It was too late to say that it was fast, and it was only a matter of seconds from the moment Abe Temple swung the sword to the moment when he was wrapped around his body by this large pile of white cloth.

"How come... I am the most beautiful person in the world, and both men and women will love me!"

At this moment, the woman not far in front of him recovered from her "haircut" situation.

"You stinky men, don't you all like beautiful women?"

Staring at the struggling Abe Temple in the white cloth, she caressed the newly cut Qi bangs on her forehead in disbelief, her pretty face was full of distortion and resentment.

"Why, in the face of my peerless face, you are not as weak and unable to walk as everyone else..."

As the eighth official member of Aum Shinrikyo, one of the "divine powers" she controls is "the power of Chuanji."

"Could it be that you are not moved at all?!"

Kawahime is a beautiful banshee in the legend of Chikusami, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Anyone who is amazed and moved by Chuan Ji's appearance will be taken away from his energy in an instant and turned into a human being.

Only those who are alert in advance and do not look at Chuan Ji's face can escape.

"I see, you must be abnormal... Do you have any weird hobbies or a natural dysfunction?!"

"Number eight, calm down! The eliminator has spiritual power to protect the body, naturally different from ordinary people..."

Just as the "No. 8" was chattering about Abe Temple, another woman's persuasion was heard in the white mist.

"Moreover, his spiritual power is declining...Although the speed is very slow, at least it means that he has a basic recognition of your appearance, right?"

"Basic recognition...who wants that kind of mercy?!"

As if receiving a huge insult, "Number Eight" stared at Abe Temple bitterly, and stretched out his little white hand to him: "Don't rush to kill him! As a punishment for contempt of my appearance... Jin Yu took it off and squeezed it into a pile of mud!!!"

"Stand back... he's going to be serious..."

As soon as the other woman's voice fell, a large flame burst out from the long-sword sun wheel, burning all the tough white cloth on Abe Temple into ashes.

Two-day first class · Flame Slash.

Taking advantage of the recovery of the action, Abe Temple, incarnate as a burning man, danced to the nearby "No. 8" and went out to Tsukiyoshi Wakaki...


A bundle of white cloth was quickly wrapped around the slender waist of "No. 8", and the prophet consciously pulled her into the white mist.

"Tsk, the choppy of Aum Shinrikyo."

Pieces of hoarfrost centered on Abe Temple and covered the ground with a radius of five meters, but failed to leave the figure of "No. 8".

Fragmented snowflakes began to fall slowly in the white mist, and then turned into white vapor in the flames around Abe Temple.

Two days first class · snow.

"Not only can I manipulate this annoying rag, but I can also see through my thoughts in advance..."

With flames burning on his body, Abe Temple held knives in both hands on alert, sensing the connection between the snowflakes and himself, trying to find out the figure of the enemy in the white mist.

"Why does this mist that can disorient the spirit removers do not work for them?"

Compared to the woman who can let the spiritual power flow, the enemy who is hiding in the fog from the beginning to the end and manipulating the white cloth, as if can read his thinking, makes him feel more troublesome.

From the first second of the match, the thoughts in his mind were placed in front of people as if they were stripped, and were ruthlessly screamed by the opponent hidden in the fog. This was the first time that the hands-on experience of the duel.

"You are right, I can indeed see through your thoughts..."

The woman's deserted voice sounded again in the white mist.

"For some reason, this'mirage' can't hinder our sight."

Before she finished her words, without warning, the overwhelming cloth entangled into a train-like torrent, and pressed down hard towards Abe Temple.

"Oops, she talked deliberately to distract me!"

Looking at the inevitable and endless white cloth in front of him, Abe Temple's canthus was about to split, and the double knives in his hands turned into shadows, bringing out dozens of knives in an instant.

Relying on the white mist to conceal the figure, and with the art to read people's hearts, and to manipulate this weird white cloth, the opponent can be said to have taken advantage of the time and place.

However, the other party did not ask for it, instead, at the beginning, he deliberately manipulated only a small amount of white cloth to paralyze himself...

Even if he was deliberately entangled by the white cloth, he didn't lead this person out.

Until now, before giving the Thunder blow, he deliberately used words to distract himself.

The opponent's mind was terribly deep and delicate.

"You don't have to struggle anymore, I know... the flame on your long knife can't last."

"Bang Dang."

As soon as the woman's voice fell, Abe Temple wielded large ice, fire and flames of sun and moon double knives, and fell to the ground feebly.

"Don't worry, soon, your companions will go down to accompany you..."


In the next second, the figure of Abe Temple was completely submerged by the gathering of cloth, as if an endless torrent.



The dull slap sounded in the thick white mist, accompanied by a faintly flickering pink light.

A gorgeous pink Buddha clock is standing in the mist.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful nun with advanced Dharma in the Association of Soul Eliminators, which really opened the eyes of the old man..."

Outside the white mist, an old female voice said so.

"Buddha Amitabha, the benefactor was born as a human being, so why bother to let the evil depend on..."

Even though he judged the opponent's position by voice, Kato Junko could only squint and make a single-handed Buddha ceremony, standing in place to maintain the Buddha bell outside of his body.

"However, this hell of tentacles, I have never had a chance to experience it."

Because, countless pale and transparent slender arms, just like jellyfish, constantly protruded from the ground and around, and slapped the Buddha bell on her body fiercely.

Looking closely, Kato Junko's left hand hanging on one side was completely turned black, and from time to time, black air was forced out by the pink Buddha light and rose up.

These arms are not only numerous, ghostly fast, and angled, but they are also poisonous.

Before she was in the fog, she was scratched without notice, and her left hand was eroded into her body by poisonous gas, and she lost consciousness.

"Evil?! Humph, are all evils different from yours?"

As if provoked by her words, the frequency with which those slender arms beat the Buddha bell was even more violent.

"There are eight million gods in the world. Whoever can give me a longer lifespan and stronger power, I will believe in..."

Soon, like an eggshell covered with flies, Kato Junko's Buddha clock was already covered by the translucent palms, and her shadow was no longer visible.

"The old man used to be as devout as you to the Buddha in the past, enshrining Buddhist altars at home, chanting sutras and reciting the Buddha every day, for decades, I dare not slack off one day."

"But, when my husband, children, grandsons, and granddaughters were tortured, killed, dismembered, and left me...Where is the Buddha?"

"When that perverted murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment and was at ease in a mental hospital because of the so-called'mental illness'...Where is the Buddha?!"

"I only hate that I didn't meet the'True God' earlier, so that I could save the people who came home, the dregs of my hand..."

Amidst the old and sad narration, a black-robed man with a long robe wrapped in a mask and a rickety figure slowly appeared in the sight of Kato Junko in the mist of confession.

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