Tokyo, Taito Ward, Chizusa 3-chome.

At twelve o'clock at midnight, this block is located on the edge of Taitung District and is not directly accessible by the subway. At this time, there are still many pedestrians walking in a hurry and looking strange.

It may be due to luck or geographical location. Since the "Three Tokyo Metropolitan Arrays" opened in time on the night of the Obon Festival, the area damaged by the "Obon Tornado Disaster" stopped just before Sensoji Temple, so this area is located The area north of Sensoji Temple was spared.

"Boom boom boom boom... slam..."

Amid the harsh exhaust sound, a black heavy locomotive slid onto the sidewalk near the intersection with a horizontal brake.

"Boy, the blast at the Juji Club site at night has scared the guests who were taking a bath. Can you afford it?"

On the other side of the road, in a few dimly-lit shops, some men walked out after hearing the sound, and yelled at the rider on the car with a skilled tongue.

The wrinkled suit, the large gold chain at the neckline that reveals the pectoralis major muscle, the faintly visible tattoo on the arm...

It's almost time to write the word "Sher brother" on his face.

"Hmm...ridden on my beloved motorcycle..."

The blond youth, wearing sportswear and carrying a bucket bag, was pushing the motorcycle into the side parking space, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Well, I'm sorry, I'll park the car and make sure it's quiet."

He hummed a little song and apologized without looking back.

"Hey, brother, we are currently filming an important program. You just made the decibel noise. You can't make up for it by parking the car."

Hearing the insincere tone of the other party, the already angry men immediately surrounded them reluctantly.

"Recently, this street is getting worse and worse because of people like you..."

"That's right, I think you can barely sell this broken car for a few dollars, so why not use it as a compensation?"

Seeing the other side's heavy-duty locomotive, they were slightly taken aback, and then their eyes lit up.

"Excuse me, although this car has a bad temper and is particularly fuel-efficient..."

Parked the car and took off his helmet, the strong blond young man turned his head and looked firmly at the people surrounding him.

"However, it is a partner worthy of me entrusting life and death, and it must not be let to you."

At this moment, several men noticed that this tough-faced blond young man had a six-pointed star flower knife engraved on his temples and a one-eyed blindfold on his face...

Obviously he was only wearing ordinary sportswear, but his body exuded a strong sense of crime.

At first glance, it is "a fellow in the same way."

"Boy, the face is so raw, you, which "branch" do you mix with?!"

Stared at by his fierce eyes, the few extreme men felt a little flustered for some reason.

"Branch" means the small branches of a big tree, and it implies a small organization under the subordinate organization that works for a large Jidao organization, and is generally responsible for maintaining the order of the operation site and attracting business.

In short, it is the "offline of the offline", the existence at the bottom of the extreme squeeze food chain.

"It's so late, with such a big bag, do you want to come secretly'sell goods'?"

"That's right, you must open it and check it!"

It seemed that he was a little irritated about being shocked by one person, and the man in the lead grabbed the bucket bag on the other's waist.

"Hey, the baby inside is very thick, big and hard enough, if you are sure you want to see..."

The blond young man showed an ambiguous expression, turned his head to the side of the alley, and walked in first.

"Hmph, pretending to be a fool, you'd better pull out a gun from the inside..."

Several men looked at each other and followed in with a grin.

"Hey, let you see and see, my uncle..."

Walking into the alley, the blond young man turned around abruptly, frowned skillfully, revealed his devilish teeth, and reached out to untie the belt around his waist...




"Um? ! 』

Before he had time to make the next move, several men had fallen to the ground amidst groans of ecstasy.

"you are late."

A cold male voice said like this at the entrance of the dark alley.


"Sorry, no one can beat this guy before me."

While righteously accusing the other party of non-punctuality, the man who appeared at the alleyway calmly withdrew the thick and long hilt in his hand from a man's lower body.

"You are……"

Looking at the tall figure wearing a kimono, double knives on the waist and flying pony tails under the backlight of the alley, the blond young man narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a familiar headache coming.

"The storm has not yet risen, and the dust has enveloped endlessly.

At the entrance of the alley, the man held the handle of the knife, turned his waist up, and chanted in a low and slow tone.

"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you compassionately, at the lower level [2] Spirit Eliminator, Tachibana..."

"Abe Temple?!"

"At night, the time-wasting appearance like Yuexia Ginhaiku will be avoided. 』

The blond young man broke the other party's name and interrupted the unfinished "chanting".

"Araki Sosuke, not only was late, but also disturbed others' self-introduction without authorization. Do you know how rude this is?"

The moon is black and the wind is high in the night. These two people standing in the dark alleyway, with lichens and unkempt men behind them as the background...

It is Sosuke Araki, the trainee exterminator, and his "instructor of exterminator" tonight, Abe Temple.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that my partner tonight is actually you...yawn..."

"Originally thought that Yuu Tori would go to Hokkaido for a school trip, the association would assign me a young, beautiful, and glamorous female spirit remover..."

Looking at the fiercely wary Abe Temple in his eyes, Sosuke Araki's face was unlovable.

Yes, on the day he went to Hinamizawa Village to do some "finishing work", Yu Mayumi, a high school girl student, had already embarked on a school trip to Hokkaido.

After the start of the second semester of high school, most high schools will focus on arranging school trips between September and October to adjust their mentality, relax their spirits, leave the last good memories of high school life, and do their best for future college exams. Preparation.

"Correct, it's not the partner, but the instructor...Although you don't know the content of the task yet, aren't you afraid of losing to me in tonight's lingering contest, are you?"

Seeing Sosuke Araki's listless touch, Abe Temple smiled coldly.

"Wait, the word ‘competition’ is simply superfluous, do you have any misunderstandings about the task tonight? ! 』

"Hmph, no need to explain, although I have lost to you twice in kendo, but the unpredictability of Chu Ling can not be solved by strong strength! Moreover, after these months of hard practice, I am no longer what I used to be. I am..."

"By the way, I used my contacts to finally get a ticket for "Junko Kato Fan Appreciation Festival~Special Event~White Cloud Baptism Reward", which was then exchanged from Yamada-kun for this competition opportunity. 』

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