"Since the release of "Junko Kato: Retreat" last month, another hard-to-find "Junko Kato: Resurrection of Electric Shock" was released this month. The otaku clamored for unruly playing cards and no nutrition. On this occasion, a large-scale fan feedback season parade was held, and the admission tickets have been sold to the point of'cannot be measured by money'..."

Regardless of the solidifying air at the scene, Abe Temple's face remained unchanged, just like stating the characteristics of ghosts and monsters recorded in "Seimei Ante", reading a series of unclear contents.

"Ah, as expected to be a friend with Araki-kun, who is so familiar with them."

"But recently I lost weight due to retreat practice, there is no more than 84..."

Stepping out of the shadows, the woman who was about to break through the solemn and dignified black kimono, with a seductive and criminal style, stepped forward to Abe Temple.

She is a former monk and active actress Junko Kato who practiced at the Kawasaki Master Temple since she was a child and was expelled from the teacher by Master Kukai for some reason.

Different from the frailty of ordinary women, the slender waist, exaggerated upper and lower circumference, slender thighs and height not inferior to men add a sense of atmosphere and high-level to her natural charm.

"This donor, it seems that he is also a spirit remover, how do you call it?"

Junko Kato, who is similar in height to Abe Temple, has a pair of watery eyes, looking with interest at this handsome young man with double swords at his waist and dressed like a shogunate.

On one side is a black kimono, slender waist and long legs, the superb Onee-san, on the other side is a cold-faced handsome samurai with double swords on his waist.

In addition, Sousuke Araki, with a dull face in the middle, sitting on the ground, exuding a sense of crime...

These three people stopped in the middle of the road, making people feel as if they were returning to the Edo period, and staged a big dog-blood drama...

The young warrior rescued the weak wandering girl who had been molested in broad daylight.

From then on, she only wanted to make a flower that bloomed for him alone.

However, the wheel of destiny has already taken the freedom of the "cage bird" and dismantled the pair of mandarin ducks mercilessly!

The countless loves and hatreds that were once intertwined on this flower street of Yoshihara, as well as the sorrows and joys of the gorgeous scenes, have passed through the shackles of time and space, and rushed towards the face...

"At Shimo Abe Temple, it's..."

Recalling the familiar tone of Kato Junko and Araki Sosuke, Abe Temple seemed to think of something terrible, and his face changed. "Wait, how come you know Kato Junko and look familiar... Could it be you? ..."

"Hehe, Araki-kun and I are in the same class. We have agreed to ask for advice and confirm the Dharma in the future... and he is still a fan of others..."

"Kouhu, when did I become your fellow...Which way I'm the same...No way, we have never been the same way! 』

Kato Junko folded her hands together, smiled ambiguously, and there was a faint pink Buddha light surging on her body.

"Are you a fellow in the same way? That's how it is, almost concealed from the appearance created by this guy..."

Araki Sosuke's embarrassed figure, sitting on the ground, his trouser legs burnt black with cigarette butts, suddenly became extremely unpredictable in the eyes of Abe Temple...

"Sure enough, facing this guy, you can't be careless at all!"

A few months ago, from the time when Shijitsu knocked over the boxes of "cultivation materials" by Sosuke Araki at the gate, scenes of memories flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

At the 65th All-Nippon University Kendo Contest, I, who only knew how to practice kendo stupidly, lost to Sosuke Araki, who was already fighting bravely in the ocean after class.

In the indiscriminate competition at Yoyogi Park, I boasted that I could not change my face after watching the "After Class" disc. I lost to myself who had already challenged the complete set of the "After Class" series and started using the Waseda Women's Sumo Club. Araki Sosuke who is the subject of training.

On the yacht in Nagoya Bay, I have watched the whole series of "After Class", lost to a weird sorcery, and even almost got "teaching after class" by the leader of the cult. In the end, I was practicing "Tokyo is very hot." "The series of Araki Sosuke came to the rescue.

On the evening of the Bon Festival, I, who had completed the training in the "Tokyo is Hot" series, was rescued by Sosuke Araki, who used the "Super familiar" series as his training object, from a large group of resentful spirits and ghosts...

Every time, when he felt that he recognized the gap with Sosuke Araki, he rushed to catch up, thinking that he could return to the same starting line, this seemingly inattentive guy had already quietly stepped into one after another that he could not imagine. field of.

And now...

He was no longer satisfied with the exercise of "visual" and "auditory", he took the most of the means to become a popular actress, and began to practice with real people!

In Abe Temple's mind, he couldn't help but think of Sosuke Araki sitting under the waterfall, letting Junko Kato play various props and poses in front of him, still holding his breath and unmoved.

"It's not just that..."

Then, Junko Kato, who was disheveled and swelled like a hibiscus in his mind, began to move a little, a little closer to Sosuke Araki...

"More, is this?!"

"Asshole, what did you think of going? 』

"You guy, you really are not satisfied with the status quo, and you have stepped into the realm of real people!"

Putting aside the jittery images in his mind, Abe Temple fixed his eyes on Junko Kato, who was the "object of practice by Sosuke Araki."

"So, real people just stand together, and the pressure they exude is so much more fierce than through the screen? Actress, it's such a terrifying creature..."

At close range, Kato Junko’s sexy and innocent, unpleasant aura became more and more intense, Abe Temple conditioned reflex into a "defensive" state, the original sharp eyes faded away all the look, turned into deep tranquility, dislike Not sad sea level.

"Abe donor, a good look."

Noting the unmoved eyes of Abe Temple, the corners of Kato Junko's mouth curled up in reluctance, and the pink Buddha light all over her body surging more frequently, making her complexion like a peach more alluring.

"Don't dare, I'm only sparsely studied at the next level. I usually rely on Ms. Kato's work to practice, and I get a little bit."

With a humble mouth, Abe Temple has entered a state of "deep cultivation", a pair of godless star eyes staring at each other, even the tone of speech has lost its flat and ups and downs and turned into a robot-like awesome reading.

"Ahem, that...Zong...No, Miss Kato, why are you here so late?"

"And, wearing this black kimono and foot bag? 』

Seeing the two people in front of them fell into an increasingly strange atmosphere, Sosuke Araki quickly broke the deadlock by speaking out.

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