"Tsk tusk tusk, this scene is really adorable...

Looking around at the ferocious "large fire scene" in the distance, Sosuke Araki looked down at his waist...

"So, is that thing really inside?"

The arrow symbol on the surface of "Bamboo Tori Scrolls" "reappear to work" is now steadfastly pointing to the depths of the burning building complex.

"Hey, there are two people in the same area. It's okay to rob people from our ‘owner of the four people’... Now dare to ignore us like this?!"

At the same time, the "Gao Fangzhu" kicked the "cocoon" that had entangled him a long way, propped up a five-meter-high body, and stepped out of the mountain.

"Are you ready to die with them?"

Behind him, there are the same huge "Rockfish Workshop Master" and "Haifang Master".

These three terrifying giants with their own distinctive appearances but equally difficult to explain, they shook the ground step by step and approached Zongsuke Araki.

"Those people, like Vice President Chang Tian, ​​can't get up again, they must be rescued right away... You drag the three big one, try to meet their needs, and buy me some time!"

"Hey, do you have any rude misunderstanding of me? 』

Behind him, Hiroshi Tsugada and Niya who were injured in the car immediately reminded him in a low voice.

"So, the giants who attacked the people in front of the gate are you guys..."

When she was reminded, Araki Sosuke noticed that a class 9 agent and a member of the "Lingyixiangdansha" who fell to the ground, twisted limbs, and did not know his life and death were all around him...

"In that case, Miss Sister, the rescue is up to you..."

Looking at the three giants in front of them who had completely lost their human characteristics, recalling the twisted and seriously injured agents outside Yoshihara's gate, Araki Sosuke's forehead was blooming, and his clenched fists trembled slightly.

"I promise, these three abysses will never have a chance to disturb you."

"Senior Araki, actually welcoming men..."

After getting out of the car, Araki Sosuke took the initiative to meet three bald giants who were nearly twice as tall as Yamada Kengo's eyes full of tears.

"Hey, are you planning to dedicate your body to procrastinate for them?"

Looking down at this stinky blond young man who took the initiative to send him to the door like "suicide", the owner of Rockfish Workshop showed a cruel smile.

"Although the spirit is commendable, it doesn't make any sense..."

No matter how profound the spiritual power is, the spirit remover can only be reduced to a doll with broken hands and feet in the face of the absolute physical power of the three of them.

Even the weird sword energy released by the female spirit remover at the back did not pose a big threat to the three of them.

Because this is what he has always believed in, the "food chain" of the transcendent world.

"Sorry, I will correct it before I do it... From beginning to end, I didn't intend to delay time..."

"It's nonsense to offer the flesh or something! 』

Facing these three behemoths standing side by side like a city wall alone, Araki Sosuke put his hands in his pockets, raised his head uncomfortably, and stared at each other with fierce eyes.

"Moreover, it doesn't take two people to solve you guys who are strong in the outside world, I will be enough..."

These three guys with exaggerated muscles, wild styles, and bigger figures than the "Drinking Boy" in Xianshouyuan Shenyin, not only failed to give Araki Sosuke any "threatening" feeling.

Instead, it reminded him that those on campus who like to rely on their size and number and bully others...

"Foreign, foreign, strong?! The brat who is dying, I can make you ascend to heaven with just one finger..."

Enraged by Araki Sosuke's fierce eyes and words, the owner of Yanyufang who was standing in the center laughed so furiously that he raised his hand and pressed a punch towards him...

"and many more……"

The master Gao Fang beside him suddenly squeezed his wrist.

"What are you doing, let me solve this kid... Didn't you see, the behavior of the girl behind, is it suspicious!"

"Rockfish Workshop Master" looked at his companion in doubt.

What made him even more concerned was the red-haired girl in the nun's clothes behind the blond man.

At this moment, she was gathering the wounded around with the help of the green-skinned youth wearing a robes.

For some reason, the unhurried movements of the two, the calm expressions and the unfocused attention of the two made him feel a little uneasy.

You know, if the two people didn't appear in time on the motorcycle, the little green-skinned Taoist priest had already turned into mud under his feet.

Now, the guy was busy transporting the wounded with a look of "it doesn't matter to him, it's finished work", and he didn't even look at the three of him.

It seems that the three of them are already three dead...

"Look... the golden..."

Faced with the question of "Rockfish Workshop Master", "Gaofang Master" excitedly took out the large-screen mobile phone towards the two companions, and stretched out trembling fingers to point at Sosuke Araki: "Although the shape is not the same, this guy... …This guy is golden!!!"


After a second, the eyes of the other two giants fell on the phone screen of "Gao Fangzhu"...

In the ID photo on the screen of the phone, there was a young man with a stinking face wearing a golden airplane head.

"Hahahaha...it's true, it's not as good as it came early..."

Glancing back and forth between the ID photo and Araki Sosuke's stinky face, the three giants' nostrils enlarged, looked at each other excitedly, and burst into laughter at the same time.

"The stinky ladies of the Avengers Alliance rushed so urgently, but the goal was late..."

"Now, not only will we be able to avenge the boss, but the'unlimited designated fetish reward' promised by the president is also ours!"

"It's so noisy...what the owner of the four people...one, two, three..."

Sosuke Araki used his little finger to dig out his ears that were itchy by the laughter, and counted the three of them in time.

"Obviously there are only three people, and they claim to be a crowd of four. Did your maths teach your physical education teacher?"

"Hahaha...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Damn it!!!

"Asshole, do you want to pretend to be deaf and dumb?!"

"Our boss of the black workshop fell into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he didn't know his life or death. Isn't it just thanks to you, the smelly monk?!"

"How many times should I explain to you cults, Laozi is an innocent virgin, not a monk!" 』

In the face of Sosuke Araki's doubts, the smiles on the three people's faces instantly solidified, their veins burst, and they were out of breath.

"Huh?! Heifang Master..."

Facing the three angry gazes, Araki Sosuke scratched the back of his head in doubt, showing a suddenly realized expression: "I remember, you said that it was the guy with the dark body and the head and tail, right?! "

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