"Tsk, no matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary red light district, otherwise, I'll go back to the crossroad..."

Slowly moving forward, Sosuke Araki repeatedly raised his blindfold and looked at the streets in the red-light district where there were no surprises except for bubble baths or bubble baths.

In this dimly lit and ambiguous street, there is almost no flow of resentment, let alone any strange existence.

"Boy, you stabbed us back with that kind of low-level trick, thinking you can walk away comfortably?!"

Behind him, the men who fainted in the alley because of the injury to Chrysanthemum were already chasing up with angrily.

"Hey, I hadn't had time just now...the one who is wronged and indebted is the one who doesn't preach the rules and shoots from behind without authorization..."

"If you have anything, let's talk about it after you have experienced our personal pain!"

Without listening to Araki Sosuke's explanation, the men covered their hips with one hand, and stabbed the baseball bat, jackknife and other things behind him with the other.

"...I've said it, the things in the alley have nothing to do with me!"

In the face of the men’s constant attacks toward the lower body, Araki Sosuke put his hands in his pockets, like a willow dancing in the wind, posing in a variety of incredible poses, making the opponent seem fiercely stabbing, even the corners of his clothes can’t be touched. arrive.

"You unreasonable bastards... Abe Temple, show your police officer ID quickly!"

"Police officer's card? ! Would you like to show me something weird and then sneak attack from behind? People from Zhu Jihui will not be stabbed twice by the same trick..."

Without choosing to fight back, Araki Sosuke dodged and greeted loudly at Abe Temple, which was almost flooded by "flower bushes" and no one was visible.

It's not that he is afraid of this gang.

Like Kabukicho Ichiban Street, the Yoshiwara Red Light District is naturally controlled by the Jidao headed by Zhu Yoshikai.

If you don’t give face and put these guys down in the street, it will probably trigger the principle of “the old one comes after the small ones”, which will provoke more philosophers, and make tonight’s “spiritual removal operations” end in a “street fight”. .

"This monster, Beichen's swordsmanship is clear, has he cultivated to the realm of'unintentional victory with heart'?"

Abe Temple, still besieged by the group of women and unable to break free, just watched this scene with a dull expression, and his pale face was covered with fine sweat.

Being able to completely rely on the body's instincts and unconsciously make seemingly random but subtle dodges can only show that Araki Sosuke has been able to maintain the "Sword Heart Brightness" like breathing naturally for twenty-four hours.

This gap in realm has made Abe Temple, a "genius of kendo", a rare sense of despair in his life.

He has been cultivating hard all the way to the present, and he has not even realized his own "Sword Heart Brightness", but his "old enemy" has already cultivated to this state!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

When Sosuke Araki was "jumping up and down" amidst these men's beatings, a man standing at the back suddenly had a few ray of resentment in his eyes.

"She is mine...none of you can grab it...or you will die for me!"

In the exaggerated roar, the man waved his baseball bat and pierced the lower body of a "brother" who was facing him.

"Uh...Da Ba...Where are you stabbing?!"

After being brutally "brother no back stab", the man in front of him suddenly fell on the ground with his bloody buttocks, and the baseball bat in his hand embarrassedly resisted the opponent's subsequent attacks.

"This kid Tony is crazy, Lao Bi, Da Mu, come and help stop him!"

"Tony, what are you doing..."

"When is this guy so strong?!"

The other men who reacted, ignoring Araki Sosuke, swarmed and pressed their suddenly "mad" companion to the ground.

"Kill...Kill you...She is mine..."

With his hands and feet restrained on the ground, the man named "Tony" is still like a rabid dog, trying to bite his companion with his mouth.


It wasn't until a man next to him took off his naked-eye brown socks and stuffed them into his mouth. He rolled his eyes and shivered weakly with retching.

"Crazy... Another crazy one!"

Seeing this chaotic scene, the girls on the streets on both sides of the street rushed back to the shop, ignoring the "fat sheep" in front of them, and looked carefully.

"He should be crazy, let me see."

"Boy, you...Police?!"

Before a few men responded, the disheveled Abe Temple had squatted in front of the man and threw his police badge under the opponent's feet.

"This person...should be possessed by some kind of resentful spirit..."

With sharp eyes like a sword, he opened the opponent's eyelids and noticed the faint resentment in it for the first time.

"Nuo Nuo Gu Gu, three prisons on the left, three prisons on the right, turned upside down, all nine ways are jammed!"

He muttered the mantra in a low voice, and Abe Temple took out a "Tuoyumen Rune" from the cuff, and pressed it to the man's head in the palm of his hand.

After a surge of spiritual power, the man who was pressed on the ground stopped struggling, and closed his eyes and fainted.

"Sure enough..."

Abe Temple retracted his palm, and saw that the talisman paper in the palm had been turned into ashes.


Amid the woman's sorrowful wailing, a dark and slender figure emerged from the man and floated towards the alley on the side of the street.


Squatting on the ground, if Abe Temple hadn't seen it, let the resentful spirit fled into the depths of the tunnel.

"Hey, although there are so many people staring at it... But just let her run away like this?"

"No need to chase."

Sosuke Araki stretched out his legs to chase, but was stopped by Abe Temple with an unmoving hand.

"You are too slow... this time, I am leading one to zero."

Standing up, he put his hands in his sleeves and looked provocatively at the dazed Sousuke Araki beside him.

Around his waist, the long-sword sun wheel originally hung there, but at some point there was only an empty scabbard left.

Leaving the chaotic crowd, the two came to the entrance of the alley where the resentful spirit fled.

A long and narrow Taito was quietly inserted on the floor of the alleyway, reflecting the sun-like golden light in the moonlight.

Below this long knife, a dark spirit body was firmly nailed to the ground, dissipating resentment in the flame of the blade.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a terrifying woman wearing a kimono, her face as white as paper, her teeth as black as lacquer, and a Hyogo bun.

"This dress..."

"Appearing in a place like Yoshihara, if you guessed it correctly, it should be a wandering girl."

Looking at this ancient costume that can only be seen in Kabuki, the two exchanged their eyes quietly and made the same judgment.

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