"Abe Temple...The code name of the deacon is "Tachibana Piaoxue"...Since childhood, he has studied kendo from the "Two Heavens First Class"..."

In the vast white fog, two figures wrapped in black robes stood side by side.

"The eldest master of the Tuyumen Consortium, why does he come to do such a dangerous job? Isn't it good to lie in the villa holding a tender model and bask in the sun?"

"Tsk, you know a lot... So, are all the information and mission information in the association leaked?"

In front of them, a man was like a severely burned patient. He was wrapped in dense white cloth around his body and hung upside down in the air, revealing only a handsome and indifferent face.

"It seems that it is not accidental that you are here tonight..."

It was Abe Temple that was caught off guard and flooded by the sudden flood of white cloth.

"Hmph, you Aum Truth, don't you naively think that without the Association of Spirit Eliminators, you can walk into the sun by yourself?"

Obviously he was in jail, but there was no panic on his face. Instead, he questioned the opponent with a cold face.

It's like, it's not himself who incarnates the "hanged man", but the two black-robed men in front of him.

"You men always like to coax women, but you actually want to take the opportunity to make such or that kind of dirty demands..."

Without answering Abe Temple's question, "Number Eight", wearing a mask on his side and showing a coquettish face, came to him and stretched out his hand to caress his slashed face.

"But, after I'm done, I just abandon people like a shoe..."

She exhaled like blue, and slowly brought her face closer.

"Especially your type who is young and golden, and so handsome..."

Then, she gently unbuttoned the black robe...

"Yes, have you played with a lot of women? Do you want to..."

Under the black robe, a set of translucent lace suits that should not be covered, perfectly set off her bumpy and sensual figure.

"...Before you die, how about a taste of others?"

"Number Eight" bit her lower lip lightly and sent out an invitation with a pair of electrified winks.

"Sorry, in the bottom of my heart, there is only one way of swordsmanship. For me, the eroticism of men and women is just the number on the black card of the DVD rental member."

Facing the white greasy waves that were close at hand, Abe Temple declined expressionlessly.

"Number eight, don't play anymore, quickly solve him!"

The woman in the black robe with the words "Shi San" on the mask seemed a little uneasy and urged softly.

"The Seventh has already dragged the'named offerings' to Yoshihara Shrine, we must hurry up and gather..."

In the mist, she was the one who manipulated the white cloth and made plans to push Abe Temple into a difficult situation step by step.

"Understood, this will take away his'Golden Jade' and let him lose blood and die in the endless emptiness of the lower body..."

Twisting his fiery body, "Number Eight" gently pressed Abe Temple, stretched out a hand covered with shell-shaped scales, and quietly leaned between his legs.

"The young master who doesn't know how to promote, just take advantage of it now...after that, you won't be able to feel that kind of bloody happiness..."

Another "divine power" mastered by "No. 8" is "the power of the turban snail ghost."

Rongluogui, it is said that after a woman jumped into the sea, she turned into a dragon-like body, with human hands and a conch shell.

Legend has it that in Boche, Kishu, a pirate rescued a drowning woman. Because she was so beautiful, all the pirates begged her for love.

The woman answered frankly.

Afterwards, the woman leaped into the sea to reveal her original form, and the pirates realized that all the "golden jade" between her crotch had disappeared.

"Yoshihara Shrine...named the offering?"

Turning a blind eye to the little hand that was constantly approaching between his legs, Abeji frowned slightly, as if he had heard something unsatisfactory.

"So, your attack was not specifically aimed at the Soul Destroyer Association, but at the fellow Araki Sosuke..."

Before the mission tonight, regarding Sosuke Araki's offer on the dark web by the cult, Abe Temple, as an "informer" and "guide," naturally obtained relevant information from the association.

"Including the shot at me, it's just a'by the way' to solve an add-on... It's like the self-massage section responsible for the warm-up before the start of the feature film... Right?"

The unwillingness in his eyes gradually faded, replaced by tranquility.

"Hey, it looks like I was underestimated from beginning to end."

Like the unfathomable sea, the tranquility before the storm.


Nihonbashi, Shinagawa-cho, Genwukan.


In the secluded courtyard, the sound of gold and iron sounds occasionally, as if there is a geisha ticking the shamisen.


The two figures stand with swords from time to time, as quiet as a virgin.

Suddenly cross each other, moving like a rabbit.

This simple and low-pitched slashing sound was played by the intersecting long knives in their hands.

"Ibuki, your'star eye' is like a jar of sealed wine. With the brewing of time, it has become more mature."

In the field, the one who took the initiative was a tall man with a ponytail tied behind his head, a face full of scum, and a pair of knives.

The two long knives of different lengths in my hand seem to sink vigorously, but they disappear like a hummingbird flapping their wings...

He could swing such a heavy weapon beyond the limit that the human eye could catch.

Every sword light that was raised, carried a painful killing intent with a piercing face, and exuded a strong bloody smell like a sea of ​​blood.

"I'm old, I can't hold a sword..."

Opposite the man is a tall and thin old man who can be blown down by a gust of wind.

"It can't be compared to or compared to a monster like'Ten Thousands of Silver Slashes'..."

He lazily lifted the black and silver straight sword in his hands over the top like morning exercises, and from time to time he swung it down like "Suzhen".

The most weird thing is that every time he unhurried "empty swing", he can bring out several sparks and clashes on the sword.

After he swings the sword, the tall man opposite will take a step back vigilantly.

And the pair of "disappearing" double knives will reappear in his hands.

Every time this old man swung his sword carelessly, he was able to slash the opposing man's imposing sword power first, and even threaten the opponent's body!

And the bloody wind carried on the pair of knives, as soon as he approached his body, it would turn into a fragrant bamboo morning dew.

"This...is Matsumoto-sensei's true strength..."

A handsome young man in a kimono, kneeling down under the eaves not far away in a formal manner, with a calm face and unblinking eyes watching the real sword test in the field.

"However, Beichen, the master of Chiba Pavilion, is even more terrifying."

The movement of unconsciously squeezing the two knife handles around his waist with his hands betrayed his inner excitement and tension.

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