I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 627 Killing Closed Loop

"Oh? You mean, Sosuke Araki deliberately avoided..."

Looking at Kato Junko, who was meaningful, Abeji raised his eyebrows and seemed to understand something.

"Yes, it must be difficult for him to make a decision, so we set aside time and space so that we can decide for ourselves who is eligible to'challenge' him tonight..."

Kato Junko smiled, and a fascinating pink rose on the snow-white skin that could not be covered by the spacious kimono: "So...just let me, and see if your sword is sharp enough..."

"Hey, are you practicing with real people? It's okay..."

Looking at the graceful and colorful Kato Junko, the look in Abe Temple's eyes began to fade quickly, leaving only infinite void and emptiness...

"...What Sousuke Araki can do, so can I!"


"Yes... see the convenience store with the 36f three-point girl at the crossroads... yes... just turn right there..."

In the huge smoky phone booth, Moto Oida was standing motionless in front of the old telephone with his head down, clutching the microphone and whispering something.

"Hot... so hot... the gold rods are all burned out..."

"Cough cough cough... I can't breathe at all..."

"Quick... Call someone to save us..."

Countless scorched figures, protruding from the inner walls of the telephone booth from all directions, whispered in his ears of despair and pain...

A colorful barrier like a bubble in the sun, exuding the breath of the sea, the sky and the earth, covering the surface of Xiaojing Yuan's body, so that those figures can't completely submerge him.

"Oi-kun... wake up... don't be fooled by this weirdness!!!"

Not far behind him, the nun Niya was kneeling weakly on the ground, maintaining the rainbow-colored barrier, and shouting weakly.

Half an hour ago, the "Evil Great Onmyoji" summoned by Moto Oida through the "real name resurrection" was full of Ashiya and laid a "nine-character seal" to support the two of them.

However, a minute ago, this "nine-character engraving" was finally consumed by those endless scorched black arms.

In order to protect the two, Niya expended the spiritual power that was hard to recover, and crowned the "Shield of Achilles (Shield of Achilles)" under the pseudonym, laying down the last barrier in front of her.

However, since the "nine-character engraving" disappeared, Moto Oida suddenly "woke up".

No matter how Niya called, he did not respond.

Just like a puppet, under the bewilderment of these resentful spirits that look like charred corpses, slowly but firmly picked up the microphone on the ground, came to the phone, and dialed a certain number...

"This phone booth, it's only a matter of time before we are consumed..."

However, Niya, who had exhausted his spiritual power and was struggling to maintain a barrier amid the erosion of these "death whispers," could only watch his "call for help".

"But... why..."

In a state of spiritual exhaustion, her brain became extremely clear instead.

"This thing, anyway, try to control the people inside and connect with the outside world?"

Moto Oida, who was repeatedly manipulated and walked towards the phone...

"After all...I want to lure new prey..."

Those victims who came on the phone all the way...

"Or, is there a ‘rule’ that must be done?!"

A large number of documents and personal belongings dropped in the phone booth...

Little by little details gradually converged in her mind.

From the very beginning, these arms that could have easily taken away the life of Yuan Yuan were just taking control of his body and wanting him to "phone".

"So... this phone booth looks weird..."

The only explanation is that the resentful spirit hidden outside the phone booth was not aimed at the lives of the two!

Countless panicked people were forced to retreat here by the spreading fire. The picture of anxiously dialing a distress call in the phone booth came to Niya's mind...

But waited until the last moment when life disappeared in the fire, smoke and high temperature, no one came over.

Even the phone booth that was originally here has already been reduced to ashes in the fire.

"Did it condense the resentful spirits who were burned to death in the fire and wanted to be saved?"

Following the obsession at the last moment before death, they kept wanting to ask the outside world for help through this only phone booth...

Even if the people who came here were not able to help, just staying as companions could slightly alleviate their endless pain.

"So, what happened to the previous victims who didn't leave any bones, as if the world had evaporated..."

Biting her lower lip, Niya kept recalling the words of Moto Oida when she was sober.

"I received a call from Suzuki-kun, come and rescue him..."

In the face of weirdness, the strength of the spirit remover is not the most important.

"As soon as I opened the door, I found that Suzuki-kun, who was originally in the phone booth, disappeared, leaving only a pile of clothes..."

Keep a cool head, crack the rules and make the right move before your life is swallowed...

Even if sometimes, certain actions seem absurd or nearly self-harming, they are the only way to save their lives.

"Received a call...open the door...disappeared...call for help...the person who received the call comes again...wait..."

Suspicious rules began to connect in Niya's mind, forming a clearly visible "closed killing loop"...

"As soon as the door is opened... disappears... so that's it, as long as the person who comes to the rescue opens the door..."

Dense beads of sweat continued to emerge from her forehead, making the brown-red hair cling to her head.

"The people in the phone booth will be swallowed up by the ‘rules’, and this phone booth will also get a new ‘call for help’!!"

With rich experience in Chu Ling, she quickly deduced the most likely "rules" for this phone booth.

"Uncle priest taught me right before. As a spirit remover, I'm still not cautious enough...really, I'm self-inflicted."

A self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"If you can detect it before you fall into this weird'closed loop of killing'..."

Originally, Niya was only planning to implement a monthly exaeration commission to deal with the regulations of the Association of Eliminations.

Haughtily and arbitrarily selected a "slightly interesting" mission, but did not expect it to be so dangerous.

If he didn't have the brains to rescue Moto Oida, but chose to sit on the sidelines, he might be able to stop the next victim from outside.

After that, he only needs to notify the official agency to seal the park permanently, and at the expense of Moto Oida as the last victim, this weirdness can be completely put to an end.

After all, for any official organization, giving up a life that is uncertain whether it can be saved, and permanently sealing a weirdness, is even more worthwhile than charging one 688 to get one free.

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