I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 594 595 [Fan Wai] The Unholdable Sand II

More than ten days ago, I heard the material transport team from Tikrit, who was also transformed into a "City of the Dead", said that in the past month, a white-robed man was active among multiple "Cities of the Dead". Saved many people.

The most exciting thing is that the living corpse killed by the white-robed man did not resurrect as scheduled the next night, but began to rot and dry like a real corpse.

Gradually, someone who was saved in despair began to call the unknown man "Mahdi" in secret.

Mahdi, which means "a person who is led to the right path by Allah", is a figure in the legend who will come forward and save the world every time the end comes.

The Hadith predicted: "When Imam Mahdi returns, Allah will eliminate the calamities of those who follow him, make them close to each other, strong as steel, and make them strong and strong enough for one person to bear forty. , They will eventually rule the earth with immense majesty."

Just as the three people of the "Hadba Revival Militia" in the car were stunned, the white figure had disappeared from the edge of the city wall, leaving only a headless body.

Five minutes later, inside the city of Hadbar.


The walking corpse stretched out his hand to grab a crow attracted by the rancid smell, and greedily stuffed it into his mouth to chew.


Suddenly, he seemed to sense something, and he turned his head to look behind him with some doubts.

A man wrapped in an Arabian white robe is quietly galloping between the ruined walls, passing him.

Smelling the unusually sweet aura of fresh flesh and blood, the living corpse decisively dropped half of the crow in his hand, trying to start chasing that figure.

"Sorry, if you still had a trace of blood in your body, I could have used a more decent way..."

In the voice of the man's apology, the living corpse lifted...

Only one body without a head went out.

The blood line that appeared on the neck at an unknown time caused the living corpse to "separate" and weakly fell to the ground.

"Contrary to the fierce appearance, you are so kind to the living or the dead. You are not at all like the cold-blooded Assamite blood clan in the legend."

The man could hardly hear the Japanese, with full of ridicule, and it sounded out of thin air on the deadly street.

"It's a pity that I specifically went to the ruins to retrieve the complete inheritance of'Asamaite'. He should have made countless dependents, drank the blood of the virgin, and reshaped the glory of the Brotherhood, but still lived a life like an ascetic... "

"Did you know that the locals now call you "Mahdi", which is the name of the "Savior" in the prophecy."

"Chateau, don't tease me... I am not an Assamite blood clan, let alone a savior... History has proven countless times that assassins like theirs who can only assassinate, nothing can be changed!"

"Drinking virgin blood or something... Obviously there are'spicy steak','Chinese hairy blood Wang','spicy duck blood' and other dishes that are delicious enough for me to eat for a lifetime. Who will live a life of drinking blood? . 』

Ignoring the corpses gradually surrounding him and the words that suddenly appeared beside his ears, the man wrapped in the white robe, like an agile cheetah, marched quietly and flatly among the ruined walls.

"Even if I save those people, or annihilate the curse on these dead souls, for this completely destroyed city and those refugees whose families are completely destroyed, the fate will not change the slightest."

"My kind of'good deeds' that I only do to push myself to a moral high point, not to change the outcome of things, are called'hypocrisy' by the Japanese Chido..."

Whenever there is a living corpse chasing too close, the head will fall on its own and fall to the ground softly."Is it just hypocrisy to make yourself feel better? I like this explanation! You can observe a lot of interesting things in your body, Higashino-kun..."

"Well, although it's just useless hypocrisy..."

While the white-robed man was very politely talking to the voice that appeared in his ears out of thin air, he kept approaching at a high speed towards a well-established church in the center of the city.

"But if there is not even hypocrisy left, I am afraid that one day I will forget that I am still an individual."

While the hood is fluttering, one can see clearly through the moonlight, underneath his head full of fine braids, is a pair of sharp eyes and an Asian face.

A pink diamond ring pendant was shaking on his chest as he ran.

This man who wandered at night in the most dangerous "City of the Dead" in the Middle East was the man who "died" in the "South Honmoku Pier Shooting" and disappeared from Chapter 279, Kohei Higashino.

Compared with a few months ago, apart from a little more scum and a darker complexion, he is still the arrogant and disrespectful Japanese model who licks blood with a knife.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

In the streets and alleys, the living corpses roared in unison.

If you pull your vision to the top of the city, you can see the densely packed living corpses that were originally entrenched in Hubbard, gathering like a flood toward the location of the white-robed man rushing on the dark main road.

This time, the movements of these living corpses were no longer crazily and crowded, but were as neat and orderly as an army.

"Hey, it seems that the ‘master’ of this site has already noticed the arrival of the uninvited guest. He can control such a large-scale undead, that ‘good’ is basically confirmed to be in his hands..."

Perceiving the change in the air, Higashino Kohei smiled with a signature smirk full of crime.

"Hey, it's worthwhile to find me along a few ‘Cities of Death’ all the way, Xia Duo, you really know everything."

"Kun Higashino passed the award, I don't know everything, I just happen to know..."

In the air, the man's expectant voice sounded again.

"Next, as agreed, let me watch the performance quietly, your Excellency."

"Of course... when it comes to door-to-door demolition and robbery, I am also a professional anyway."

Higashino's narrowed eyes flashed a dangerous light.

"Since it has been discovered, I will go in from the front door openly and say hello to the other cadre!"

Leaving this sentence, his figure suddenly accelerated, and after a sound barrier, he completely disappeared into the dark street.

A bloody whirlwind suddenly blew up on the main road of Habad, the city of death.

Between the whirlwind surging and the dust flying, the heads of the living corpses all around flew high.

It is like an invisible combine harvester rushing into the lush wheat field.

Hundreds of heads lifted into the sky simultaneously, which reminds people of the magnificent scenery of collective throwing caps at the degree-granting ceremony.

If you look closely, it is a thin line of blood lingering in the wind that "beheads" the living corpses like an invisible sharp blade.


Those heads that fell on both sides of the road and were thrown behind by the bloody whirlwind, their eyes were dark and resentful, and they started to vomit.

"No one can stop my Awad and the great cause of rejuvenating the kingdom of God!"

"Wow, it seems that you successfully annoyed the "Last King". 』

Although Yukhei Higashino could not understand the language spoken by the other party, Chardonold, who walked with him and called himself an "observer," happened to be a knowledgeable and helpful person.

As if playing a drama, he mimicked the other party's tone slightly exaggeratedly, and simultaneously interpreted it to Higashino Kohei in Japanese.

"Hmph, this lunatic who wants to turn the entire Middle East into a "City of Death"..."

In the whirlwind where the heads were being harvested in the sea of ​​living corpses, Higashino's cold snort came.

"What's the point if all the living are dead, leaving a group of corpses as little brothers?"

It has been two months since Japan came to the Middle East and entered the ruins to obtain the complete Assamite blood inheritance.

During this period, he was familiar with the end leader of the extremist organization and the "king of the kingdom of God" Awad, and he was full of hatred in his heart.

This guy used evil necromantic witchcraft to show a "miraculous" that brings people back to life, and recruited a large number of believers to participate in the war he initiated.

The believers believe that even if they die by committing a suicide attack, they will be resurrected in the "kingdom of God" established by King Awad just like their companions.

Even the various prisons in the Middle East have become hotbeds for his extremist believers to preach.

When the local government was caught off guard, many large cities were occupied by suicide attacks by fanatics one after another, and at the same time extremely extreme religious rule was implemented.

"Da'esh" not only massacred the believers and opponents of other sects in the ruling area, and performed extremely cruel circumcision of a large number of women. The people of Da'esh also took pleasure in the massacre and war, and even filmed such videos as "death fanatics". "Continuously attract extremist warriors and ignorant young people from all over the world to join this war.

As the situation has expanded greatly, several major powers have simultaneously intervened in the war. Even the peacekeeping forces have dispatched missions composed of "professionals" to deal with the undead army created by Awad.

Under the combined bombing of many countries and the activity of religious figures from various countries, Awad’s "kingdom of God" was retreating steadily. After countless blood battles in three years and the loss of the last territory, Awad declared its demise.

On the occasion of the "subjugation of the country", this "king of the kingdom of God" did something shocking to the world.

He gathered the remaining tens of thousands of mad believers together, activated the necromancy formation, and concocted them all into seeds that could spread the "living corpse plague".

Unprepared, these "seeds" disguised themselves as refugees, sneaked into these devastated cities after the war, turning them into "cities of death."

In such a crazy move, Adwa announced that he had successfully "recovered" his country.

There is no land full of people and corpses.

"You... are not the spirit killer of the mission... they are not capable of eliminating the'necromantic curse'..."

Despite the roar of "King Adwa" from those living corpses, the whirlwind Yi that Higashino Yukihei transformed into still pushed down the dense sea of ​​corpses and moved forward unstoppably.

Those more and more living corpses, not only can't touch the corners of his clothes, they can't even slow him down.

"Blood...you are the Assamite blood!!!"

Seeing the blood drops lingering in the whirlwind, the sound of the surging corpses, the simultaneous sound of their mouths also gave a hint of surprise.

After all, in this transition of yellow sand and scorching sun, the legend about the Assamite blood group and the "Brotherhood" of the Assassin organization has been buried under the sand for thousands of years after the Crusades."The things in the ruins in Deirzur, turned out to have fallen into your hands!"

As if thinking of something, countless living corpses stopped, and while talking in unison, they swallowed each other.

"Why, help those who remove spirits?! You can join my camp and create the glory of the kingdom of God together!"

As the living corpses swallowed each other, more than a dozen huge sutured puppets with bloated concrete shapes and numerous limbs and organs hung all over their bodies. They slowly stood up from the sea of ​​corpses: "My army is invincible!"

"Well, I don't intend to get involved in disputes between your organization, official institutions, and various religions..."

Kohei Higashino, with a white robe wafting and five meters of blood lingering around a thread made of blood, appeared abruptly in front of the broken church in the center of the city.

"It's just a ‘good’, I want you to hand it over honestly!"

This big bell church, also known as the "Church of Our Lady", was a landmark of the city before it was occupied.

But now, it is only supported by a few main beams, miraculously it hasn't collapsed.

"Why do I say this, you can't understand Japanese."

He laughed at himself, and stopped paying attention to the questioning of the hidden guy.

It is estimated that the other party cannot understand Japanese, and surely there is no "accompanying translator" around him.

"However, I have had a bad appetite recently, and I have been upset by your lunatic's disgusting behavior..."

Seeing these stitched puppets dancing in front of them with painful faces, thinking that they were ordinary people who had the same joy, sorrow, joy, sorrow and separation like themselves before, Kohei Higashino's eyes flashed with a strange red glow. , The pupils turned dark red because of anger.

"It's decided, just take your life by the way, and take it away!"

Ignoring the stitched puppet that rushed from behind and stomped the ground constantly, he stretched out his index finger and drew a huge gap in his arm with a deep bone.

"Nothing is true, everything can be done, all beings are equal under the Hidden Blade."

Popo's blood spewed out from the aorta, and gathered in his palm into a giant bloody blue dragon knife.

"Hellhound, Higashino Kohei, come to dismantle the group!"

"Hey, Higashino-kun, I think it is necessary to correct the word "Hidden" in Arabic afterwards. 』

The bloody blue dragon knife turned into a stream of light, and he was violently thrown toward the church in front of him.


In the smoke of gunpowder, a figure emerged from the completely collapsed church.

"Being able to accurately find my position is worthy of the Assamite blood clan who claims to be able to pursue prey to the ends of the world!"

This is a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, a black round cap, a thick beard and a pale complexion.

"Unfortunately, this king has already abandoned life this kind of thing! I, who has achieved the body of a lich, is an indestructible existence!"

There is a huge penetrating wound on his chest that is healing by peristalsis without a trace of blood flowing out.

Through the wound, you can still see the blood-colored green dragon knife inserted in the ruins behind.

Naturally, this person was the last king of "Daesh Kingdom", Necromancer Adwa, who Kopei Higashino had been looking for.

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