extinguish.

"Perhaps, I can only come to the answer when I really face that situation."

Kneeling down, he gently spread the things in his hands on the fire.

"Originally, Sister Hanyu asked me to take this back, give it to the Association, and send it to Yin Yang Liao to completely seal it..."

What fell into the flames and was gradually swallowed was the genealogy written by the father of Chairman Anto.

"But where it starts, it ends where it is."

"It's almost done, let's go, Ryoma."

After doing all this, before calling the second Ryoma, Sosuke Araki walked down the stairs with a face of relief.

"But, speaking of it..."

As he passed through the torii gate, he glanced back worriedly.

In the light of the fire, the genealogy that was flipping with the wind just stayed on a certain page.

"Your appearance, and the name "So Beautiful", are obviously not ugly...the ugly thing is the human heart. "

After seeing a certain name on that page, it was completely swallowed by flames and turned into ashes, so Araki Sosuke turned around and left with peace of mind.


You knew already.

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