"It turns out that the real person is present, and the visual impact across the screen is so different?"

The mind swayed with the ups and downs of the white greasy, and the light of Abe Temple only solidified on Kato Junko for a moment, and then the Qingming was restored.

"According to those guys, Sosuke Araki should be trapped in the shrine..."

Seeing this, Kato Junko should have also experienced a fierce battle far beyond DvD.

"Those cults suddenly disappeared, it should be turned to head towards him..."

Abeji took off his kimono and robe, and threw it at Kato Junko expressionlessly.

"Amitabha, Buddha can show sentient beings with a solemn and wonderful appearance, as well as angry, naked, and twin forms. All the dharmakayas expressing the laws are to break away the attachments of sentient beings and point directly to the Buddha's mind..."

After taking the black robe, Kato Junko didn't put it on immediately, but instead set off on Zen.

"Abe-kun, isn't it because of my naked appearance, evil opinions and discrimination?"

"Don't get me wrong, I have practiced these classics such as MK9527BD, MK3245, IPZ4453, IPZ8857, and MZDD4521 countless times. I am amazed by your skills and endurance. Any preconceptions..."

Before she could finish her words, Abeji Temple had turned and rushed in a low voice in the direction of Yoshihara Shrine.

"But if the idiot Araki Sosuke loses to someone else before me, it will be in trouble!"

"So that's the case, is it me who has cherished wrong views and discrimination... I have been taught."

"Moreover, it seems Araki-kun is more attractive than others. 』

Putting on the kimono, Junko Kato followed behind him and hurried towards the shrine at the end of the road.

Lianbu Qingyi had a profound body art cultivation base, and the speed was not inferior to that of Abe Temple.

"It's too quiet... and, there is no resentment..."

"I don't feel any abnormality for the time being... Among those guys, two of them have planted my'world of desirelessness' in them. If they are inside, they should not escape my feelings."

In front of the torii gate of Yoshihara Shrine, Abeji and Junko Kato looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Could it be that the fellow Araki Sosuke has already suffered..."

Thinking of this, the two quickly speeded up their pace and came to the main hall door with the open door.

"This... these people are..."

Looking across the door, the two did not see the corpse of someone who fell in a pool of blood with a contented expression after being toyed with in one way or another.

In the messy main hall, among the men, women and children in pajamas, foaming at their mouths, and fainting, a blond man squatted on the ground with his back to the two.

Even behind the main hall, the one-person goddess Bencaitian, which was originally fixed by a rope, fell to the ground in a desolate manner.

"Wow, you two, where did you go to steal your love? The action is too slow..."

Hearing the footsteps, the man who was busy with something in his hands turned his head and complained loudly to the two of them.

"... Your hands are sour, did you deliberately wait until I was almost done before you came over?"

"Araki Sosuke...you, are you okay?!"

With the dim light in the hall, Abe Temple instantly recognized that the Slavic blond man who squatted, drank a cigarette and swallowed clouds, was Sosuke Araki.

"Those people from Aum Shinrikyo..."

When he scanned the hall, he noticed that in front of Zongsuke Araki, surrounded by back to back, five people wearing black robes and unconscious were sitting.

"……never mind."

In his hand, Araki Sosuke was holding a thick long hemp rope that had come from nowhere, and using the extremely sophisticated "serial early ape knot" technique, the five people were tightly tied up one circle after another.

"Tsk...what smell..."

Stepping into the main hall where there is still some kind of unique liquid smell mixed with strange smell, Abeji frowned and looked at the unconscious people around.

"The rest are people nearby?"

"Well, these people seem to be taken hostage by that strange fog..."

"I've just checked the same frequency with my hands. I breathe smoothly and seem to sleep soundly. It just seems to have nightmares and nausea. It must be some kind of spatial transmission sequelae, definitely not inhaling any strange gas... 』

After binding, Araki Sosuke, who looked a little guilty for some reason, got up and took out his mobile phone and dialed Hokai Ludou's number.

"Hello, Lu Dou? Yes, I have a situation here and I have to send someone to deal with it..."

"What, you said you are not the operator of the association, and now your two hands are too busy to answer the phone? ! In the middle of the night, listen to me first..."

While Sosuke Araki called to report the situation, Junko Kato and Abe Temple had already arrived in front of the black-robed men.

"These people are very dangerous, but they can't be tied up with ordinary ropes."

The two people who each suffered a lot in the hands of these black-robed men naturally did not dare to be careless.

When they saw the miserable and messy appearance of those people, their faces condensed, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

"This guy...what terrible moves did they use..."

"Tsk tsk, those who make the Mahayana, do not see men and women, but are different... Mr. Araki is not obstructed by gender and vulgar views, bravely and ruthlessly, he really is my Daoist..."

At this moment, the masks on the faces of these black-robed men had long been thrown aside indiscriminately, revealing five faces with swollen noses and unconsciousness.

Even in a coma, the expressions on the faces of these women of different ages, looks, and figures are full of horror, sadness, despair, distortion and nausea...

It is unimaginable how terrible things they experienced before they lost consciousness.

The two people who have fought against these people in person naturally know how difficult it is for these cultists who master the power of ghosts and cooperate with each other.

However, it took only five minutes from the time they repelled their opponents in the mist, to when the white mist dissipated and rushed to Yoshihara Shrine.

In other words, in these short few minutes, Araki Sosuke used one enemy five, not only to subdue these people without endangering the other's lives, but also to complete such a difficult rope binding art...

Whether it is in the ability to remove spirits or rope art, they have shown strong strength.

The most terrifying thing is that in these people, they can no longer sense the existence of the slightest ghost power.

Presumably, what method Araki Sosuke used to completely purify the power of ghosts in their bodies!

"Don't worry, after hitting my "Desperate Desolate Wave", even if these women wake up, they can't continue to make noise..."

At the same time, Araki Sosuke, who was holding the phone, suddenly turned his head and smiled evilly at the two with a shadowy and unpredictable profile face.

"Exterminate, exterminate, wild fluctuations?!"

"Amitabha, these people really got the trick of Mr. Araki..."

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