"What are you doing, why don't you do it?!"

"Number Seven" turned around, and the four "powerful teammates" who had appeared in the white mist became clearer in her eyes...

The "No. 8" whose body is frozen by frost, the "No. 13" whose whole body is scorched in black...

"No... don't... stop... woo woo woo..."

"Dead, late, late, late...ahhhhhhhh..."

As well as the "15th" and "18th" who are still screaming in the pink Buddha light and exuding a hot, pungent scent.

"How can I be so embarrassed..."

Seeing the messy and almost annihilated scene in front of him, "Number Seven" looked dull and could not accept it for a while.

"The two spirit eliminators are so powerful?!"

They are also the "favored ones" of the Aum Shinrikyo, and because of their similar tragic past, the same hatred of men and other reasons, they have formed an alliance a few years ago as the "Avenger Alliance", and they take care of each other and join hands. Hunting "sacrifices".

As for the strength of these companions, "Number Seven" is naturally clear.

Hiding in the "mirage" that can let the enemy lose it and divide the space, they smeared their eyes with their own blood, and they are not obstructed in their actions and vision. They are attacked and killed with more than less, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, never going to go. And unfavorable.

But this time, both failed? !

"Not good... that guy..."

In a daze, "Number Seven" suddenly remembered someone who was still standing at the door, and quickly looked at it vigilantly.

"Master Araki, I advise you not to act rashly!"

When she confirmed the "named sacrifice" of this trip, the "high monk" of the Kawasaki Master Temple, because of the hostages, still stayed at the door honestly, and only breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, the lives of these guys are still there.

As long as the hostage is used to coerce this Araki Sosuke away, the goal of this trip can be basically achieved.

Hmph, these guys who lose the chain at critical moments have to rely on themselves to stabilize the overall situation in the end.

"and many more……"

As his thoughts flew, "Number Seven" suddenly noticed that Sosuke Araki had turned his back at some point and turned his back to him unsuspectingly...

Not only that, the eminent monk also bent over and poked his hips, bowed ninety degrees outside the door, and put on a seductive posture of "please enter the urn".

"Fifteenth, eighteenth, stop calling...you guys, what's the matter?!"

Could it be that the fascinating singing of "15th" and "18th" was too intense, making this little monk embarrassed?


Before he finished speaking, "Number Seven"'s nose twitched slightly, and his body froze in place...

In the misty main hall, a strange breath was mixed in at some point.

Even the mist that was originally white and flawless seemed to melt away and melt at a speed visible to the naked eye because of a certain chaotic aura.


Shrouded in this colorless and invisible aura of chaos, the "18th" and "15th", who were originally climbing the peak in eternal joy and convulsing their bodies, groaned as if they were relieved, and fainted. past.

"This, what does this smell..."

"Oh...who, who let it go..."

Not waiting for the other three to react, their olfactory system has been taken over by the stench that instantly enters the nasal cavity and can't get rid of it anyway.

This indescribable taste seems to be a mixture of canned herring, rotten eggs, stinky tofu, Allah blue cheese, and sour bamboo shoots. After crushing, it will rot and ferment for a year before it can be compared...

If it's just a stench, it doesn't hurt.

After the three of them breathed in this strange gas unsuspectingly, a burning sensation began to follow the path of oxygen into the human body, and it began to spread unstoppably...

Nasal cavity, trachea, bronchus, alveoli, capillaries, veins, heart, arteries, capillaries, cells...

With this burning sensation comes nausea, panic, and pain from every cell in the body.



The three of them knelt on the ground like a sudden illness. They only felt weakness, dizziness, coldness, nausea, and pain all over the body...

It feels like some natural restraint, extremely domineering cancer cells or viruses have invaded one's body, igniting endless flames of war in every cell.


The sound of something shattering sounded in several people.

The originally misty temple suddenly regained clarity under the dim light.

"I... my supernatural power... why can't I sense it..."

"What...you too...is it the ones who remove spirits..."

The "source of divine power" that should have been like an arm's guide, has long been the pillar supporting the inner world of a few people, suddenly disappeared without a trace, and can no longer sense a single trace...

"You...it must be you..."

In the endless horror of restoring the body of the "weak woman", Araki Sosuke's back turned to himself "leaning over to offer chrysanthemums", and the mist that had turned yellow for some reason, flashed through No.7's mind.

"What did you do to us?!"

When she raised her head in anger and screamed desperately at the door of the temple, there was no one there.

"...Is science."

Behind him, the man's grievance and anger sounded like a ghost.


"Number Seven" turned her head blankly, and saw a face with dense shadows, bursting blue veins, but a shy blushing face, quietly occupying all her sights.

Behind the man, his "powerful teammates" had foamed at the mouth and fainted crookedly.

"...I'm in it, adding science!"

"It is composed of 59% nitrogen, 20% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, 4% oxygen, and 1% hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and other substances, science! 』

Before her consciousness disappeared, the last picture she saw was a man with an afterimage of a hand knife, rapidly zooming in front of her eyes...


On the quiet streets, the white mist that was so dense that people couldn't see, disappeared without warning.

"The fog... is gone?"

Abe Temple looked around and found that he was at a crossroad on the side of the main road in Yoshihara's red light district.

At the end of the road in the distance, a dimly lit Yoshihara Shrine can be seen.

"Hehe...presumably, it was the person who manipulated the mist. What happened to it?"

The woman's magnetic hoarse smile sounded behind Abe Temple.

"Who... Junko Kato?!"

Abe Temple turned around and found that it was Kato Junko who was quietly approaching not far behind him.

Under the clear moonlight, the S-curve formed by her magnificent breasts and her waist that was gripped with a full grip was exposed to the eyes of Abe Temple.

On that white and greasy skin, a large area of ​​dried and coagulated blood added a trace of beauty and weakness to this scorching scene.

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