"When I set foot on the land of Buddha and Thailand and decided to turn into a female body, I made a big aspiration..."

In the flesh and blood splashing and the blood surge, a touch of pink madness surged in Kato Junko's watery eyes.

"I would like to imitate my Buddha, practice six jackfruits, treat all living beings with greed and greed, benefit all beings, drown oneself, hunger and hunger, break through the realm of desire and colorlessness, so as to overcome all living beings from suffering and even get happiness! "

"Don't worry about eating, this nun is too evil, retreat first, and meet them on the 7th!"

Seeing Kato Junko, who "cannot be killed no matter how to kill", but immersed in some inexplicable happiness in front of him, the "15th" stretched out in horror and grabbed the "18th" who was still eating, and wanted to return to the white mist. middle……

"The suffering of all beings is due to the fact that people are ignorant beasts, devoured by desire, drowned in desire, dissolved in desire..."

With the sound of Kato Junko's chanting, a pink light gushed and spread from the two of them.

"If you have come, you will be at peace. If the two donors don't let go of the shackles of their hearts, they will hand over their mentality, reason, and ethics to me, and embark on a state of bliss of great enlightenment and freedom!"



The skin of the two of them turned into a delicate pink color, and they snorted, kneeling on the ground with their legs in an inward shape.

"When is..."

Suppressing the strange feeling in the body that is getting more and more strange and about to erupt at any time, "15" looked at Kato Junko not far away in horror.

"Since the beginning of the meeting, the two donors have already stepped into my "world of desirelessness"..."

Kato Junko, whose clothes were all broken and naked, stood in the sticky blood.

"Please also share, the supreme bliss that I have felt at the peak of desire and bliss over the years!"

Fengshen Chuoyue's body is very enchanting and seductive in the plasma package, but she piously closes her eyes, puts her hands together, and silently recites the Buddhist scriptures, but she is sacred like the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva.

"There are sentient beings, surpassing all lustful thoughts, extinction of opposite thoughts, not thinking about all kinds of thoughts, the emptiness is boundless..."

Rejoice in the realm of Dharma and Desirelessness.

"Um... ah... so in the beginning, you deliberately... ah ah ah..."

In the sound of chanting, the pink Buddha light turned into several translucent men and women, surrounding them, licking the chaff and rice as much as possible, deducting countless lavish whispers and refreshing scenes...

The pink Buddha light continuously spewed from the two bodies, as if every pore of the body was caught in a vortex of pleasure that was never felt, or even unimaginable!

"I have no desires, and act according to you. When it is unsuccessful, the taste is like chewing wax, and after the death of my life, it will become more and more important.

Amidst the happy humming, Kato Junko's Buddhist scriptures remained solemn.

"One...a Moji...Damei...ahhhhhhhhhh!"

If they were struck by lightning, the mentality, rationality, and ethics in their minds fell apart in an instant!

Immersed in endless happiness, the two people who were limp on the ground and unable to move a finger, their breathing became heavier and their humming turned into a quick and cheerful roar.

Whether it is the black robe on the body surface or the layers of clothing underneath, it has long been dripping and dripping out of the water.

But in a moment, the situation in the field has completely reversed.

The two men in black robes who had the upper hand have now become the most devout believers, lying limp at the feet of the virgin-like Kato Junko, whispering a prayer called "Elysium".

Desire, hatred, reason, pain...

It seems that they are all far away from them, no longer important.

There seemed to be a voice in my heart, constantly telling them...

As long as you can be immersed in this pinnacle of love and happiness forever, everything else doesn't matter!

"Seven...Aha...Number seven...Uh-huh..."

As soon as the last trace of reason disappeared with the fluid in the body, the "15th" reached out to touch the earphone in the ear hole, squeezed out the last strength, and exclaimed in a vicissitudes of voice: "...transmit!!!"


In the main hall of Yoshihara Shrine, there are motionless and confused figures still hanging on the beams of the room.

"Teleport?! Hiss, it's so noisy... One or two of those who were gearing up and eager to try before, how come they are so obedient all of a sudden..."

"Number Seven", who was stalemate with Sosuke Araki with the hostages hanging on the roof, suddenly reached out his hand in surprise and touched his ear.

"Alright, I told you to stop playing and get together to deal with business matters..."


Hearing the pre-appointed signal, she waved her hands like butterflies, and a large amount of thick white mist spread out from under her robe.


Noting the action of "Number Seven", Sosuke Araki, who was blocking the entrance of the hall and throwing a rat-trap, quickly turned his back to the opponent...

"Rough Ximas!"

"Puff... puff puff puff puff... puff puff puff... puff puff puff puff..."

"Ahahaha, the overall situation has been determined... Senior Monk Araki, let me introduce to you, my proud and powerful companions..."

"Number Seven" changed from the previous humble attitude, like the host of the unveiling performance, spreading his hands gorgeously, and the winning ticket was in his hand and announced to Sosuke Araki loudly: "Aum Shinrikai "Avenger Alliance", see you all Participate! "

Four unpredictable figures wrapped in black robes slowly emerged from the white mist gushing from the sleeves on both sides of her...

"Everyone, it is not too late, as planned, please let the Araki monk in front of you go on the road!"

Before coming, the "Avengers Alliance" had previewed how to take away the powerful and inviolable Araki Sosuke a set of "package service".

With "No. 7" as the core of the strategy, the space is divided by "mirages", and Sosuke Araki and his fellow spirit removers are divided into separate "private rooms".

With the help of the white fog to limit the target's sight and movement range, the crowd then used a thunderous force to "serve".

Start with the "number 15" and "number 13" who are good at restraining, and use the "power of the thin hand", "the power of the eye of the hand", "the power of the wood wool" and the "power of consciousness". "Full body massage" made Araki Sosuke tired and unable to move.

At the same time, let "No. 8" display the charm and beauty of all living beings, use the "power of Chuanji" to squeeze the energy of Sosuke Araki, and even try to seize the "golden jade" of this eminent monk to see if it can defeat the "boy" "Gong" and other effects.

If the other party can persevere in this "full-body service package", let the "18th" open a mouthful of the ghost that has nothing to swallow, and directly try to swallow the controlled Araki Sosuke in one mouthful and forcibly take away. .

In order to make the "service process" silky smooth and coherent and coherent, everyone has repeatedly practiced it many times.

"Everyone, why are you still stunned..."

However, the four black-robed men who appeared beside "Number Seven" did not rush forward as she thought.

Even, she did not follow her complacent words as usual.

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