I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 646: The Lord Said, Go All Out...

"Set up an array!"

Seeing that everyone was about to turn into meat sauce in the pile of weird endurance tools inside the wall, several members of the Supernatural Counseling Office smashed the mountaineering bag behind them on the ground without hesitation.

Each mountaineering bag collapsed and turned into a black cloth embroidered with runes, spreading out a circle of invisible barriers, preventing those black blades from entering.

In addition to spirit props, nine-nine-one, hand-knitted exorcism cloth with thousands of needles and hundreds of threads (climbing bag folding version)!

Taking this opportunity to breathe, the agents formed a formation, took out the spirit detective batons engraved with runes, and smashed the blades from the outside of the barrier.

"Thanks to Vice President Chang Tian!"

On the back of the hand that Iwata was covering, a wound with deep bones was visible, and an agent was using hemostatic gel and nano bandages to do emergency bandaging for him.

It was caused by being scratched by the ghostly knife just momentarily.

"It's nothing to thank, we have lost our mobility, the guys who hide their heads and show their tails won't give us time to install bombs, they can only prepare for the worst..."

Hiroshi Togada rolled up his sleeves black as iron, took out a folding iron from his backpack, and flicked it out...


An eight-meter long knife engraved with runes appeared in his hand.

Obviously, he was prepared to fight to the death.

He was right, although a group of people were blocked by the broken dragon stone inside, sheltered by the barrier of exorcism cloth, it seemed that there was no life worry for the time being...

But soon, the walls on both sides, which had entities and could not be blocked by barriers, were compressed to the point where they were shoulder-width apart.

The invisible barrier glowing from the exorcism cloth was also chopped down by those black ninjas, shaky.

The next second when the balance is broken may be the bloody storm.


"Boom boom boom..."

Just when Hiroshi Changtian and his party were caught in a hard fight inside the gate of Yoshihara...

A black heavy locomotive is approaching at high speed towards the "Yoshihara Gate Crossing" amidst the roar.

"Oh, I saw it, the gate of Yoshihara is exactly the same as the one on the painting..."

"If it is said that Satori is the main entrance of this place, Abe Temple, which disappeared at Yoshiwara Shrine, should be regarded as the "back door", sly guy..."

A handsome horizontal brake stopped the body, and Sosuke Araki stepped down from the black heavy locomotive and walked towards the crossroad not far away.

Two hours ago, he squatted at a smoking intersection on the side of the road. At this moment, he was surrounded by several police cars and cordon lines.

In the very center of the blocked area, a wooden arch about ten meters wide and burning in the flames lay quietly there.

"Hey, if walking through the back door is considered ‘slippy’, then what would you mean if you entered through the side door and stabbed out of nowhere?!"

"It's cunning, please use Japanese correctly! 』

The red-haired nun Niya with flying skirts, carrying a black schoolbag commonly used by Japanese elementary school students, jumped from the back seat of the motorcycle and followed him closely.

"By the way, no one stopped me all the way. It's too quiet here. It's impossible for everyone to send out to evacuate people urgently, right?"

"Originally, I planned to show the exemption handsomely when I was "immediately checked", and come up with a line such as "Retreat, leave it to the professional next..."

As the distance narrowed, the empty intersection surrounded by police cars and cordon was so quiet that it did not look like a "total blockade" as Hou Hailu Dou called it.

"Not quite right!"

Araki Zongsuke's nose moved slightly, as if smelling something unpleasant aura, he pushed hard on the ground, and turned over to the back of one of the police cars with afterimages.


Behind the bunker surrounded by police cars, more than a dozen unconscious agents were stacked in a pool of blood in a quiet and neat manner, like garbage.

"……What's wrong?!"

Their limbs are like broken dolls, showing abnormal distortions, and extreme fear still remains on their unconscious faces.

There are several terrible depressions on the road and car doors inside the blocked area that seem to be blasted out by monsters.

"There is still breathing... Hold on, I will call an ambulance immediately..."

Araki Sosuke knelt down, checked the injury of one of the police officers, and tremblingly took out his mobile phone.

"Retreat, then, leave it to the professionals!"

Niya, a nun who stood on the roof of the police car with one hand on his hips and unsuspectedly showed her "****", smiled triumphantly at Araki Sosuke.

"Hey, that's a line I've thought about for a long time, and you, what's so good about showing a safety pants..."

After Zongsuke Araki took a step away without turning her eyes, she looked at the agents who had fallen in a pool of blood and stretched out her index finger handsomely: "The Lord said, we are going to leave, so there will be light..."

"Go, what to go? ! 』

A sacred white light bloomed from Niyachao's short skirt of windless dance, spreading towards the surroundings.

Covered by this white light that seemed to obscure all sight, the blood on the ground began to surge back towards the dying agents...

The wounds that had deep visible bones also began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This, this holy light... good, so amazing... If you go to an izakaya without shorts... No, if you go to work in the hospital..."

"Although it is very reasonable for the Holy Light to appear inside the miniskirt, is it okay that the Holy Light is clearly just tightly fitted safety pants? 』

Seeing this scene of "Holy light shines, full of blood and resurrection", Sosuke Araki cast an admiring look at Niya above the roof of the car.

"Tsk, all the fuss..."

It seemed that Araki Sosuke was unaccustomed to staring at him with admiring eyes, Niya tucked her long hair behind her ears, a flush of blush on her pale face.

"This young lady is also a nun of the Holy See. As the'Holy Light Art' of the healing department's own divine art, of course she is able to catch her..."

『So, what I have been using before are all messy, crooked techniques? 』


As if wanting to confirm the recovery of the wounded, she leaped towards the ground, but her slender legs were unsteady, and she fell to the side...

"Look, I said you were drained by that phone booth, don't you admit it?!"

Gentleman Sosuke Araki raised his hand to support her, saving the nun from "bashing on the street."

"Bah, this is my normal reaction after using the Holy Light... Just give me one minute of recovery time..."

Niya swayed and tried to stand firmly, took the backpack behind him, and flipped it inside.

"However, Holy Light is not suitable for continuous use in a short period of time. If there are wounded in the back, you should count on an ambulance."

"Cough cough cough...I...I'm not dead?!"

"Okay, so boring, who is pressing me, can't breathe..."

When the two were talking, the agents lying at the top of this "people pile" woke up first.

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