I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 612 Named Living Sacrifice

"You cults that claim to be the master, what else do you do besides threatening people with the lives of the people?!"

Blocked at the entrance of the main hall, looking at the hoisted innocent people in the hall, Sosuke Araki clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly with anger.

"Puff...hahahaha...Who made the senior monk of Araki and my truth be enemies, and repeatedly broke the important affairs of the president, now everyone in our club wants to invite back to be a guest first!"

Seeming to hear something funny, "Number Seven" clutched his abdomen and laughed.

"I am a weak woman, if they can threaten you with their lives, it is their supreme glory!"

"Guest? In that case, let these people go, I can go with you now."

Araki Sosuke bit his lower lip tightly, his neck and face flushed for some reason.

"Don't rush for a while, wait for my companions to come, naturally you will be invited to come with us."

Seeing his look like a rat-throwing device, "Number Seven" only felt that the winning ticket was in hand, and spoke even more vigorously.

"After all, as the named living sacrifice for the next large-scale ‘sacrifice’, if you run away halfway, we won’t be able to explain it..."

"Named a living sacrifice... Hey, is my life so valuable now?"

Listening to what the other party said, it seemed that he recalled some unpleasant memories. Araki Sosuke was angrily grinned: "Didn’t I mean chatting with you, let’s talk... Kazuo Amato, cut his kidneys with the guys from the Bliss Club." Yes, it's yours too, right?"

"Looking at the coordination of the Araki monk, we know everything we can talk about. For us, the existence of the Bliss Club is not a'human' at all, it is just one of the many ants who provide us with sacrifices. That's it..."

Before she finished speaking, No.7 turned her body slightly, and put her hand on her ear: "...Okay, everything is under control, you hurry up and don't let go of it."


Recollecting the affirmative answer from the other party, the white flames of Araki Sosuke's eyes flashed away, but because of the people hanging in front of him, he forcibly endured it.

Perhaps because of feeling murderous, "Number Seven" immediately looked at the eager Araki Sosuke: "Please be safe from the Araki monk, and don't act rashly, although there is one more spirit remover with you than in the intelligence. , But my playful companions should solve them soon..."

She had just received the communication, and due to changes in the situation, the few people who squatted decided to follow the "principle of proximity" and first attack the two companions of Araki Zongsuke.

"Abe Temple... Junko Kato..."

Hearing what the other party said, and thinking of the two people who were unknown at the gate of the shrine, Sosuke Araki squeezed his hips with anxiety.


The white mist is so dense that it is impossible to see things, forming a world that seems to be boundless.

"What's the matter, this foggy street can't finish no matter how you run..."

The vigorous figure, like a leopard, was in the mist, leaning over and rushing in a very low posture.


A thing that was as white as snow, and as long as a snake, quietly swept towards the foot of the figure in the white mist.

Although the visible distance was less than two meters in this weird thick fog, the person suddenly stopped and backflips as if feeling, changing the direction of his advancement.

"not good."

Seeing that when he was about to rush into the air, the "white snake" spiraled upward at a strange angle without knowing it, and waited for the person's foot with ease...


In the face of this weird change, the man wanted to relied on the powerful core force to move and dodge again in midair, but he was already wrapped around his ankle by the "white snake" that sprang from below, and slammed to the ground forcefully.

The man who "smashed" on the ground with all directions and arrogance was a handsome young man wearing a kimono, a ponytail, and a pair of knives on his waist.

Exemption level [II] Destroyer, Tachibana Floating Snow, Abe Temple.

"This is...white cloth?!"

Abeji turned his head and looked at his ankles, and found that it was a bunch of white cloth that was wrapped around his calf, spreading toward his thigh, and turning himself into a "mummy".

However, this white cloth, which is as smart as a snake, is powerful and tough, naturally cannot be an ordinary thing.


Abe Temple pulled out the long knife around his waist, brought out a glow of hot knife, and accurately cut off the white cloth at his feet.


At the moment he stood up, several bursts of sound came from the fog.

In the invisible white mist, Abe Temple moved his ears slightly, and decisively pulled out another short knife at his waist, danced with his hands as an afterimage, and shielded the whole body with the light of the knife.

The white cloth that was constantly hitting in all directions turned into repeated residues under his smooth, dripping knife light.

Two-day first-rate·Monthly return.

"This little brother, what a long and fast sword..."

In the white mist, a figure wearing a black robe slowly walked out of the mist.

"Your'Golden Jade' must be very big too, right?"

What appeared in front of Abe Temple was an enchanting and charming woman wearing a black robe and a mask on her side.

Looking at the handsome face of Abe Temple, she licked the corners of her mouth with a smirk, and the handsome face of Abe Temple was reflected in a pair of glamorous eyes: "Is it good-looking?"

"Both ghosts and cults, there is only one end in front of me..."

In the woman's surprised gaze, Abe Temple stepped forward without expression, and mercilessly swung his sword at the beautiful woman in front of him...


With this familiar dress and the ability to go in and out freely in the mist, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be a "passing by ordinary people" type of existence.

Moreover, as soon as he saw the beautiful and inconspicuous face of this woman, the spiritual power in his body spontaneously protected the body and began to flow at an imperceptible speed.

This is obviously a sign of some kind of curse.

"Be careful... step on the right foot and cut horizontally with the left hand."

At the moment when Abe Temple had just moved, another woman's cold voice came from another direction, breaking his unfinished movement.

"Who... more than one of these cults have come?!"

Before he could think about it, the pieces of rags that had originally fallen at the feet of Abe Temple suddenly grew longer, entangled his wrists, making it impossible to completely cut out the life-threatening sword.

At the same time, another white cloth tied the slender waist of the woman under the knife and pulled her back...


The ruthless sword light brushed the woman's face and passed by, turning her slanted bangs into Qi bangs...

On the other side, Abe Temple also reacted extremely quickly, holding Wakazashi's other hand, and without hesitation, he chopped off the white cloth on his wrist.

"Right hand, cut sideways."

However, at the moment of swinging the sword, the emotionless female voice in the white mist broke his movements again.


At the same time, another piece of white cloth also pierced out of the fog, and firmly grabbed his wrist first.

Both hands were bound by the white cloth at the same time, and Abe Temple stomped on the ground with his left foot, trying to use his strength to turn around and cut off the annoying white cloth with the "moon back".

"Left foot on the ground, right turn body, cross cut with both hands."

But the female voice hidden in the mist constantly "predicted" his movements.


A piece of white cloth entangled his left ankle first, Abeji failed with his strength and fell to the ground again.


Several layers of white cloth came in through the fog with stitches, wrapping his whole body like a cicada chrysalis, tightly tightening...

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