I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 656 Bluffing Tactics

"Yes, our "Gao Fang Zhu", "Hai Fang Zhu" and "Rock Fish Fang Zhu" of the "Four Masters", today are going to make you pay for the sake of the boss of the "Black Fang Zhu"..."

"Take him back first, and sacrifice him alive at the next ‘sacrifice’ to avenge the boss!"

"That's right, wait for the president to cut his stomach, take out the internal organs, and die, see if he can still be so hard."

Looking at the three people who saw themselves as lambs to be slaughtered and had discussed the "cooking details"...

"Hey... ten seconds..."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Araki's mouth, and he extended a finger towards the three of them.

"Wh, what ten seconds?"

"If you want to beg for mercy now, it's too late! We won't give it to you for a second..."

"Yes, you, and your companions, all have to die!"

"Moreover, your gesture is obviously one, ten should be placed with your hands spread out! 』

"Ah, isn't it? Because putting your hands together is like a cheerleader, not handsome at all..."

Seeing his unexplained actions, the three giants laughed sly.

According to the information, although the Dharma is advanced and the ordinary "divine power" is difficult to get close to, Araki Sosuke is extremely restrained by his "physical" abilities, just like ordinary spirit removers.

This is the information that the guild leader has personally confirmed.

Therefore, in the Aum Shinrikyo, the "Four Masters", who are known for their physical abilities, have always been regarded as popular players in this "nominal sacrifice competition."

"Because, I'm still busy looking for things... and the "undefeated record" of the little white face at Abe Temple can't just end like this..."

Araki Sosuke turned his head and glanced at Yukaku Yoshihara, who was burning more and more in the distance, raised his head and spread his hands to the three people in front of him to confirm again: "So, just waste ten seconds and send the three of you to meet your boss. !"


"You kid, there is a limit to look down on people..."

Just as the three giants couldn't laugh or cry, as if they were setting off the movements of Sosuke Araki, a sacred breath surged out behind him.

"The Lord said, there must be light, so there will be light..."

Not far from the back, Niya prayed solemnly with her hands folded on her chest in front of her face and reverence.

"The Lord saw that light is good, so he separated the light from the dark..."

With her as the center, the people with twisted limbs, blood dripping, life and death unknown, were posed three times by Yamada Kengo like a primitive living sacrifice.

"God calls light "day" and darkness "night"..."

Even the most injured Takeshi Iwata and Hiroshi Tokuta are also on the list.

"From night to day, there is the first day!"

At this point in prayer, Niya's skirt soars as if being blown by a strong wind, and the dazzling white light that transcends flash bombs gleams under the skirt...

Where the white light passed, the weak breath of the crowd stabilized, and the twisted limbs and bloody wounds began to heal automatically.

Holy Prayer·Holy Light Technique!


"I am..."

After bathing his whole body in a surging warmth and itching, Hiroshi Tsugada slowly regained consciousness.

"...No, those three giants!"

The painful memories brought up by the "Haifang Master" pinching his head seemed to ruthlessly stole the first sharp stick into his mind, making his eyes widened in an instant.

"Ah, my krypton..."

What caught the eye was a dazzling white light...

"...Ann, safety pants?!"

After the white light, what appeared in the sight of Hiroshi Tsugada's gradually regaining was the girl's slowly falling skirt, as well as the disappointing overalls and safety pants and slender legs underneath.

"Sister Niya St. Catherine?! Did you save me?"

Out of a certain instinct hidden in the blood, Tsugada Hiroshi instantly regained his spirit and accurately called the name of the person who was facing away from him.

"Oh, it seems that the SP is still the old S, and Vice Chairman Chang Tian turned out to be the first to stand up again..."

Niya, who turned her back to him, glanced back at him after hearing the sound, and stretched her finger forward...

"I'm just responsible for getting you to stand up, and someone else saved you."

"Someone else?"

Looking along her fingertips, Tsukida Hiroshi's eyes were greeted by three terrible giants with different appearances standing side by side like a hill.

It was the Aum Shinrikai "Four Masters", the "Four Masters" of the Aum Shinrikai, which "destructed" the joint operation team that entered the "Yoshihara Yanjo" with three enemies.

"Be careful! The power of ghosts that those three guys have is terrible..."

Hiroshi Tsugada had not finished speaking with a broken tone, and a big hot hand had lightly patted him on the shoulder from the back.

"Recover your strength with peace of mind, Vice President Chang Tian..."

I don’t know when Yamada Kengo, who was closely behind Hiroshi Tsukita, stared affectionately at the three giants with his scorching gaze, and whispered excitedly in the ears of each other: "...the strongest The support has come."

"The strongest...support..."

"Could it be that Master Kukai or President Shimoto brought someone here? ! However, even Cocoon can't match the strange power of these guys..."

Muttering these words, Chang Tian Hiroshi only noticed that in the shadow under the "city wall" made up of giants, a tiny figure was vaguely visible.

"That's it, you guy is deliberately bluffing, delaying time for that bitch to cast treatment and wait for support, right?!"

"Hmph, it's useless, even if these craps are restored 10,000 times, they won't be able to change your destiny!"

"Hey, it just adds to the fun of breaking the'toothpicks' for me."

At this moment, the three giants were like victims who had suffered religious fraud and sacrificed their bodies, but were dissatisfied with the other side's size and goods. Their words were full of anger and anger.

And the one who was surrounded by them with their hands in their pockets and motionless, was surprisingly...

"Ara... Araki Sosuke?!"

Seeing clearly from the shadows, the familiar and unfamiliar little golden oil head standing in front of the three terrifying giants, Hiroshi Tsugada subconsciously called out the other's name!

"Don't forget what happened to the boss of'No. 3', don't take it lightly..."

"Don't be fussy, try your best and turn it into a vegetative before taking it back!"

"That's right, bravado, I want to let you know today that all villains have died of talkative truth!"

"Hey hey, who is the villain? ! 』

However, within a few seconds, after being attracted by Sosuke Araki's arrogant gestures and arrogant words, he witnessed the scene of Niya's "human flesh and bones"...

Only then did these three huge "shop owners" realize that they had been deceived by this kid's "bluffing and delaying tactics".

After learning from the pain, they did not intend to give Araki Sosuke any chance to talk nonsense, and at the same time moved...

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