I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 593 [Fan Wai] Unholdable Sha I

Middle East, Hadba.

The yellow sand is blowing in the wind, passing over the ruin-like city, falling among the ruined walls, abandoned vehicles, and numerous potholes left by missile bombing...

This city with a long history and busy traffic has been regained as a "ruin" after being occupied by the extremist religious organization "Da'esh" three years ago and after numerous tragic battles.

Although it is called "smooth recovery" in the international news, the city has not yet established any government agencies and has not been able to initiate the so-called "reconstruction plan."

Whether in the ruins, on the road or on the top of the signal lights at the crossroads, dead bodies can be seen everywhere.

No one knows how many people once lived in this city.

After nightfall, this uninhabited city was dominated by the terrifying silence and the pungent rotting corpses in the air.

Even the most greedy vulture in the desert dare not settle here.

Because whenever night falls, a corpse with lingering resentment will slowly get up, wandering stiffly in the streets and alleys, greedily and bloodthirsally exploring the breath of all living things.

These living corpses resurrected after sunset are the reason why the official government has not been able to truly regain the city.

Under the moonlight, an off-road vehicle made up of various brand car parts is walking on the edge of the broken city wall of Hadba.

More and more corpses were attracted by the sound of engines, chasing them not far behind the rear of the car.

"Boom boom..."

In the car, two men were leaning out half of their bodies, with guns in their hands, cleaning out the living corpses that had left the city wall.

"Recruits, hold your arms and don't waste bullets! Only when they hit the head, these guys will suspend their activities..."

In the co-pilot, a calm middle-aged man aiming with a gun reminded the teenager who was also aiming with a gun behind him.

"Please, Faisal, you are too strict..."

In the driver's seat, an uncle long beard who was skilled in driving, joked cheerfully.

"It's the first time that Little Udai faced these things so close, it would be nice to be able to not drop the gun out of the car door."

"It's okay, I just saw an acquaintance in there..."

In the back row of the off-road vehicle, the young man wrapped in a white robe took a deep breath, calmly squeezed the trigger, and accurately hit the eyebrows of a living corpse, causing the opponent to fall to the ground and stop moving.

"Inshallah, Uncle Assad... I will always remember that the sof in your shop is the best in Hadba!"

Judging from his immature face, he is estimated to be less than 15 years old, but there is an iron-blooded calmness between his eyebrows.

"Wow, look, Little Uday is angry!"

Seeing this scene from the rearview mirror, the uncle driving the car suddenly let out a surprise.

A fifteen-year-old thin boy, with an AK47 with great recoil, hit a target fifty meters away in a moving car...

This ability to count the impact of recoil on ballistics can only be explained by talent for those who lack weapons and can only practice guns in actual combat.

"Don't forget, after the shooting selection the day before yesterday, I was the recognized first shooter of the'Hadba Revival Militia'..."

The boy squinted his eyes and calmed his emotions. With his AK47, he shot the corpse chasing the vehicle behind him at a precise point.

"One day, I will regain and rebuild this city, so that my children will have beautiful memories of growing up here like me!"

"First find a girl who is willing to marry you before speaking stupid...Moreover, these unkillable monsters are simply the anger of the true god against this world..."

The uncle driver made a sharp turn and avoided a few living corpses that suddenly stood up in the oncoming sand.

"Even the mysterious religious figures in the peacekeeping missions can't use these'Cities of Death'."

"City of Death" is their name for a city like Hadba, occupied by the infinitely resurrected dead.

There is more than one city like this in this land full of yellow sand.

"Or, do you believe that the ‘Mahdi’ that was recently rumored really exists?"

The middle-aged man in the co-pilot squinted his eyes and asked disdainfully.

He has seen too many young people who are as talented as Uday but buried under the yellow sand because of his passion.

If you want to live longer, you must learn to abandon those unrealistic "dreams" and consider everything in front of you with the worst.

Listening to what the other party said, Uday's mouth narrowed, but continued to shoot without speaking.

The middle-aged man was right. In front of these living corpses like "a movie dragon that loves self-play and can't die no matter how much", the survivors of Hadbar City spontaneously formed the "Hadbar Revival Militia". Just a joke.

Although most of these living corpses have no intelligence and will only chase people into the line of sight like beasts, whether they are broken into fleshy ground by shell bombing, or burned into ashes by fire, or even crushed, mixed, and divided by a blender. Buried somewhere, they will gather their bodies again the next night and "resurrect" again.

This is the painful fact that officials have realized after they sacrificed countless ground troops and carried out countless air strikes.

However, the militia, which is short of ammunition and supplies, can now only guide the living corpses that accidentally walked out of the city wall to a place close to the city wall and subdue them, so as to control the scope of activities of these evil existences and protect the people outside the city of Hadbar. Several refugee camps have not been violated.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the Hadba that carried the happy memories of countless people had long since died forever.


Suddenly, Uday, a young militiaman who was aiming attentively, looked at a city wall a hundred meters away.


There, a ghostly white figure flashed past.

"Don't be in a daze, be careful!!"

Just when he thought he was dazzled, a strong force dragged him back into the car.


Immediately, the upper half of the city wall next to the off-road vehicle suddenly collapsed and slammed heavily on the roof of the vehicle.

"Asshole, this damn broken wall will not collapse sooner or later..."

No matter how the uncle driving the car stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle just uttered a painful roar, four-wheeled gravel, unable to leave under the weight of the wreckage of the city wall.

"Oops! Find a way, those guys are following up!!!"

Amid the smell of the clutch, dozens of living corpses have been kept close to each other with the howling bullets.

In the city, there was also the sound of footsteps, and it seemed that something was attracted by the noise here.

"Boom... boom boom!!!"

Just as the three of them were desperate, the off-road vehicle that was still there, suddenly reduced the pressure, and rushed out...

"That, that is..."

Pressed on the back of the chair by the sudden feeling of pushing back, Uday looked back in confusion...

A figure wrapped in an Arabian white robe was supporting the collapsed heavy city wall with one hand.

In terms of body shape, he should be a strong man with a height of no more than 1.8 meters.

Under the hood that was lifted by the night wind, a pair of vicious eyes and thin lips were vaguely visible.

"Wait, we have to go back and save him!!!"

There is no time to think about how normal humans can prop up a stone wall that weighs several tons. Only dozens of living corpses surrounded the men in Uday's eyes.

Just now, it was the other party who came to help, and this off-road vehicle was able to escape.

"It's too late! Going back now, we can only add to him..."

The man in the co-pilot shook his head and looked helplessly in the rearview mirror, the figure who was lying in place, letting a large group of living corpses surround him.

"Aren't you still looking for a wife and watching your children grow up in New Hadba?!"

The next second, when the white-robed man put down the wall in his hand, the heads of the surrounding living corpses seemed to be cut off neatly by invisible things, like a rocket ascending to the sky, and rose into the air together with the yellow sand.

"Allah bless..."

Uday swears that this is the first time in his life that he has seen so many heads flying in the sky at the same time.

Then, the group of headless corpses, like a pilgrimage, knelt down softly, centered on the man.


Looking at this weird and sacred scene, Udai couldn't help muttering this word.

"It's Mahdi, he's here to save Hadba!!!"

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