
Just as the two were talking, the "Jian Hui Liu" not far away had crashed to the ground, shattered into charcoal, and a trace of resentment evaporated.

"There is a time limit of five minutes. After cleaning the scene and confirming that the resentful spirit is completely removed, move on!"

After "Jian Hui Liu" fell to the ground, everyone could see that a narrow alley was hidden behind the giant tree.

The inside of this S-shaped roadway is winding like some kind of human organ, and it is impossible to see the situation from the outside.

"If you judge from the topography, it should be "Yimonzaka"."

Standing at the entrance of the alley, Takeshi Iwata opened the "Map of Yoshihara Yukaku in Meiji 27" in his tablet computer, carefully identifying the nearby terrain.

"But, shouldn't'Mian Huiyaniu' and'Yiwenzaka' both be outside the'Yoshihara Gate' in theory?"

Yimonzaka is an S-shaped road entrenched outside the M-shaped Yoshihara gate.

It is said that on the way to Nikko to worship the ancestors, the shoguns would pass by Yokuhara Yuguo.

In order to prevent the wandering wreckage inside Yoshihara from being seen directly when passing by and affecting the solemn mood of worship, this road was specially designed like this.

"After all, this is the unpredictable Shenyin. Naturally, it is impossible to be completely consistent with historical facts. You don't have to be too constrained to details. Go ahead..."

With a wave of Changtian Hiroshi's hand, the members of the "Spiritual Interview Office" and the ninth class agent were divided into several groups that looked after each other, and started to march toward the S-shaped alley.

A crowd of people entered the alley, and the few members who walked at the end continued to take out the exorcism salt from the huge mountaineering bag, and carefully sprinkled it on the road when they came.

In doing so, not only can it effectively prevent the loss of direction, but it can also detect the resentful spirit sneaking from the rear in advance.

As the most consumed consumable for exorcism, the correct way to use exorcism salt is naturally not as simple and rude as directing it at the resentful spirit.

In the face of these mysterious and unpredictable whereabouts, exorcism salt is often used on a large area on top of the terrain, and it is responsible for spiritual body detection, large-scale early warning, and grievance purification.

"Those who enter the clothes pattern, dress up, remove the knife, and get off the horse!"

As everyone walked to the middle of the alley, the majestic voices of several men suddenly echoed in unmanned alleys.

"...Die to the disheveled!"

A sharp black blade, like a sickle, suddenly cut out from the wall on one side...



Takeshi Iwata reacted very quickly and threw an agent who was walking in the front to the ground.

The cold light flashed across, the blade disappeared, and even the figure of the attacker was not seen clearly. A huge gap had already been opened in the throat of that agent, and red blood spewed out instantly!

"I hurt a large artery, stop the bleeding immediately!"

The others calmly took out the first aid items and treated the wound for the detective.

Hiroshi Tsukita took out a pinch of exorcism salt, frowned and sprinkled it around the opponent's wound.


"Uh ah ah ah!"

In the painful roar of the agent, the salt grains on the wound turned into pitch black and smoke rose up.

"What a ruthless method..."

Seeing this scene, Takeshi Iwata frowned.

If it hadn't been for him to push the detective away, I'm afraid his entire head would be beheaded.

"The poisoning on the blade, this method is not done by the samurai, plus the sickle that looks like a ninja just now, it is in line with the style of a ninja..."

Looking around, he couldn't see the unusual stone wall. Hiroshi Tsukita instinctively noticed something wrong.

Ninjas are specialized weapons used by ninjas to perform special tasks. They are often modified from daily farm tools. Only ninjas know their usage well, and they often seem to be different from ordinary farm tools.

As an invisible wraith spirit, there is no need to quench poison on the blade and use weapons of a specific shape.

Therefore, this "single act" is naturally affected by the memory of his lifetime.

However, if this resentful spirit really followed the ninja's unobtrusive mode of action and the unpredictable skill of ghosts, I am afraid...

"Zheng, Zheng, Zheng, Zheng..."

"Those who enter Yoshihara with a saber, die!"

Several black blades stabbed from the ground under everyone's feet without warning, forming a sword formation.

On the ground, the end of the sharp blade was faintly visible, connected to the broken arm that exposed the bones.

"This blade has no entity, just protect the key!"

Facing the sharp blade attacking "Little Hiroshi" from below, Hiroshi Tsugada snorted, and instead slammed it down...

The bottom of his leather shoes, which seemed to be extremely cheeky, unexpectedly bloomed with dense runes, and at the moment of meeting, the black blade was crushed!

"Huh, our suit of "Lingyixiangtan" is not for nothing..."

At the same time, a similar situation also happened to other members wearing suits.

"...In the first year of the establishment of the company, I started to transform the outdated and cumbersome "hunting clothes" of Shintoism into a decent suit!"

On the clothes that were stabbed, there was a faint spell surging, making the black blade unable to advance.

Even the spiritual detective protective clothing on the agents of the ninth class was scratched by the black blade, causing shallow scars.

Hiroshi Tokota's prediction was correct. The individual strength of the resentful spirit hidden in the "Yiwenzaka" was not very strong. The seemingly sharp black blade could not easily break through the protective items on everyone's body.

After all, the black blade is just the evolution of the resentful spirit based on memory and obsession. It is not a real sword made of steel. It is essentially a part of the invisible spirit body.

On the contrary, the limbs behind the black blade touched the "exorcism salt" on the ground and made a "sizzling" ablation sound.

"Bing is very fast, but when it comes to change, speed up to pass!"

Taking this opportunity, everyone lifted the wounded person and sprinted towards the end of the road...

"Rumble rumbling..."

Two huge broken dragon stones rose from the ground on the front and rear sides, blocking everyone's path.

As if they were well matched, the walls on both sides of the tunnel began to slowly squeeze toward the inside.

"This wall has entities...it's a mechanism!"

Some team members tried to hit the wall with their rifle butts, and found that the wall in front of them was made of long boulders, which was extremely strong.

"...On the miniature C4, blow up the broken rock!"

"But, it's too narrow here..."

"This laneway has sufficient terrain and depth. Before detonation, we will retreat first. It is better than being crushed into meat sauce..."

Just as an agent took out the portable blasting device and tried to stick it on the wall, a huge shuriken spun out of the wall in front of him like a gust of wind, and slashed precisely across the unprotected neck...

A head with a blank expression rose up into the sky.


Iwata didn’t have time to react. A variety of weapons, such as ninto sticks, claws, long swords, and curved sickles, were densely pierced from the ground and walls, like a shark smelling blood and fins out of the water, swimming towards the crowd. Come.

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