I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 622 Endless Mandala


A second before the Sun and Moon Swords arrived, the figure of "Thirteenth" disappeared into the white mist like a ninja.


The blow was unsuccessful, and Abe Temple slowly turned around and found that "Number 8", which had been frozen in place before, had also disappeared.

"This mist seems to have the power of enchantment that affects space?"

Recalling that before, he was also separated from Sosuke Araki and Junko Kato in the white mist, and he probably had a judgment in his heart.

With the double swords in the air returning to their sheaths, the ethereal spirit in Abe Temple's eyes faded.


When he was about to step forward, his calf twitched and his body shook, and he almost fell to the ground.

When his spiritual and physical strength is bottomed out, breaking through "Sword Heart Brightness" obviously consumes him tremendously.

"Araki Sosuke...Don't be killed in advance..."

Abe Temple took out the phone, glanced at the empty signal icon, and frowned.



In the white mist, there was the sound of broken flesh and juicy chewing.

"It's fresh and plump, creamy and juicy, and the ratio of fat to thin is just right. It melts in your mouth!"

The girl in the black robe retracted her neck while chewing on her huge head, returning to the size of an ordinary person.

Scarlet liquid was pouring out along the corner of her mouth.

"Eat slowly... don't choke..."

Next to her, another black robe man with countless slender transparent arms and an old and hoarse voice squirmed on her back, patted her back intimately.

It's like a grandmother who is taking care of her greedy granddaughter.

These two people are naturally the "18th" and "15th" favorites of the Aum Shinrikyo.

"At the last moment, did you break free from the deterrence of the'eye of the hand'? You deserve to be an exorcist with advanced Dharma..."

"On the 15th" turned his head and looked not far in front of him...

"But it's so pitiful, it will make death more painful, right?"

There, the thick blood has overflowed the ground in a radius of ten meters, and it is still expanding outward.

Standing in the center of the pool of blood was Kato Junko, who was wearing a black kimono and was tall and bumpy.

To be precise, it was "three-quarters" Kato Junko.

Because, her entire left chest to left arm has disappeared.

All that was left was the scars of teeth, and the scary wounds of bones, muscles and internal organs could be seen, splashing blood out.

"Tsk tusk, it's already like this, where is your Buddha?"

From the perspective of the "15th", the Buddha's bell was smashed by the "18th" and so severely injured, the eliminator in front of him is no different from the dead.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful..."

However, the miserable Kato Junko did not fall.

"There are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, sickness, death, unwillingness, resentment, separation of love, five Yin Sheng..."

She still stood swayingly, using the remaining arm, maintaining the posture of one-handed worship to the Buddha.

"Buddha pity and compassion for all beings are suffering, and they can be saved by the six jackfruits of generosity, precepts, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom."

She looked at the two people, but there was no hatred at all, but with endless compassion and love.

"...Today's suffering in the hearts of the two donors, Zong Chun wishes to cross each other in this body."

"I don't know it until I die. All these Buddhist cultivators are lunatics and lunatics!!!"

Seeing her crazy appearance, "No. 15" just felt cold all over, and pulled the corner of "No. 18" next to him: "Are you still eating? No. 7 is waiting..."

"Of course... wasting food is unforgivable!"

With that said, the girl narrowed her big eyes into crescent moons, folded her hands together, and bowed to Junko Kato dumbly: "I accept your life!"

At the moment when she lowered her head, her head suddenly enlarged, the center of her hair bun was cracked, and her mouth widened, and she bit towards Junko Kato.

"Amitabha, seeing all those who come to seek, do whatever they can, do whatever they can, either with money, or fearlessly, or with the Dharma..."

In the face of the terrifying ghost, Kato Junko, with only half of his upper body left, stood there, not evasive, and even the body-protecting Buddha light had not been activated.

Without warning, on her originally bloody wound, the granulation squirmed quickly, unexpectedly growing out of her lost arm and half of her chest.

Not caring that his magnificent half chest and white arms were exposed, Junko Kato lovingly handed the newly grown arm into the mouth of the "18th" mid-air.


Torn by the huge mouth full of fine teeth, the entire arm and chest that Kato Junko had just grown disappeared again, leaving only the blood spewing from the big canopy.

"Uhhhhhhh...she, I want to take her back!!!"

No matter the huge mouth on the top of the head swallowed the white and greasy arms, the face of "No. 18" showed a happy blush.

"...As long as I have her, I won't be hungry for the rest of my life!"

"You...what the hell are you?!"

Unlike the excited "No. 18", the body of "No. 15" trembled tremblingly and wailed in horror.

The densely packed arms behind her protruded from all directions without hesitation, and slapped Kato Junko's body fiercely, bringing up the scorched palm prints.

"Hehe...Buddha nature is hidden in sentient beings, or rationality captures all dharmas, possesses all Buddhist merits, like a child hiding a mother's womb..."

Because, at the moment when the huge mouth of the "18th" left, Junko Kato's wound had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white arms and full chest like lotus roots grew again.

"This is the moment when sentient beings have put down the shackles of the whirling world and liberated from the ultimate happiness in these years, and released the essence of life that has been accumulating to me with all their strength!"

Letting those semi-transparent palms bring scorched black palm prints on her body, Kato Junko's face was blushing, her eyes were like waves, and her body twitched like an electric shock, as if she was enjoying the ultimate pleasure in the hell of tentacles.

"This is the infinite power that has been nurtured by me who has accepted the love, reason, and Buddha nature of all things... the name is, "Endless Mandala"! "

The scorched palm prints on her smooth powdery skin have been restored to their original radiance and smoothness just in a short while.

Rejoice in Dharma·Hua Lotto·Endless Mandala.

"This benefactor said before that in the whirling world, sentient beings are content with ten evils and can endure all the sufferings and refuse to leave..."

Kato Junko put his hands together, flushed and smiled, and continued to reciting the Buddhist scriptures silently.

"In the old days, a Bodhisattva wanted to become a Buddha, he needed to cultivate six paramitas, practice as the Dharma, develop bodhicitta, raise the roots of goodness, develop great compassion, save all troubled beings, and get rid of all evil perceptions..."

The terrible scars that the "thin hand" of the "15th" and the huge mouth of the "18th" kept on her body, but only in a moment healed like an immortal body.

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