"Is Abe Temple in this life, is there a chance to touch such a realm?"

Sitting solemnly under the eaves, holding his breath, waiting to engrave the match between the two into his mind, naturally, it is Abe Temple.

Whether he is nervous or excited, being able to barely stabilize his "normal heart" is already his greatest limit.

Because the two confronting each other in the courtyard are Matsumoto Ginji, the successor of the "Two Days First Class" who came to "kick the hall" with "Izumi Morifujiwara Kansada" and "Hakuki Kuniyasu", and the owner of Genwukan, who is willing to fight. "Beichen One Sword Style" contemporary master Fan Qianye Yibuki.

There is a saying in the tea ceremony: "The rare side should be cherished by the world."

It was an opportunity for him to observe the collision between Kendo and the realm so close.

"It's almost warming up, is it time to take out the real thing?"

Chiba Ibuki blew his beard leisurely and raised his long sword to the back of his head again.

"I believe you are not the kind of unreasonable person who has nothing to do with you."

"Recently, there have been a lot of custom shops, and my waist is a little sore... After this last sword, we should go to the izakaya..."

"Hey, that's what I meant..."

Ginji Matsumoto grinned and suddenly turned to look at the disciple under the eaves.



Being surprised that Chiba Ibuki called the dizzying life-and-death fight just now as a "warm-up", Abe Temple was taken aback for a moment, then straightened his waist and responded loudly.

"Everyone who pursues Kendo is lonely, so the Dao doesn't need others to accompany you..."

Looking back at Chiba Ibuki in front of him, Ginji Matsumoto's eyes suddenly lost all their luster...

"If someone can understand their own swordsmanship, that person must be a confidant and an enemy..."

"With this person in life, I am not alone."

"This...this is..."

Abe Temple seemed to see that countless viscous blood that filled the field quickly retreated back into Matsumoto Ginji's body.

"One way of swords is nothing more than first, first, first, second..."

Ginji Matsumoto's murderous intent, which made people unable to open his eyes, disappeared like this.

"But Beichen's swordsmanship is the "last, first, first" of the outside world..."

"On the outside?! The last, the first?!"

Savoring the word, Abeji frowned slightly.

Kendo has "three firsts".

First, first, it is "attack", that is, "the enemy wants to move, and I have attacked."

First, for the counterattack in evasion, that is, the technique of plucking, there is also the saying "no parry, no fight, just one click".

The first is to dodge the grid or knock down the opponent's sword before making a counterattack. It is jokingly called "I will give you ten blows."

But it was the first time he heard the word "last, first, first".

"If you don't want to be left behind by your old enemy, just open your eyes and watch..."

Matsumoto Ginji, who had not waited for Abe Temple's recollection, disappeared from his murderous intent and had no sense of existence, spit out the straw in his mouth, and his figure accelerated without warning...

"I have worked hard for my teacher for many years to overcome this unsolvable "last, first" kendo!"

He dragged his swords behind him, and faced Chiba Ibuki, who was standing holding the sword with his chest, almost shouting, "If it's a brother, come and kill me."

"Interesting, this...this is..."

In the face of Ginji Matsumoto who was "whole body flaws", Chiba Ibuki's pupils were shaking for some reason, and the hilt of the sword he was holding at the back of his head trembled.

"you lose."

It was this moment of hesitation that Ginji Matsumoto's threat had quietly passed it to his neck.


After a long pause, a relieved smile appeared on Chiba Ibuki's wrinkled face.

"Finally, I lost to you this monster."

"Just now, what happened..."

Under the eaves of the Abe Temple, with sweat on his face, I can't understand why this epic battle ended in such a seemingly childish scene.

"Understanding the Tao contained in the sword just now, maybe you can defeat that old enemy..."

Ginji Matsumoto put the sword into its sheath, and looked at Abe Temple with those godless eyes.

"But please remember that today's sword should never be the end point you are looking for... on the contrary, it is the starting point for your entrance!"

"Hey, I'm over. Can I go to the izakaya? I have dated two super mature girls with the same body and volume..."

"Oh, sorry, let him realize the rest... Let's go quickly, it's not like a samurai to keep the lady waiting. 』


"Look at it?! Add the head?! Self-massage section?! Although I didn't fully understand it, but it's almost the same... and your "golden jade" and the second half of your life, say goodbye!"

As if dissatisfied with the calm eyes of Abe Temple facing his beautiful body, "No. 8" no longer hesitated, stretched out his hand and grasped something between Abe Temple's legs tightly.

"Oh, this capital is as hard as your mouth... But why is it a bit cold? Are you scared?"

"Wait, it's not right..."

Just when "Number 8" was surprised at the too low temperature and too high hardness of the things in his hands, "Number 13", who remained vigilant on the side, vaguely felt a sense of violation.

"The powers of ghosts and monsters you use are'anti-mian' and'jue'."

At the same time, Abe Temple, whose eyes were out of focus, completely ignored "Number 8" holding his handle in front of him, and directly faced "Number 13" and asked without hesitation.

"You, how would you know..."

He was called the "Thirteenth" with a delicate mind, and he couldn't keep calm anymore.

"Jue" originated in Mount Fuji, a peculiar monster with the power to read people's hearts.

The "one anti-wood wool" is about "one anti (eleven meters)" in length, like a ghost like a white cloth.

It is said that in Kagoshima Prefecture, many people were entangled in this kind of monster and could not escape. In the end, they were blindfolded by Shirabu with their heads and faces, and died of suffocation.

Although the white cloth driven by the "power of the wood wool" is powerful, numerous and invincible, it is not too powerful in itself compared with other "divine powers".

However, when paired with the "power of consciousness" that can read people's hearts, it can take preemptive steps and produce extremely powerful "chemical reactions."

"It's too quiet...impossible, you, your..."

"Thirteenth" glanced back and forth on Abe Temple, which was wrapped in white cloth. Looking at the other's godless eyes, she suddenly noticed something.

"How is it possible, human beings, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!"

The reason why she has always felt a strong sense of disobedience is that she has not "heared" the voice in Abe Temple's heart for about half a minute.

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