"I...cough cough cough...huh...huh..."

Taking advantage of the gap between those weird arms and the thick smoke, Koida Moto's chest undulated like a broken wind box, greedily inhaling oxygen.

"Sigh, pain, pain..."

He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his hot buttocks, and took out a piece of unburned yellow paper from the burnt black jeans bag.

"This is……"

In the corner of that piece of paper, faint red and black graffiti can be seen...


When did you put an inexplicable piece of talisman paper in your pants pocket?


In the other corner of the phone booth, the nun Niya danced the slender silver hammer in her hand tightly, and the lingering thunder light made her arms unable to get close.

Once Moto Oida's pressure was relieved, her side was miserable.

That endless scorched black arm, constantly pouring from the inner wall of the phone booth, surrounded her layer by layer, hungryly wanting to explore the graceful curve...

"There is no way, but a dead horse can be used as a living horse doctor..."

Within a few minutes, as long as Mjornil is "disheartened" or her spiritual power is exhausted, I am afraid that both people in the phone booth will be finished.

"...It's up to you, it's enough to grow it!"

Niya took a deep breath, stretched out her index finger inexplicably playfully, and pointed at Moto Oida who was flickering in the gap in her arm.

"The will that sleeps in the long river of life... the memory lurking in the blood... the happiness silent in the reproductive memory..."

A little golden light gleamed from her fingertips, quickly passed through the pile of arms, and shot at Yuan Yuan who stood still.

"Awaken...Tell me your real name!"

Dark Bible·Old Testament Prayer·Real Name Revival!


Huge heartbeats, like drumbeats, sounded in the phone booth.


It seemed that there was an ancient giant beast, opening his eyes from dormancy.

It seemed that something had been sensed. The scorched black arms that had originally blocked Niya's sight also stagnated.

"Hey, I thought it would be nice to have a samurai, ninja, executioner, male performer..."

Feeling this inexplicably frightening aura, Niya's forehead also slipped a drop of sweat.

"Is it possible that this spare ribs essence that looks less than three seconds, has there been any incredible characters in the ancestors?"


A touch of dark energy slowly overflowed from the gap between his arms.

In the next second, the scorched black arms surrounding Niya in the phone booth turned into fly ash without warning.

"...Moreover, at first glance, it's not from the kind and lawful camp."

In the annihilation of flying ash, what appeared in front of Niya's eyes was a naked upper body full of ribs, wrapped in a thin layer of black energy...

Koida Moto.

At this moment, his eyes had disappeared, only a pair of giant obsidian pupils remained.

On the skinny torso, the black energy turned into weird lines, wandering like a living thing.

The originally fashionable, slightly curly hair has completely disappeared and turned into a bright bald head with ring spots.

A cruel chuckle appeared at the corner of "Moto Oida"'s mouth, and his fingers fluttered gently in the air...

"Nine-character cutting..."

Several black lines traversed with his fingertips, intersecting horizontally and vertically, forming six "longitudinal four and horizontal five" curse marks like a Go chess board.

"seal up!"

As the six curse seals were pasted on the six inner walls of the phone booth, the arms and smoke that wanted to continue to penetrate were all turned into black ashes at the moment they passed the curse seals.

"Mage Harimaru, Ashiya Road is full, see ginseng."

After doing all this, "Xiao Jing Tian Yuan" put his hands together, and in the telephone booth that recovered his calm, he gave a small salute to the nun Niya who was standing with a hammer.

"The Ashiya Road is full..."

Hearing this name, Niya had a aftertaste, and immediately found the name from the materials of the Examination for Exempting Spirits.

"The evil great onmyoji in ancient Japan?!"

Ashiya Road is full, a pseudo-monk and wild onmyoji from Harimaru during the Heiankyo period.

In the Heiankyo era, the antonym of "Seiaki of justice" must be "Michiman of evil".

Although notorious, everyone has to recognize that he is from the folk genre, but he is a man who can stand against the great onmyoji Abe Seimei in onmyoji.

As if old enemies will have a similar fate, compared to Abe Haruaki's loyalty to Fujiwara, Mitsumitsu Roya served his political opponent, Fujiwara Akira.

After being defeated by Haruaki Abe in a curse ritual against Fujiwara Michichi and Akira Fujiwara died, Michigashi Ashiya was exiled to Harima by the court.

After the death of Luwudao, his descendants moved to Hidega, Miyake and other places near the Seto Inland Sea. They still appeared in various historical eras as Onmyojis.

To this day, there are still many "Ashiya Mounds", "Doman Mounds" and "Doman Wells" in various parts of Japan to express the memory of this great ancestor of the Lu U family.

"Evil Great Onmyoji? Is this written in history books? It's not bad..."

The scalp of the glowing "Xiao Tian Yuan" smiled evilly, turned his head and looked at those on the outside of the phone booth that had been repeatedly cut with nine-character cuts, but they still followed their black arms.

"The resentful spirits of the burned to death...they are crying for help...weeping...unwilling...resenting...These obsessions are repeatedly entangled and condensed into this interesting ‘cause’ in front of them..."

He reached out his fingertips, lightly caught a flurry of ashes, put it on the tip of his nose, closed his eyes and sniffed, revealing an expression of intoxication.

"This is the endless painful reincarnation that can be brewed with a unique charm... Wait, there seems to be a strong to the extreme karma..."

"Cause? Is this the weird name of the ancient Japanese?"

Hearing this interesting vocabulary, Niya didn't feel jealous at all because the other party was an "evil onmyoji", but instead asked for advice in a serious manner.

The "Old Testament Prayer·Real Name Recovery" derived from the "Dark Bible" is a Holy See forbidden technique that cannot be used unless under special circumstances.

This technique can wake up the memory of the subject's blood in a short time, sleep in the river of life, the most powerful existence.

Of course, the general situation is that these so-called "most powerful beings" may be just a butcher who is good at slaughter or a city gate guard who has no power to bind chickens.

However, no matter whether these beings are kind or vicious people, they will act according to the previous will of the subject.

And before the coma, Moto Oida wanted to do only one thing...

Survive and escape this terrible phone booth.

"The gathering of incomplete obsessions and distorted rules is the root of all disasters in the world. It is called the source of disasters. Perhaps, the weirdness you mentioned is similar to the existence..."

With his dark eyes, "Xiao Jing Tian Yuan" gazed with satisfaction at the indestructible "nine-character seal" covering the inside of the phone booth.

"These nine characters are completely sealed, and it should be able to buy you about half an hour..."

Originally unfathomable, evil and cold, Moto Oida maintained his masterful posture like "Buddha holding flowers"...

"...If you have time to discuss this with me, why not hurry up and think about how to get out."


As soon as he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground without a sense of responsibility...

"Well!!! One by one..."

After a long pause, Niya's unwilling complaining sounded in the white misty telephone booth.

"They are all soft things that start looking up at the sky, show off their strength, and surrender their guns when they move at critical moments!!!"

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