I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 604 Paid Content? !

"I originally held a fan feedback season event nearby today, and later made up some plot scenes of the "Undead Series". I was planning to go back. As a result..."

Speaking of "business," Kato Junko twisted the Buddha's light and told the two of them.

"Because some weird things have happened in the vicinity of Yoshihara recently, Zhuji's senior management knows a little bit about the identity of other people's'spiritual removers', and specially commissioned them to come and have a look..."

Having said this, Kato Junko's mouth pursed slightly, her eyes flowed, and she looked at the two people in front of her coquettishly.

"I came here without even changing my clothes, but I didn't expect to find important clues for the commission as soon as I came. It seemed that the two of them would ‘solve it violently’."

"What, the next one to be released is actually the "Undead" series? ! It's really beyond my expectation. It turns out that it is deliberately creating a huge contrast with the style of the previous two movies, trying to bring strange excitement to the tired audience? What a bold strategy of publishing..."

"What, Junko Kato is also the spirit remover of the association? ! It turns out that, with the identities of both the spirit remover and the actress, she is indeed the best opponent in cultivation. No wonder Araki Zongsuke will find her to practice hands..."

Listening to Kato Junko's words, Araki Sosuke and Abeji both reached out their hands to support their chins that were about to fall to the ground, and showed the same surprised expressions for completely different reasons.


Looking at Kato Junko, who was charming and beautiful, the blood-sprayed Araki Sosuke kept recalling in his mind the picture that Kukai showed him, the handsome bald-headed monk with sword eyebrows and stars.

Hold on, Araki Sosuke, this guy used to be a male, and he was also a serious monk from a professional background...

"Well, Zong... Miss Kato... Would it be convenient to disclose the details of the commission you received?"

After sorting out the messy thoughts, Araki Sosuke recalled the "delegation" thing that Kato Junko mentioned earlier.

"Perhaps, the commission you received has a lot to do with our mission!"

Thinking of the "Wandering Girl" dress of the resentful spirit before, he intuitively told him that this matter was highly positively related to the "Yoshihara Gate" he was looking for.

"The monks don’t slander. Since they don’t violate the "Regulations on Confidentiality of the People", I can tell you, it’s not impossible..."

Kato Junko turned around the small cloth bag in his hand, and explained why he was here late at night.

"My client for this mission is Zhu Jihui."

In addition to the mission of the Association of the Spirits, the Spirits accepting the "Delegation of the Spirits" through their own relationship channels is actually a more traditional model with a long history, and even the Association has to recognize it.

The joint major shareholder behind MAX-B and H1 Entertainment, which Junko Kato signed, is also the actual controller of hundreds of bubble bath shops on several streets in Yoshihara's Red Light District.

Even many of her popular works were shot in the themed rooms of these stores.

"Actually, near this commercial street, there have been more than a dozen'communications' incidents like the one you saw just now..."


"通魔", written in Japanese as "通り魔", means "random killing" or "indiscriminate killing" without warning.

Random homicide or indiscriminate homicide generally refers to a murderer who has no specific target, has no grievances with the victim, and randomly selects the victim to start on the street or in a public place.

In Japan, where social pressure is getting heavier, such as the Totori event, JR Shinjuku Station's event, Osaka's event, Akihabara's event, etc., there have been "monsters" incidents, and a lot of search engines have been searched. .

In the old sayings, "通り魔" refers to ghosts passing by.

The ancients believed that the perpetrator was suddenly possessed by a passing ghost, which led to this indiscriminate killing.

In the past month or so, there have been more than a dozen incidents involving magic in the red light district of Yoshihara.

From watching the street, the male bubble bath technician, to the people passing by, and the guests taking a bath, there have been cases of sudden madness and indiscriminate attacks on people around them.

As a result, some guests were injured locally while enjoying the bath, which caused the store to lose a lot of money.

And these "monsters" are all men without exception.

Therefore, the senior officials of the Juyoshi Society entrusted Junko Kato, who is a "female spirit remover", to come and find out.

"So, all of this is caused by the wandering girl's resentful spirit just now?"

Abeji's brows were slightly raised when he listened carefully. It seemed that this matter was not so simple.

"It would be fine if it is so simple...I have already said what I know, so share your findings, Araki-kun?"

Without answering Abe Temple's doubts, Junko Kato turned to look at Sosuke Araki expectantly.

"Just now, before the wandering girl's resentment dissipated, she told me that the reason she pestered the man was because the other party received a'letter' from her."

Thinking of the letter that burned to ashes at his fingertips, Sosuke Araki frowned.

"Different from the king, the clams are separated, and I will die too late... on the letter paper that I took out of the man's pocket, it was probably written like this."

"Roar... the resentful spirit ‘said’ you? Senior Brother Hongfa will bring you under the sect... Could it be because..."

Listening to Sosuke Araki's words, Junko Kato seemed to think of something, and gave him a deep look.

"However, what you said is also very consistent with the results of my investigation nearby!"

She actually arrived here a few hours ago, and she has been in a few familiar shops to find out the situation, and she only came out when she heard the noise outside.

"The source of the curse that caused these people to be "communicated with evil spirits" by Yu Nui Ling should be "Yoshihara's token"."

This seemingly dumb-headed Araki-kun, who had just arrived here, had already discovered the "credential" hidden in the victim's body for the first time, and it was not easy to come to the same starting line as her.

"Yoshihara's token? You seemed to be chanting this word before, what is that..."

Araki Sosuke scratched the back of his head and looked at each other in confusion.

"Sorry, the following information belongs to the category of'paid content'."

Kato Junko put his finger between her full lips, showing a forbidden smile.


Looking at her posture and expression, Araki Sosuke, whose nostrils expanded wildly for some reason and with a scorching breath, felt that it would be a pity not to be used as the cover of the "Undead" series.

"Yes, people can disclose all the clues and information they have to you..."

"But correspondingly, you must go with me in your despirit action tonight!"

Kato Junko confidently put forward his conditions.

"Regarding this street, people are very familiar with it, whether it is personal connections or historical allusions... Moreover, you have also seen my Dharma, Mr. Araki, and it will definitely not hold you back."

"Wait, it's sharing information again, and it's also forming alliances... Why do you always feel that it is us who take advantage?"

Araki Sosuke touched his nose, always feeling the smell of "conspiracy".

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