I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 626: Challenge

"Puff puff... hiss hiss..."

After being satisfied with the surprised eyes of Junko Kato and Abeji, Sosuke Araki turned around with some guilty conscience, exerted his hips, and added the last trace of "wild wave" to the black-robed men behind him.

"Hey, don't hang up, Lu Dou!"

After confirming that the expressions of the five people in a coma were more painful, he calmly continued talking on the phone.

"This time it's really a rush...I have more than a dozen people who need to be sent home. If they don't deal with it in time, when they wake up, I will be treated as a'complicated late night serial bedtime criminal' on-site sanctions. ..."

"It's so late, where do you come from, "big projects with billions of dollars that can't be released"? ! 』

"'Annihilation·Desolation Fluctuation'? Araki Sosuke, I didn't see the wrong person as expected... It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, let me..."

Looking back, Abe Temple looked at the back of Sosuke Araki holding the phone, with a raging war intent burning under his eyes.

"Araki-kun’s trick is really powerful! Not only has their power of ghosts been transformed, even the "world of no desire" that I have cast has disappeared... The long night asked No sleep, why wait for this... …"

Junko Kato on the side chuckled her lips and looked at Sosuke Araki's eyes, which became sharper for some reason.

"Be bright with my sword heart..."

"In the world of desirelessness..."

When Sosuke Araki hangs up and turns around...

"...Come to teach you this trick of'Exterminate Desolate Waves'!"

What appeared in his eyes was the two people who had a high fighting spirit for some reason and unanimously issued an "invitation to a duel".

"Wait a minute... Everything has a first come, first come. My duel with Araki Sosuke has been on the agenda since the beginning of school in April!"

Suddenly reacting to something, Abeji frowned and stared at Junko Kato who was "grabbing business".

"Hehe, Abe-kun seems to have tried several times with Araki-kun before this..."

"Furthermore, being beaten unilaterally and never won the'competition' is simply a waste of other people's time. 』

Kato Junko's crescent-shaped eyes sparkled with uncompromising light.

"I and Araki-kun have the same ancestry, and we will definitely benefit each other when we learn about Buddhism. Of course I should go first this time..."

Her "world of desirelessness" can devour people's hearts, seven emotions and six desires, and give feedback with supreme bliss. According to the degree of "Buddha light into the body" of the two people before, it is reasonable to maintain a bliss time of more than 24 hours.

However, Araki Sosuke's unclear and powerful moves were able to subdue the two of them without hurting their lives, and by the way, he turned his "desireless world" completely naked!

She couldn't help but recall the scene of Sosuke Araki smashing his body guard Buddha in front of the Kawasaki Master Temple, and the wailing of hundreds of millions of dead creatures in the horrible hand of the other party.

Araki-kun, as expected, he is a fellow man...

Moreover, on this road, I have gone farther than myself!

"I admit that I was inferior to others in the past few times compared to swords..."

Having just realized the "Sword Heart Brightness and Nothingness" known as the "Beichen One Sword Swordsman", Abe Temple is eager to strike while the iron is hot, confirming it through the duel, and deepen its understanding of kendo.

"However, I have already cast the'Sword Heart Brightness' today, and naturally it is not what it used to be!"

If he can defeat Araki Sosuke in one go, he will be able to break through his long-standing knots.

Fiery sparks bloomed in the sight of the two colliding.

"It's no wonder that Abe-kun looks at people different from other men's eyes, you actually look at Araki-kun..."

"Don't think I can't see it, you and Araki Sosuke, secretly have already been doing this and doing so many times, over and over again, right? 』

"Hey, you two... the guy who is lazy when fighting, and who is enthusiastic when fighting... Give me just a little bit!"

Seeing the two people who completely ignored him, Araki Sosuke frowned and blocked their sight with a tall figure.

"If you have time, what are you going to do here for competitions and duels..."

"Somehow there are wicked cultists here, and the people who have been tragically implicated need to be dealt with urgently!"

"Hmph, why would you say such serious words from your mouth..."

"Amitabha Buddha, is taking pictures..."

Being angrily rebuked by Araki Sosuke, the two people recalled their obligations as "spiritualists".

"So what he meant just now..."

"...Will you start after we finish processing here?"

Abeji and Junko Kato looked at each other, and saw the meaning of "putting aside the dispute" in the eyes of each other.

"If I fly high, I said I won't come back again. The goal is the blue, blue sky..."

At the same time, the mobile phone in Sosuke Araki's pocket rang.

"It's so late, who..."

The name on the caller ID is surprisingly "Koida Moto".

"Mosimosi...Oi-kun...Say it first, now I have no time for supper..."

"Araki-kun...save...save me..."

On the other side of the phone, Moto Oida's voice seemed to have been taken away from his soul, weak and flat.

"I was locked in an old telephone booth..."

There is no such panic as described in the wording.

"Speak slowly, what phone booth... I told you not to go to those weird places to take videos..."

Listening to Moto Oida's explanation on the phone, Sosuke Araki scratched the back of his head in distress.

"Besides, when encountering this kind of thing, shouldn't you call 110 first? Why do you think of calling me... I am busy here..."

The plan to explore Yoshihara's tour at night was completely disrupted by this group of annoying cults, and no clue was found for most of the night...

Now, Moto Oida has another inexplicable call for help.

"At this time, only you answered my call... Outside the phone booth, there seemed to be suspicious people walking around... I can only rely on you, Mr. Araki... Come here soon... Help... "

"Don't worry, tell me your location first..."

Moto Oida's tone was still so rigid and straight, so Araki Sosuke felt a little strange.

"Yoshihara Park... I'll check... Hey! Isn't it right next to me?!"

This unlucky guy, won't be the same as last time, get entangled in something dirty, right?

"I ask you two to guard this side. Hou Hai has already contacted the Association and the people in Class 9 to deal with it immediately. If I have something to do, I will go back."

The two people in the main hall dropped such a word, Araki Sosuke held the phone and hurried out of Yoshihara Shrine.

"Wait, you guy...the test hasn't happened yet..."

Abeji was about to get up and chase it out, but was stopped by Kato Junko.

"Amitabha, didn't Abe-kun notice that Araki-kun left at this time with great significance..."

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