"How do you feel... We are members of the Spirit Slayers Association, who did it here?!"

The two of them hurriedly moved these agents who were almost asphyxiated by their own people away and laid them flat on the ground, asking about the situation.

"The giant... the giant with a cloak, a mask, and a height of more than three meters!"

As if recalling something terrible, the agent who awoke first held his head frantically and wailed in pain.

"It must be the cult of Aum Shinrikyo!"

Hearing familiar keywords like "cloak" and "mask", Araki Sosuke gritted his teeth grimly.

"Calm down, it's okay now...tell us the details..."

The reason why the Aum Truth Society will appear here tonight is naturally aimed at oneself.

But even these innocent agents are hanging by a thread.

"After the first batch of joint operations teams entered the door, we blocked and evacuated the nearby area as planned, and then stationed at the door waiting for support..."

"After guiding the two spirit eliminators who came in the first time to enter the gate, the giant more than three meters high appeared in the middle of the road without any cover..."

"So, there are two other spirit removers who took the task, have they also rushed in to support? Arrived before us, the action is really fast..."

Taking a deep breath and stabilizing his emotions, the agent tried hard to reorganize the language.

"After the warning was invalid, we decisively launched a shot through the bunker, but the bullet was completely invalid to that guy..."

"After attracting our firepower frontally, another giant didn't know what method was used, and quietly appeared in our bunker... There was no time to react. Our whole team was instantly defeated like a bowling pin. ..."

Having said that, the agent's body kept shaking, and his eyes were once again swallowed by endless fear.

"They broke our hands and feet like toothpicks, but didn't kill us directly, saying that they wanted us to taste the despair that death descends bit by bit in the silence!"

"Don't worry, it's okay now... Where did the guys you mentioned?"

Araki Sosuke patted the agent's back gently, soothing the other party's emotions.

"I lost consciousness because of the severe pain... but they should have entered that door too, right?"

The agent was confused and looked around for a while, and his eyes fell on the door that was blocked in the middle of the crossroad and lingering in the flames.

"Asshole... the people who go in ahead are in danger..."

Gritting his teeth violently, Araki Sosuke turned his head and looked at the red-haired nun behind him: "How about, are you recovering? I can't wait to get in!"

"Huh, give me another thirty seconds..."

At this time, Niya was holding a bottle of one-liter special boxed milk for some reason, and the words "Meiji Milk" were written on it.

"After that, you can come in as you want, and come out as you want. This lady will stay with her to the end!"

This is one of the commodities that Araki Sosuke picked up at the convenience store when she came here.

"The fetus that has conceived the Lord, and the juice that the Lord has sucked, are all sacred..."

Niya reverently pasted the large rectangular bottle of "Meiji Milk" on her forehead, recited the scriptures in a low voice, and then slowly lifted it high!

"Give you your real name... Maria no juice!"

The dazzling holy light surging, the bottle of milk in the box turned into a simple and simple cylindrical bronze pot!

In the wide spout, milk-colored juice is rippling...

Armed under the skirt, crowned with a pseudonym, Maria no juice.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Araki Sosuke and a few agents, Niya raised her head and opened her mouth slightly...

"Tons, tons, tons..."

Drops of unidentified juice dripped down the jade neck, slid down Niya's neckline, and disappeared into the undulating hills.

"...Well, one book is satisfied!"

Throwing down the copper pot in her hand, Niya licked the whiteness left at the corner of her mouth, and her face returned to ruddy.

"Why, what do you want to drink? Not to mention that "Maria no Juice" is only effective for the operator, and there is not a drop in it..."

Seeing Zongsuke Araki's intent, Niya hid the copper pot in her hand vigilantly behind her back.

"...Who would want to drink that kind of weird thing?!"

"The point is not here at all, okay, "Meiji Milk" has become "Maria no Juice". Whether it is the Emperor Meiji, Christ Jesus or the Virgin Mary herself, should they all join hands to bring down the anger of destruction? "

"Um, Mr. Soul Exterminator, "Meiji Milk" and "Meiji Emperor" actually have nothing to do with each other..."

"All this fuss, endurance is what our Holy See spirit exterminators have always been proud of..."

When Araki Sosuke and the agent were talking about it, the powerful spiritual power visible to the naked eye began to surging on Niya's body, and even the skirt above the delicate legs flew up.

"Although it is slightly different from Father Siena's way of restoring energy through ordinary food storage, it can be regarded as the same goal by different routes..."

In a short while, the spiritual power in her body had already returned to full bloom.

"...Why are you still stunned, slam into the door fiercely!"

"Wow, now that you have completed your enlightenment...Warring States warrior!!!"

Araki Sosuke clasped his hands together and squeezed his knuckles.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The black heavy locomotive not far away leaped high, flew over the obstacle composed of police cars, and fell towards the two of them...


"...Let us, go and teach those cults who kill innocent people, a lesson that will be unforgettable for life!"

At the moment the locomotive passed by Araki Sosuke, he lifted Niya's back collar, jumped onto the car body that was not slowing down but increasing, and directly rushed into the huge "Yoshihara Gate".

"Damn it, you dare to treat the great Vatican special nun like catching a wild cat..."

"If you grow up for a few years, you can claim to be great again!" 』


"Yoshihara Yanshang" Shenyin, Yiwenzaka.

"Be careful, that piece of exorcism cloth is broken, return it immediately!"

"Find something to support the wall!"

Just as Hiroshi Tokuta and his team were nervous, with determination in their eyes, they were sheltered by the exorcism cloth barrier, and in the narrowing alleyway, they were desperately dead against the creepy and unpredictable spirits hidden in the walls and the ground. When fighting...


Cracks began to appear on the broken dragon stone that ran across the entrance direction in the violent vibration.

It is as if there is an iron ball crane hitting an abandoned building.

"This is……"

Through the fine cracks in the center of the broken dragon stone, a dark red metallic color is faintly visible.


Seeing the bloody figure gradually exposed in the expanding cracks, Hiroshi Tsugada sighed in relief and dropped the long knife in his hand.

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