"Hate, you think too much. Didn't the association recently mandate that the spirit removers must be partners to handle the commission?"

Facing the suspicion that Araki Sosuke's face was ready to appear, Kato Junko showed a pitiful look.

"Furthermore, it didn't take long for people to get the exemption from Chu Ling, except for Senior Brother Hongfa, you were also Mr. Araki."

"I have no objection, as long as you don't interfere with my'competition' with this guy."

"Hello, has anyone asked your opinion? 』

Abe Temple in the rear took the lead in expressing its position.

"Then it's a two-to-one pass... Not only is it efficient to get together to remove the spirits, but it can also exchange Dharma with each other on the way, why not do it..."

"Wait a minute, I haven't stated my position yet..."

Passing by Sosuke Araki, Junko Kato walked toward the depths of the alley without looking back, leaving the two with their graceful and slender backs.

"Don't worry, the "Final Pose, Thirty-three Outer Sky, Supreme Prison Red Rose" that I said before has not been completed yet, so I won't be able to deal with you for the time being..."

Her magnetic smoke voice sounded charmingly beside Araki Zongsuke's ears, frightening him.

"Thirty-three...what seat...what are you talking about..."

"Hmph, you guy, you have already reached that point in ‘cultivation’!"

With a cold snort, Abeji turned his head to the side of Sosuke Araki to cast a high-spirited gaze, and left behind Kato Junko.

"Don't worry, I will catch up with you soon. Let's take tonight's task as my first victory..."


"Mosimosi, Suzuki-kun, yes, I'm at the gate of Yoshihara Park right away..."

When Sosuke Araki and others formed a team to explore the Yoshihara red light district at night, surrounded by several tall buildings in front of a small square park in the center, a man holding a camera was slowly walking forward.

On the white T-shirt inside his shirt, there was a black figure sitting cross-legged, and underneath it was the words "The Unexplainable World Honored Support Association".

"Wow, it's right next to the park pond... Wait, you won't have gone in to shoot already, it's too cunning!"

The man habitually took pictures of the surroundings while holding the phone to his ear, as if he was talking on the phone with someone.

"Well, please wait a minute, I'll take an ‘Opening Lightning Strike’ first, and then I’ll come in to meet you."

With that said, the man hung up the phone, adjusted his hairstyle skillfully, drew out a telescopic tripod, set up a camera, and stood in front of the park gate.

Frenzy rubbing his hands on his face, he showed a slightly distorted expression of trepidation, and began to speak vividly to the camera: "Everyone, good evening! As you can see, I am currently located in Qianshuyi. Yoshihara Park near Chome."

"Tonight, the reason why I came here suddenly is because I received a report from a fan who is keen to explore the spirit..."

"... Recently secretly circulated among the shops,'that thing' appeared tonight!"

Having said that, in order to create an atmosphere, the man took out a small flashlight and placed it on his chin, making the expression of horror on his face more three-dimensional...

"Yes, if any friends who have watched my last episode of'Weird Talk Sharing' show would have guessed it, what I said would only appear in the middle of this park at midnight... shouldn't exist. The...public telephone booth!"

"Where is the old public telephone booth that you saw last time? Feel free to leave a message under the comment section. 』


With a flashlight against his chin, the man walked slowly towards the camera, his strange expression becoming clearer in the viewfinder...

"Why is there a phone booth in the old park next to the red light district that only appears at midnight?"

"Behind dozens of missing cases, what is the unknown connection with it?"

"Nearby residents, why do they frequently hear the phone ringing late at night?"

"Behind all this, is the distortion of human nature or the depravity of morality? Is it the outbreak of grievances or the helplessness of fate?"

"Welcome to my channel, here is the new issue of the network program "Into the Spiritual", I am your spirit exploration anchor, GHOSTFACER Oi-kun."

"Next, let us follow the camera and walk into the past and present of the'Midnight Phone Booth' in Yoshihara Park..."

"It's the old saying, if something happens to me, please don't come to me!"

After talking about the opening remarks, and after repeated confirmations, unsatisfied expressions, dissatisfaction with the angle, or screw-eating clips, the man finally retracted the telescopic tripod into the backpack behind him.

That's right, the only people who will be recording videos in front of this dilapidated park at night can only be GHOSTFACER, the leader of the popular spirit exploration tubing, and the president of the "Indescribable World Honored Support Association", Xiaojing Tianyuan.

"Ahem, I forgot the time as soon as I recorded it, Suzuki-kun should be anxious."

As if thinking of something, Xiaojing Tianyuan took out the phone and called back a certain number on the call log.

"Mosimosi, Oi-kun..."

On the other end of the phone, a man's calm and slow voice rang.

"Sorry, Suzuki-kun, because the light is not good and it took a while for the head of the recording, I will come in now..."

Xiaojing Tianyuan apologized softly and stepped into the park gate.

"It doesn't matter, you come in through the gate of the park and walk inside, and you can see the phone booth..."

Dense vegetation, various convenient sports equipment, cement pipes, sandpits, swings, benches...

At this point in time, this small park that can be seen everywhere in Tokyo is naturally empty.

"...I'll wait for you here."

Until the phone hung up, the man named "Suzuki-kun" had a plain tone from beginning to end, without any ups and downs, and did not complain about someone's grind.

"Suzuki-kun is a bit weird today, he didn't complain about me...Is his attitude so cold, is he secretly angry?"

Hanging up, Xiaojing Tianyuan tightened his coat and walked along the gravel road to the dark and cold park.

Originally, after the "Haunted House Encountered Ghost" incident a few days ago, he has recently been staying at home to recuperate and spend the day by editing inventory videos.

However, Suzuki-kun, another soul-detecting oil pipeline owner who is also a enthusiast and often exchanges information online, suddenly called and told him that he had found the trace of the "midnight phone booth".

Public telephones are very common in Japan.

Even with the popularity of mobile phones today, because of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "a public telephone must be installed in an area of ​​500 square meters in the urban area", the current number of public telephones in Japan is still as high as 158,000.

After all, for disaster-prone Japan, when disasters and critical events occur, wired public telephones can provide more reliable communication guarantees than cell phones that are paralyzed when the base station is hung up.

At present, most of the existing public telephones have become "decorations" hanging on walls or relying on other buildings, but specialized telephone booths have become less and less common.

However, in the past month, there have been many rumors on the Internet about "seeing a red old-fashioned telephone booth in Yoshihara Park at night."

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