I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 597 [Fan Wai] The Unholdable Sand V

Had it been a few months ago, Higashino Kohei and Baishui Reiko would naturally not be able to believe that the actual age of the British man who seemed to be in his thirties was far beyond the sum of the two of them.

But now, facing the "extraordinary world" presented before their eyes, the two of them are relieved of this problem.

Perhaps a hundred years later, Higashino Yukhei will calmly say to others, "I think about the last century, when I kicked 14 eggs on Ichiban Street in Kabukicho" and so on.

"Don't worry. With the genetic sequence and physical memory left in the ashes of Miss Baishui, the new body will be restored one by one according to her appearance."

During the period of Chardonald's broken thoughts, the human-shaped blood mass in the center of the cave had condensed bones, blood vessels, muscles and other human tissues at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Miss Baishui, in order to better improve your connection with this body, please try to lie down now..."

Chateau Nord waved his hand slightly, and the body that had just condensed into a complete skeleton lay down on its own in the metal coffin originally used as the Awad phylogeny.


In Chardonold's spell, Bai Shui Lizi cleverly lay in the metal coffin, overlapping with the condensing body.

"Okay, what we have to do next is to wait patiently..."

Closing the coffin to the conclusion, Chateau Nord leaned leisurely in the sand pile beside him, and read the book of the dead in his hand with relish.

It looks like a chef who puts the marinated barbecue in the oven and waits for a few hours to come out of the oven.


Five hours later, Higashino Kopei cautiously pushed open the lid of the coffin.


Inside the metal coffin lies a beautiful woman with white skin, long black hair and waist, and a rugged figure.

The delicate face under that long hair was the Bai Shui Lizi he thought about day and night.


Supported by the excited Higashino Yupira, Bai Shui Reiko sat up slowly from the coffin with some effort.

"how do you feel?!"

After checking back and forth on the other party carefully, until it was confirmed that there were no abnormalities in breathing, heartbeat, and appearance, Higashino Kohei tremblingly took a robe and put it on for her.

"I think the body is a bit weird."

Sitting in the coffin, Bai Shui Lizi didn't seem to recover yet, rolled her eyes with a dull expression, and raised her hands in front of her in an inconceivable way.

"It's like, in the potential water, the whole body is so heavy..."

"If you feel heavy, maybe you have recently adapted to the relationship of the astral state."

Chateau Nord, who was originally lying in the sand and reading, also watched Bai Shui Lizi's reaction with concern.


Suddenly, in the exclamation of Higashino's Xinghei, Bai Shui Reiko squeezed her face vigorously.


"Look...even this way, although it feels, it doesn't hurt at all?!"

Due to excessive force, a blood stain was immediately brought out on her originally white cheeks.

"It feels very curious, like I live in someone else's body..."

"It's like wearing a diving suit in the deep sea, obviously feeling, but very slow and numb."

But within a second, the blood marks on her cheeks faded at a speed visible to the naked eye."Chateau, what's the situation?!"

Seeing Reiko's bewildered look, Higashino Yukihei eagerly turned his head to look at Chateau Nord.

Even the gravel on the top of the cave was shaken by his voice.

"Ahem, Miss Bai Shui's current situation is much better than I expected."

"I thought it would take a while to control the body. This should be the result of precious Assamite's blood..."

Chateau Nord scratched the back of his head, flipping through the Necronomicon Book in his hands, pacing back and forth in the cave.

"Well, don't worry, let me read the'instructions', after all, it's the first time I have performed this kind of spell..."

"The body made with the ashes of Miss Baishui and the blood of the blood race, and the "body reconstruction technique" should have some of the attributes of a'vampire', which is stronger and stronger than a normal person's physique..."

"The healing speed of the wound just now demonstrates this very well. 』

He scratched his head in anguish, rubbing his chin and thinking.

"By the way, if the body is okay, it should be the soul!"

Suddenly, Chardonold closed the Necronomicon Book in his hand "snap", seeming to have figured out something.

"Although this body was remodeled according to Miss Baishui’s original genes, her soul is currently being used by me using a composite technique of'Resurrection of the Dead' and'Soul Aggregation', in a form similar to'possession'. The bodies are linked together."

"Just like using glue to put broken things together will leave marks, her current state naturally can't be compared with a baby born from a mother's womb."

"Vampire? Possession? Put together?"

As soon as the voice fell, Higashino's figure suddenly appeared in front of Chatonold, staring at him calmly and firmly: "What I want is to resurrect Reiko as a human, not to become a monster like me!"

"Hey, Higashino-kun, you have to eat one bite at a time...The'equal exchange' between us is the'resurrection' Miss Baishui, not the '100% reduction' who has turned into ashes."

Facing the angry Higashino Kohei, Chateau Nord paid no attention, and stared at him calmly.

"Whatever you want, you must pay the same price. Relying on a broken book to resurrect people who have been turned into ashes, I am afraid that even the so-called gods in Japan cannot do it."

"Well, the current appearance is better than her staying in the simple container on your chest to'get in jail' and come out for one hour a day to'release the wind' every day, right?"

"You're right……"

Listening to Chateau Nord's words, Higashino's expression gradually became depressed.

"Sorry, I was impolite."

What the other party said was correct, that his expectations were too high and his concern was chaotic.

Lizi was able to renew this kind of thing in front of him, and he couldn't even think about it a few months ago.

Moreover, even in the massive "blood memory" he inherited from Assamite's last sleeping place, he has never mentioned the taboo topic of "resurrection from the dead".

"Xingping, I'm fine..."

Behind him, Bai Shui Lizi, wrapped in a large robe, stumbled up from the coffin and leaned on his back.

"To be able to hold you like this again, I am already very satisfied."

"Well, although this can only be done for the time being, if there is a way to repair the'bond' between the soul and the body in one step, Miss Baishui should be able to recover to be like ordinary people..."

"It should belong to it now, it's only a matter of'hands on the door'."

Chateau Nord's next words made the two of them seem to see greater hope.

"Mr. Chateau, if there is a way, please tell me!"

Koping Higashino hammered his forehead severely on the ground and assumed a standard sitting posture.

"Hey, didn't I tell you not to use honorifics... Since I am also interested in continuing this ‘project’, I’ll deal with you again."

Chateau Nord stretched out his hand to Kohei Higashino: "Same as the previous rules, I will only provide you with the ‘necessary’ information, and the rest will require you to find a way after returning to Japan..."

"Wait, go back to... Japan?!"

Hearing this word, Higashino Kohei and Reiko looked at each other, and both saw extremely complicated expressions on each other's faces.

Nostalgia, excitement, fear, confusion...

"Why, you two think that the climate in the Middle East is pleasant and the folk customs are simple, do you want to settle here?"

"Of course not, but we...really, can we go back?"

They couldn't help feeling uneasy. After all, in terms of identity, they were already two "dead people" who owned the property rights of the cemetery.

"It is naturally impossible to go back as'Higashino Kohei' and'White Water Reiko'..."

Chardonold narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

"However, just ask a certain ‘acquaintance’ on my network to do a little favor, and I can get two new identities for you, and it’s not a problem even to live a prosperous life."

"Just let that guy move his brain, from the kindergarten's health insurance file to the university's final grades, it will appear seamlessly in your new file. 』

"Please tell me directly, what do I need to do when I return to Japan?"

There was no retreat, and he didn't want to make a roundabout, Higashino Kopei asked simply and directly.

"According to my information, there is a legendary thing in Japan. It is said that it can completely repair the soul and body, and may solve the current situation of Miss Shirashui."

"And what you have to do is the same as before, just find that thing and get it."

As simple as going to the convenience store downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes, Chateau Nord stretched out his hand to Higashino Kohei.

"How about it? After the'transaction' is over, if you want to continue living in Japan or go to other places with your new identity, it has nothing to do with me."

"no problem."

Kohei Higashino raised his head and took the opponent's hand without hesitation.

"So, what is the price of this'deal'?"

In the last "deal", the other party only said "find Awad and get the book that records the "resurrection from the dead" technique."

As a result, he ran for more than two months between several "Cities of the Dead" filled with living corpses before finally finding the Necromancer who was even more cunning than a mouse.

However, Reiko fully recovered, went back to Japan, and started life again...

All of this is really important to Higashino Kopei.

He can pay any price for this.

"Then, the transaction is established! As for the price, I haven't thought about it for the time being. I'll talk about it when I return to Japan."

Withdrawing his palm, Chardonold showed a playful expression.

"Speaking of which, after you left, Tokyo has experienced upheavals one after another."

He took out the tablet, clicked on a few documents and handed them to the other party.

"The gate of hell was opened, Taitung District was destroyed, and so many people died?!"

Looking at the majority of Taitung District that was turned into rubble in the tablet computer, Higashino's pale face became even more bleak.

"Such a big thing has happened in Tokyo, Sosuke and Ryoma, are they okay?!"

Remembering that on that rainy night, Ryoma Araki, who was chasing him at Minamimotomaki Pier, wearing stockings, Kohei Higashino bit his lower lip and asked every word.

"Then don't worry, Higashino-kun, your two friends can eat, sleep, and work, and live well."

"I knew that the lives of these two guys were hard enough, it wouldn't be so easy..."Hearing that they were all right, Higashino was relieved.

"Not only is it okay, the two of them awakened'inspiration' after the night of Obon, and they are currently active in the'first line of spirit elimination'."

"Hey, these two guys still have this kind of talent?"

In these days in the Middle East, Kohei Higashino is also outside the city of death. He has seen soldiers and religious figures in peacekeeping missions who are responsible for expelling living corpses from afar. Naturally, there are "official agencies" and "spiritualists" dealing with such incidents. Basic concepts.

It was heard that Sosuke Araki, who was full of muscles, and Ryoma, who was upset at the sight, also kicked open the door to "superiority". Kohei Higashino was both proud of them and worried.

After all, this is a road of no return that is thousands of times more dangerous than Jidao.

"Especially the Araki-kun, who is said to have a terrifying talent for removing spirits, and seems to have visited the famous Buddhist temple Kawasaki Master Temple..."

"Impossible, Zongjie, a ten thousand-year-old virgin, wouldn't become a monk even if he was killed!"

"That's right, the plane's nose was cut off last time, and I was depressed with tears for a long time. If I shave my head..."

A picture of Sosuke Araki shaved his head, dressed in a monk's robe and sitting in front of the Buddha appeared in his mind. Kohei Higashino and Reiko couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Not only that, even a hidden religious organization in Tokyo regards him as a thorn in his eyes."

"Oh? Who is it that wants the life of that idiot..."

Higashino's eyes squinted when he heard the news of his friend, and then a bloodthirsty light flashed.

"Sorry, this information can't be included in our'transaction', you can only understand it by Higashino-kun."

"After all, it involves some other important information that I cannot disclose. 』

Chardonold spread his hands helplessly.

"The only thing I can say is that this organization is inextricably linked with the group of guys Higashino-kun that you solved at the South Honmoku Wharf."

"Hey, the dead dog Amato Kazuo, is there a rope around his neck? It seems that there is one more reason to go back to Japan..."

Recalling a name that made him hate his bones, Higashino's teeth stretched out and suddenly became extremely sharp, biting a blood stain on his lower lip without knowing it.

"Reuniting with a good friend is certainly something to look forward to and touching, but after entering this new world for three months at any rate, Higashino-kun should understand his position as a ‘blood clan’ enough, right?"

"what do you mean……"

Vaguely understanding the meaning of Chatronold's words, Higashino Kohei's face sank.

"Yin Yang Liao, Lesson Nine, Spirit Eliminator Association, Disaster Prevention Mobile Team, Civil Eliminator..."

"Unlike the fragmented Middle East, peaceful Japan, but there are multiple ‘official organizations’, ‘civil organizations’ and even ‘illegal retail investors’ cooperating in handling supernatural incidents.”

"After such a big'supernatural disaster' broke out in Japan, if the two appeared in the sight of these institutions, they would probably be regarded as'vampires and his dependents', right on the spot?"

"Understood, we will act in a low-key manner and will not involve previous relatives and friends, please rest assured."

Reiko Baishui regained a new body and was about to return to Japan, where he thought about it day and night. Kohei Higashino only felt that the haze that had loomed over her in the past three months was wiped out.

"Some problems can't be solved by acting low-key. Human behavior and choices, but according to different positions, will undergo earth-shaking changes..."

"If your two good brothers, along with those spirit removers, are on your way to resurrect Miss Lizi, what are you going to do?"

"How can this kind of thing happen? You are the'Three Daisy Brothers' who grew up together, right?"

Hearing this question, Bai Shui Reiko clasped Higashino's arm tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm already enlightened."

Stroking Reiko's hair, Kohei Higashino's eyes were full of unstoppable determination.

"Hope, you are really enlightened..."

Looking at the lovers embracing in front of him, Chateau Nord squinted slightly and showed an unexplained smile.

Just like that night, watching Higashino Yuki who was crying in the rain outside the Shinjuku apartment fire.

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