Yugami is a general term for prostitutes engaged in physical services in the Edo period. It was named after the workers stayed in the same place for a short time.

In ancient Japan, black teeth were used for beauty, and noble women used iron powder and gallnut as raw materials to dye their teeth black during the coming-of-age ceremony.

However, in the Edo period, almost only the makeup of geisha and wandering girls, such as white powder on the face and black teeth, which can scare people in the middle of the night, remained.

And on this street in Yoshihara, the most indispensable thing back then was the wandering girl.

"So, you used to be a wandering girl on this street. You entangled that person because he received the letter?!"

Araki Sosuke squatted down and listened carefully to the silent words of the Yu female resentful spirit.

"I see... Then do you know, about Yoshihara Gate..."

"This guy can actually be'psychic'?"

Seeing Sosuke Araki's actions, the eyes of Abe Temple on the side narrowed slightly, revealing an inquiring look.

On the night of the Bon Festival, he saw in the black mist the existence of Sosuke Araki summoning the seal in his body, and the magnificent sight of Buddhas all over the sky under one blow.

However, apart from Kendo, he actually knows very little about Araki Sosuke's other spiritual removal methods and true strength.

Tonight, it may be a good opportunity to observe.


However, before Araki Zongsuke finished asking, the resentful spirit had completely dissipated in the flames.

"Hey, little white face..."

"The sun enters the body and burns all grievances, I can't help it..."

"Besides, who told you to say that you can ‘psychic’ earlier? 』

Seeing Sosuke Araki turned his head and glared at him uncomfortably, Abeji pretended to turn his face to the side.


The long knife inserted into the ground suddenly rose into the air and returned to the scabbard around his waist.

Since the night of the Obon Festival, Abe Temple and his pair of "sun and moon" knives have become more and more transparent, and they can be manipulated like arms in the air.

"Damn it, not only did she fail to make her become a Buddha, but the clue to Yoshihara's gate is also broken. It's all to blame on you!"

Araki Zongsuke got up in frustration and looked back at the few brothers in the distance.

Those few people were "stunned and hurt" by their teammates who were suddenly crazy. They were waiting for the medical staff to come over at this time. Their faces became pale and fearful for some reason, and they didn't seem to have the intention of paying attention to Sosuke Araki.

"Hey, I didn't pay attention before. The thing she said should be here, right?"

I don’t know when, Araki Sosuke has already squatted like a thief and squatted beside the unconscious man named "Tony" lying on the ground, and stretched out his sinful hand to his hip...

"This is... the letter?"

A piece of yellowed letter paper was pulled out of Tony's trouser pocket by him.

"Different from the king, the clams are separated, and I will die in late autumn."

On the old paper, a line of graceful and delicate brushes wrote like this.

Strands of resentment are lingering on the letter paper.


Araki Sosuke had just read the small print on it, and the letter paper ignited a dark red flame at his fingertips!

"Wait, what are you kid doing to Tony..."

"Hey, just forget it in the alley before, but now you still dare to eat tofu in a mess?"

Several men who were busy dealing with their wounds turned around and saw Araki Zongsuke groping hard for his comrades' lower body, and then scolded them.

Naturally, they couldn't see, the dim firelight and ashes drifting in the wind at the fingertips of Araki Sosuke.

"Sorry, everyone who wants to challenge this guy has to line up behind me..."

The Abe Temple in the back also leaned up quietly with his hands on his chest, with a posture of "I will do whoever dares to do what I want to do".

"This is the'Missing Letter'. It is said that it was once one of the famous'Yoshihara's Keepsake'."

A magnetic and sexy female voice sounded behind Araki Sosuke.

For some reason, the woman's slightly hoarse smokey voice is as if she had an ASMAR effect...

Just listening to the sound will make people feel as if there are feathers scratching in their hearts, and they will involuntarily begin to imagine how the owner of this sound will play when suffering at the peak of bliss and pain.

"Missing letter? Yoshihara token?"

Araki Sosuke turned around and saw a tall woman wearing a black kimono and carrying a matching handbag, standing in the shadow of the roadside.

"You take care of your own people first, this one is my acquaintance."

Under the backlight, the woman who made people unable to see her face gently greeted the few brothers on the side.

"Hayi! Sister Kato, then, then we won't bother."

The men seemed extremely respectful to the woman, and immediately nodded and retreated to the side.

"If this kid does anything impolite or uncontrollable, please feel free to greet us!"

When they left, they turned their envy, jealousy and hatred into eighteen-meter long swords, and slashed several times on Araki Sosuke's face back and forth.

"You...you are..."

Araki Sosuke, who was squatting on the side of the road, was immediately attracted by the unconcealed huge evil and unfathomable gully in the black kimono neckline of the opponent.

"Yeah, I've touched someone not long ago, so now I want to pretend I don't know each other..."

Obviously it is a very dignified and orthodox pure black kimono commonly seen in funeral ceremonies. It is worn on this woman, but it looks like the size is one size smaller, wearing a miniskirt effect...

"...Majestic, Araki-kun?"

Not only the slender thighs are generously displayed, but the wide neckline can't hide the dazzling white scenery in the slightest. The whole body is intertwined with a sinking forbidden style.


As if thinking of something, Arakizong's face suddenly turned pale, and he stuttered like the opening of RAP: "Oh, add, add, add, add, add..."

He seemed to recognize the woman standing in the shadows, and fell to the ground, but involuntarily began to recede, like a cat with cold hair all over her body when she perceives the danger.

Even the flickering cigarette butt in the mouth fell off and didn't even bother to pay attention.

"This reaction is really rude, and people won't eat you."

Just when the tall woman in the shadow stomped her feet...


A large handful of flames ignited from between the feet of Araki Sosuke.

"Help, help, it's burning, get some water..."

"Kato Junko!"

When Sosuke Araki folded his body into a U-shape in his anti-human pliable posture, and rubbed a certain part on the ground to extinguish the fire, Abe Temple, with his hands in his sleeves, had already stepped forward, his forehead was slightly sweaty, like a big face. The enemy land called the woman's name.

"Junko Kato, 32 years old, measurements 84-58-83, MAX-B company exclusive actress debut, Videoboy best idol award second place, the most popular light mature female first place, the only H1 company and MAX -B company has actresses!"

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