I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 596 [Fan Wai] The Unholdable Sand IV

"you you……"

Awad, who had just been resurrected and had weak spirit power, could only be held weakly in the air by the Japanese man in front of him, squeezing out bytes with his throat.

"How could it...find here..."

Not to mention this hidden cave hidden under the desert, far away from Hadba.

The transfer of his own soul can be said to be without a trace, how did the other party accurately follow it all the way in an instant? !

The man who suddenly appeared in the cave and held Awad in his hands was naturally Kohei Higashino who was originally located in Hadba.

As Higashino Kohei could not understand every word Awad said, he could only stare at the opponent silently with his signature eyes.

"Didn't you say'see you later', Your Majesty Awad. You walked too hastily, and you didn't have time to listen to my detailed explanation..."

The figure of Chardonold suddenly appeared beside the metal coffin.

"Assamite blood clan, but the most terrifying assassin. Anyone whose soul is smelled by them will never escape even if they escape to the ends of the world..."

"What's more, you just moved to a phylogeny dozens of kilometers away."

While talking, Chateau Nord bent over and took out a thick yellow book from the coffin.

"Wow, this is the legendary book of the dead that mortals can't read, "Kitab Al-Azif" (Kitab Al-Azif)?"

"You... deliberately endured the burning of my soul fire, and then induced me to transfer... just want to find this book!"

Looking at Chardonold, who was concentrating on flipping through ancient books, Awad understood the meaning of the other party's previous phrase "see you later."

"Of course, besides the phylactery, there should be no other place where a lich can safely store such an important treasure, right?"

"Hmph, if I die, you won't even want to interpret even one word in the book..."

Looking at the Asian blood family who was holding his neck without saying a word in front of him, and feeling the monstrous killing intent in the other's eyes, Awad couldn't help adding a bit sternly.

"Kitab Al Ajif" refers to the howls and roars of demons in the night.

According to legend, as a magician, astronomer, poet, philosopher and scientist, Abdullah Al-Hassad spent several years visiting the ruins of Babylon and the underground caves of Memphis, and he was still in southern Arabia. After staying in the desert for a period of time, suddenly on a whim, he heard "the whispers of the devil" and wrote this great book.

This ancient book, which was born in 730 AD, is said to use "the language of the devil" to record various treacherous evil gods and related secret rituals, which will cause endless disasters once it emerges.

And shortly after writing this book, the author himself was on the streets of Damascus, under the eyes of everyone, torn and swallowed by monsters invisible to the naked eye.

After unearthing this book from a certain ruin, Awad spent more than ten years studying it, and realized the rituals of refining living corpses and transforming liches, and became a dead spirit that made the whole world tremble. Mage.

And these necromantic styles are just a little bit of the book's massive knowledge storage.

"Yes, congratulations, Higashino-kun, the original "Book of the Necropolis" is now available."

Ignoring Awad's threat, Chardonold closed the ancient books in his hand and nodded to Higashino Kopei.

"You...you can understand this book? Impossible, unless you have dealt with the existences recorded in this book..."

Seeing Chadonold's expression does not seem to be fake, Awad's eyes are filled with endless fear, and the look in his eyes is like seeing a demon descending on the world.Even if it was him, he had visited countless historical sites and spent countless days and nights to piece together the words above.

If it hadn't been in contact with the weird existences recorded in the book, it would be impossible for Chateau Nord to confirm the contents of the book in a moment.

"Well, I have been taking care of you on your site for many days, and I gave such a valuable souvenir as part of my parting..."

After seeing Chatonold's confirmation, Higashino Kohei said "thank you" in a deep tongue, while cutting a long thin bloody mouth in his chest.

Streaks of blood floated from his wound, covering Awad's body with layers of viscous blood.

"No...you can't...by the way, I can serve your Lord! Think about it, rule this land and become the supreme king of God..."

Looking at the blood that wrapped himself from head to toe, Awad, who was only half of his face outside, showed a distorted expression of horror.

"No, you work with this inhuman fellow, Chardonold, and sooner or later you will be betrayed by him..."

Before he finished speaking, the blood had wrapped him into a blood-colored "cicada chrysalis", isolating all sounds.

"I think he was the one who traded me the ‘clue’ of this book back then!!!"

"Ah, sorry, I said it a long time ago, I can't understand a word in Arabic..."

Scratching his ears impatiently, Kohei Higashino raised his hand to Adwa, who was floating in the air and turned into a blood pupa...

"Excuse me for transcending, and say a word for the countless living lives and prosperous cities that have been ruined in your hands..."

"no, you can not!!!"

Amidst Awad's screams, he clenched his fists sharply.

"...Go to hell."


The blood pupa, which was more than one meter long, shrank instantly under his fist and turned into a blood crystal the size of a fingernail.

"Unkillable monster, I am the only one in this world."

Reaching out to catch the blood crystal in the air, Higashino Kopei squeezed it hard, breaking it into dark red gravels.

The "King of the Kingdom of Daesh" Awad, who has ravaged the Middle East for more than ten years, has left peacekeeping forces and spirit-eliminators of various countries at a loss, and has been quietly annihilated under the yellow sand.

It was also after this night that people in the Middle East were pleasantly surprised to find that the living corpses entrenched in the "City of the Dead" fell into a permanent sleep and never woke up.

"Tsk tsk, don't you want to eat it? What a pity..."

Seeing the blood-colored gravels dissipate in the crypt with the wind, Chateau Nord slapped his lips with a slight regret.

"The'Blood Crystal' made by the Lich should allow you to master a part of the'Necromantic Power'."

The reason why Assamite is called the "king of weird" and "killer of faith" is because they can easily destroy some of the so-called "immortal" existences by refining blood crystals or directly sucking blood, and squeeze each other out. Part of the core power thus "evolves."

"Xia Duo, according to the previous agreement, after the resurrection of Lizi, this book will belong to you."

He did not answer the conversation, Higashino Kohei just humbled on his knees and leaned over to salute the man in front of him.

"Please, please start as soon as possible!"

"Don't say anything to ask, we are just an equivalent exchange..."

"No, you may not know the true value of this book. If you count the various interesting phenomena observed during this period, it is me who gets the'premium space'."

Sitting leisurely on the metal coffin, Chateau Nord quickly flipped through the ancient books in his hands.

"Since you are so impatient, let's start here. After all, the phylogeny of a lich is also a good soul nourishing tool."

The book of the necromancer, known as "unreadable by mortals," seems to be as simple and easy to understand as a junior high school English textbook in the hands of Chateau Nord.

"Speaking of the magic of'resurrection from the dead', if it is not even in the book of the dead, I am afraid there is no better way in this world."

"Ah, there is..."

He flipped through ten lines, and suddenly stopped on the middle page.

"First, please come out Miss Lizi's body and soul."

Kopei Higashino put two fingers together, inserted into the heart, took out the diamond ring buried in it, carefully wiped off the blood on it, and lifted it to his lips for a light kiss.

"Lizi...was up..."

"Um...Xinping... what time is it now?"

A petite and beautiful woman in a white dress stretched out from the diamond ring and gently surrounded him.

"Why are you naked... is it too hot in the desert?"

This situation and situation are just like when he prepared breakfast and lunch in the cramped apartment in Shinjuku, awakening the sleeping Reiko.

This woman is Higashino Kohei's fiancé, Shirasui Reiko, who had died in the "Shinjuku Apartment Gas Explosion" accident a few months ago.

"No, I just exercised a little bit. How are you feeling today?"

Seeing the translucent and heartbreaking Baishui Reiko in front of him, the corners of Higashino's mouth showed an upward curve.

Only when he saw her would he remember how to smile.

"People have followed Xia Duo's words, and only go out for a short period of time every day, so I'm refreshing now."

Bai Shui Reiko turned her body, the skirt fluttered, and smiled at Yuki Higashino.

With Kohei Higashino by her side, she has a cheerful personality and has gradually become accustomed to her spiritual state.

"You first wait patiently, Xia Duo will be able to revive you immediately."

With that said, Higashino Kohei turned his back to Reiko, and quietly made a big mouth in his abdomen.


Something wrapped in oilcloth was taken out of his abdominal cavity by him.

Under the tarp, there was a small white porcelain urn.

This is the ashes of Reiko Shirasui that he took from the Saitama Rei Garden before leaving Japan.

"Then we, let's start..."Chardonold, who had always been calm, rolled up his sleeves excitedly, like a white-collar worker who was about to cook after get off work.

"According to the theory in the Necronomicon Book, since Miss Baishui has only ashes left, she must first restore her body. If the materials are used, the blood of the Asamite blood family must be a good medium..."

It can be seen that he is very interested in challenging the "resurrection of the dead", which is close to the "realm of the gods".

"If you have blood, you need as much as you want, please don't hesitate to take it!"

As Higashino Kopei raised his hand, countless blood plasma gushed from the wound on his abdomen and gathered into a ball in the air.

"Xingping! It hurts...Is it okay to shed so much blood?"

Although she had known the fact that her fiancé had become an immortal vampire, Bai Shui Lizi couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't worry, although he will be weak for a few days, but Higashino-kun, but the immortal Assamite blood clan..."

"It is estimated that after eating a ton of cooked kebab, you will recover more or less." 』

After a word of reassurance, Chateau Nord waved away and lifted the lid of the ashes can.


Immediately, holding the Book of Necronomicon, he recited a mantra that was obscure and unsure of himself.

"That...should be said so, right?"

"Or, should I speak a little more gloomy?" 』

As soon as the voice fell, the book of the dead in his hand burst into a faint green light.

"Wow, this response should be effective..."

Bai Shui Lizi's ashes hovered up like a thin snake, fusing with the blood floating in the air.

"It is worthy of the legendary book of the dead, which allows the holder to perform those mysterious spells without sacrificing any price, only providing a casting medium, and reciting the correct mantra."

Seeing the humanoid blood clusters gradually condensing in the sky, Chateau Nord was like a scientist who saw a new subject, carefully examining the changes in the blood, still muttering words.

"Did you know that since the birth of mankind, there have been countless scholars trying to explain the nature of death with many crazy theories, trying to defeat death through artificial means..."

"The most famous experiment was on January 18, 1803, when the Aldini Royal College of Surgeons used chemical agents and bioelectricity on the 26-year-old death row inmate George Foster..."

"The result of this'most famous' experiment was nothing more than making the dead criminal's jaw tremble, opening one eye, raising and clenching his right hand, moving both thighs and calves...this and junior high school What is the difference between the electric shock frog leg experiment in Shengdu?!"

"The ridiculous modern science, in the face of life and death, gods and ghosts, is like a toddler, who can only put the name of "supernatural" on each other to hide his humbleness..."

"Xia Duo, have you studied these before?"

Although he felt that the man in front of him was holding a magic book and casting necromantic magic, while discussing "science" with himself was a bit contrary.

But after three months of “traveling” together, Kohei Higashino also knows something about the British gentleman Chardonold who is extremely talkative, curious about extraordinary things, and doesn't like others to use his honorific name.

Although Chardonold was a bit cynical most of the time, in fact, he has always been adhering to a serious scientific research perspective to look at these extraordinary things.

He seems to be peaceful and humble, and only when he explores the essence of these extraordinary things, will he show the same essence as a "crazy scientist".

"Well, speaking of my work in several research institutions in Europe, it should be decades ago..."

With a casual word from Chateau Nord, Kohei Higashino and Reiko Baishui looked at each other in surprise.

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