I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 595 Chapter 596

"Sorry, the hit just now was just a coincidence..."

He didn't even plan to chat with Adwa, who had been looking for him for months and finally showed up. The figure of Yukhei Higashino had appeared at the top of the church cross behind him at some point.

"You, a monster with no blood left in your body, I can't easily sense it!"

"Walk in the dark, serve the light..."

Like a soaring eagle, he spread his hands and jumped at high speed towards Adwa below.

"Jiejie, good job!"

Just like a good match, the seemingly weak Adwa, under the dancing black robe, abruptly pierced twelve fierce and sharp ribs on the left and the right, and slammed against Kohei Higashino who fell in front of him like a trap. close……

"After absorbing your Assamite blood source, I will become the strongest god in this land!"

Countless times, those stupid spirit removers regarded themselves as weak wizards, trying to get closer.

No one knows that their fate is all swallowed by their own rib cage.

Because, with the exception of a certain priest, everyone who saw this trick died.

In just one second, those twenty-four ribs simultaneously brought twenty-four blood lights and passed through Higashino's body.

At the same time, Higashino's high-speed figure shot out from Awad's back like a bullet...


After the blood of the tent exploded, the white robe wrapped around Higashino's body turned into chaotic fragments, revealing his strong, muscular upper body.

Dominating his broad back is a blood-colored squalid dog head tattoo.

The other two heads of this vicious dog extend all the way from the back, pass through the shoulders and arms, and barely exposed on both chests.

Three Hellhounds, Cerberus.

"How, how..."

Turning his head to look at the "unharmed" Asian man, a huge hollow Adwa appeared in his abdomen, and his gray pupils showed a hint of shock.

"So, the resilience of the blood race is really amazing."

Immediately, he calmed down again.

The other party was not unharmed, it was just that the moment the wound appeared, it had healed.


Yuki Higashino didn't look back, making "gunshots" in his mouth like a joke.

The blood flying in the air, before it had time to land, shot towards Adwa like a bullet.

His terrifying body with twelve sharp rib blades burst into countless small holes in an instant.

At the same time, Kohei Higashino, who had originally turned his back to Adwa, appeared in front of the opponent.

In the impact of the blood rain, he turned into a blood-colored green dragon sword in each of his hands, and raised his hand to lift several sword lights.

Adwa's black robe turned into powder, revealing the horrible body that was shriveled and white, blooming with countless sharp and hideous bones.

A faint green soul fire burned in his empty abdominal cavity.

No matter how blood drops and the light of the sword bombarded his body, the bone blade on Adwa's body danced at high speed, slashing through the opponent's body fiercely.The faint green soul fire in his abdomen spread along with the bone blade, lingering all over Kopei Utono.


Entangled by the soul fire, Higashino Kopei immediately let out a low roar.

A sting that burned the soul spread in his heart.

"Xingping, what's the matter?!"

As if to feel his pain, the diamond on his chest flickered slightly, and a gentle female voice came out.

"It's okay, everything is under control... Lizi, don't come out for the time being..."

Hearing this sound, Higashino's color became soft.

No matter the soul fire burned, he poked the ring into his heart and buried it deeply in the flesh and blood that healed in an instant.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, ignorance! You have just become a blood clan, although you have acquired a strong body, but the strength of the soul should be just ordinary people."

Seeing with satisfaction at Higashino Kohei, whose whole body was covered by soul fire, Adwa leaped back...

"Don't you want to rely on your resilience to exchange injuries with me... the pain in the soul, even for the Asamaites, can't be recovered so easily, right?"

On the fountain square in front of the church, more than a dozen stitched puppets chasing from behind, spontaneously gathered around his broken body and gradually merged together.

"How long can you last under my soul-swallowing flame?"

In an instant, Adwa not only recovered from his injuries, but also turned into a centipede-like behemoth with a body length of more than ten meters, several huge mouths and sharp bone blades.

"What is the blood?! Only my lich body, from soul to body, is immortal!"

In front of the "centipede" body, the tiny head that still maintained Adwa's original appearance, staring condescendingly at the "ant" below.

He was right, as long as there was a replacement with living corpses, no matter how badly he was injured, he would be able to recover immediately.

"Tsk, compared to what I have experienced, this is nothing... Vampires face necromancers. Although I don't really like to play games, I expected it to be a war of attrition."

No matter the soul fire was burning, Higashino Kohei looked at the behemoth of flesh and blood with a fierce canine-like eyes, and raised his right hand tremblingly as he looked at the behemoth in front of him that raised his body like a tall building.

"...I was forced to use this nasty way of fighting just to deal with troublesome guys like you who don't have a drop of blood left in your body."


He snapped his fingers softly as if calling a waiter at an izakaya without shorts in Kabukicho.

"After all, even if it is a monster with super resilience like a vampire, whether it is in the past, now or in the future, when it is injured, it will still hurt!"

Surrounding the church, there were a large group of living corpses gathered like thousands of troops, their movements suddenly stopped, and the original state of chaos and disorder was restored.


Countless thin blades turned into blood, blooming like roses, penetrate Advan’s bloody and terrifying body without any hindrance, piercing from every inch of pores from the inside out, turning him into a giant Red sea urchin.


The rotten flesh collapsed like an avalanche and peeled from Adwa, revealing his body with only sharp bones.

"When are you... when..."

Being hit by this heavy blow, the originally exuberant soul fire in Adwa's abdominal cavity swayed and weakened to the point of almost extinguishing in an instant.

The wound made by the opponent's blood blade is not terrible, and he can recover in a short while in the city of death with corpses everywhere.

But this blood is extremely strange, after being injected into his body, it can actually isolate the transmission of resentment and disturb the power of the original source.

Not to mention the army of corpses that was originally like an arm, he couldn't even control a finger on the body of this proud lich.

"From the beginning, was it deliberate?"

At this time, Adwa woke up.

The kinsmen in front of him, with swift movements and an Asian face, deliberately "threw his arms and hugs" before allowing himself to slash, just to soak his body with blood.

The situation reversed instantly.

His Majesty Adwa, the king of the dignified Da'esh Kingdom of God and who made several "Cities of Death", knelt down in front of Higashino Kokai like meat on a chopping board.

"Let's talk about it, where is that ‘good’?!"

The spirit fire on his body gradually extinguished, and Higashino Kopyeong rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and slammed his foot on the face of the monster in front of him.

There is only that place, which makes people feel like they have to go.

"Ah, forget this..."

Seeing the bewildered look in the other's resentment, he woke up.

"Xia Duo, please translate it."

"Well, there's no other way around this. Just treat it as an extra service for the hearty battle just now..."

In the air, the gentle voice of another man suddenly sounded: "أينهوكتابالموتى (Where is the book of the dead?)"

"You...hahahaha...I said, how come this newly born Assamite blood family came to me!"

Hearing this voice, Adwa was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter with a vicious expression on his face.

"Observer, Chardonald, the founding member of "Evil Hua", it turns out that you are behind all this! "

"If you let everyone in the organization know that you helped outsiders murder your own members, how would you feel?"

"Your Majesty Adwa, it's been a long time... Have you forgotten that Evil Flower does not prohibit fights between members... and from beginning to end, I just hold popcorn and sit in the first row of the audience. "

Chadonold, wearing a Hawaiian tank top with soft blond hair tied into a ponytail behind his head, emerged from the void and gracefully bowed one-handed to the opponent.

"Furthermore, as a businessman, I pay attention to equivalence exchange and never interfere with anything. This principle will never be changed because of anyone's identity..."

In his hand, he actually held a bag of unfinished popcorn.

"It just happens to be that the Higashino-kun has traded with me the information of the ‘complaint’ that your Excellency has, and found this place by his own will."

"Flavorful words, without your guidance, how could he easily count on me?!"


Hearing Adwa's resentful words, Chateau Nord took a mouthful of popcorn and laughed with his belly: "Ah, sorry, although this kind of occasion is not suitable, but I really can't hold back..."

"Although Higashino-kun, the'novice of the blood race', in recent months has been relying on cooking dead livestock and sucking blood to maintain his physical strength, he is unable to exert even one-tenth of Assamite's strength..."

"But as a pure descendant of the Assamite blood race, it is easy to defeat your Excellency in this state."

Chadonold's next words made Adwaben's pale face turned black, and he couldn't laugh at all.

"After all, the Assamites, who can suck the blood of all transcendent creatures and evolve towards'theone', have another name that has been forgotten besides the title of'faith killer'..."

"That is, the weird king."

"Weird... King?! Because of this domineering blood?"

Because he had glimpsed the blood lineage in the ruins of Deir ez-Zor, Adwa also delved into related ancient books.The Assamites are very special, taking the blood of similar and extraordinary creatures as a way to step into the realm of the original ancestors.

Because even the "sixth commandment" of the blood race could not restrain them, it caused the fear of other blood races and jointly expelled them to the Middle East.

But even the scorching sun in the desert that discouraged other blood races could not stop their killings.

It is said that the main reason for the failure of the Crusades was the "Brotherhood" formed by the Assamite blood tribe, who were immortal and did not fear even the most evil holy light technique.

"Blood, I admit that you are powerful, but you think that I will be able to catch it and hand over the Necronomicon Book obediently in this way. That's a big mistake!"

Acknowledging his underestimation, Advar smiled bitterly, and the green light in his eyes gradually faded and turned into gray.

"Today's farce, let's end here..."

Even the ghostly green soul fire in his belly began to extinguish simultaneously.

"On the day of my resurrection, I will use the most vicious technique to refine your corpse into a sutured puppet, so that your soul will be trapped in it forever and tortured forever!"

Adwa unexpectedly, like suicide, decisively extinguished the "soul fire" in his body.

"It's rare to have an interview. Is it going to leave without saying goodbye and return to the phylogeny?"

Seeing this scene, Chateau Nord showed a look of regret, put a handful of popcorn in his mouth, and waved to the opponent politely: "I'll see you later, Your Majesty Adwa."

It's like, after watching the movie, bid farewell to a friend who had a good chat.


In the dark desert cave, the metal coffin engraved with bloody runes suddenly opened the lid with a "bang".

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Immediately, the hoarse and resentful roar echoed in the crypt, and even the gravel on the top of the cave continued to spill.

"Chardonold, and that blood clan..."

A "mummy" with gloomy soul fire burning in its abdomen and bones wrapped in shriveled flesh turned over from the coffin and sat up.

"Wait until I fully comprehend the spells in the Book of the Dead, and obtain the "final spell", and then calculate today's account with you! "

This mummy that suddenly "resurrected from the dead" was the "king" Adwa who had just "suicided" in Hadba and was resurrected through the phylogeny.

In the past five years, the spirit eliminators of the peacekeeping missions have carried out several beheading operations against Adwa, which can be described as fruitful.

Among them, the priest from the Heresy Tribunal of the Holy See, Siena, the "Arsenal of Lights", successfully beheaded him 21 times.

After all, even a "necromancer" with the body of a lich could not keep the fusion puppet on alert for twenty-four hours.

But every time, Adva can be reborn through the phylactery hidden under the yellow sand and containing the soul, and then through the believers to create waves of living corpses, dragging the footsteps of the souls, Consume their energy constantly.

No matter what method was killed, as long as the phylactery was still there, the Lich's body could be reborn countless times.

Although the taste of the soul transferred to another body is not good.


Perhaps Adwa’s wailing was too loud, or for other reasons, a large handful of yellow sand suddenly fell on the top of the cave...

A strong gust of wind whizzed in.


Before Adwa had time to react, a strong arm had already pinched his neck and lifted him like a chicken.

The naked man with three Hellhound tattoos bare-chested, his fierce face silently reflected in Adwa's desperate eyes.

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