I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 657: More Terrible Than Death

"This idiot, dare to provoke them, so he can't run away..."

In the bloodshot sight of Hiroshi Tokuta, in front of Sosuke Araki, there was a small puddle in front of him...

"That's too late!"

The dark body of the "Haifang Master" suddenly emerged from the puddle and clamped his legs with his uninjured giant hand.

The "Master of Rock Fish" and "Master of Gao Fang" took the opportunity to slanted down and threw their fists, and squatted and swept their legs...

Their extremely sturdy limbs instantly covered all of Araki Sosuke's evasion space.

"It is an honor for you to be able to see the combination of the three of our brothers after so many years!"

Although these three people are full of disdain, they are a combination of sophisticated tacit understanding and cut off all vitality!

"The three monsters didn't show any real skills before..."

Seeing the tacit cooperation of the three giants and the faint traces of military and police fighting skills between the shots, Hiroshi Tsukida's face suddenly became ashes.

"The kid Zongsuke Araki...finished, finished."

Although I don't know what happened during my coma, the "bad practice test combination" of Sosuke Araki and Niya must have taken a temporary mission issued by the association and suddenly appeared here.

Niya, the Vatican’s veteran spirit exterminator, does not care about it. Although this Araki Sosuke has some ability to exterminate spirits...

But judging from his "tomahawk elbow blow" that broke his nose, his body still belongs to the category of ordinary humans.

You know, even Yamada-kun who unleashes the art of Tibetan armor and the indestructible bronze corpse "Cocoon", can never use their physical bodies to contend against the combined attack of these three giants!

In his mind, the picture of Araki Sosuke's "thin" body freaking out, torn apart, and flying in flesh and blood.


In the desperate gaze of Hiroshi Tsuneta, the Araki Sosuke, who turned his back to him and fell into a "trend of lore", unhurriedly spread his hands from left to right...


The giant fists and whip legs of Yanyufangzhu and Gaofangzhu, which were as fierce as a train and as strong as a tree, were actually crossed by his hands and took it down with his palms and forearms at the same time.

Wing Chun·Stand your hands left and right.


A huge counter shock came, and the two felt that their fierce offensive was like a raging wave, hitting the unmoving rock.


What is even more bizarre is that at the moment of fists and feet, the "superior power" in their bodies is rapidly flowing into the body of the man in front of him who should have turned into meat sauce under the "joint blow"...


Araki Sosuke resisted the sturdy fists from the left and right as if he was holding the door panel about to close, silently muttering the unclear number in his mouth, and suddenly raised his foot...

"This power...just kidding?!"

Below, Haifang Master, who was grabbing Araki Sosuke's feet with a grinning grin, exclaimed because of the terrifying power that suddenly erupted on the opponent's feet that made him unable to even obstruct him.

If he didn't look at the legs like "bean sprouts" in his hand, he would think he had caught a Tyrannosaurus rex.


There was no time to react, the soles of Araki Sosuke's cheap sneakers were constantly enlarged in his surprised sight...


In the dull eyes of everyone, Sosuke Araki pulled out a foot and violently stepped into the dark face of "Omibo Master", and stomped the black giant who was half of his body above the "surface of the water" back there. Under the puddle...


Seeing this painful scene, even Niya and Yamada Kengo, who had been expected a long time ago, took a breath of air with empathy.

Because this foot was stamped too hard, not only the pitch-black "Haifangzhu" disappeared below the horizon, but even the puddle disappeared.

"This, this is..."

"what happened?!"

At the moment when Araki Sosuke took advantage of the momentum to retract his feet and jumped up, the "Master Gaofang" and "Master Rockfish" who were very close together exclaimed simultaneously.

Because, in the ground where the puddle disappeared, a hollow hole was left.

In the hole, there was a little head with a blue nose and a swollen face, foaming at the mouth.

A black flame that everyone could not detect was flowing silently on the surface of his body, causing him to show an expression of extreme pain even in a coma.

They have known each other for many years, how could the two of them not recognize it? That somewhat familiar face is exactly what the "Eleventh" originally looked like before taking the miracle of "Haifangzhu"!

Not only was he stomped by the kid in front of him, he was beaten back to the "prototype"? !


Just as the two lost their minds, Araki Zongsuke's inexplicable counting sound, like a urging death god, quietly sounded in his ears...

"not good!!!"

Master Gao Fang subconsciously wanted to put his hand in front of him, and a strong force had already hit his chin!

It was Araki Zongsuke who used the "Haifangzhu" as a springboard to jump to a position that was as high as the two giants. With his knees, he slammed the five-meter tall and tangled Gaofangzhu so hard to fly out!

What is even more surprising is that the figure thrown away by Gao Fangzhu began to shrink in mid-air...


By the time he was smashed into the pile of rocks in the direction of Yiwenzaka, he had become a lean and strong middle-aged man with a naked and bald head, a deformed chin and unconsciousness.

"Why...your body is obviously so weak..."

Seeing the teammates who were "beaten back to their original form" one after another, the eyes of the only "Rock Fish Workshop Master" were full of horror. Subconsciously, his calf softened and he wanted to retreat...

"And their supernatural power...you...how did you do it..."

At this moment, Araki Zongsuke's "tiny" figure that fell from the air and strode forward was as terrifying as a god of death from heaven in his eyes.

"We exercise and accumulate day after day...what is it?!"

After years of hard work in the Self-Defense Forces and assassins, they licked their blood, and one day counts as a day, they have long feared death.

However, to pay all the "sacrifices" and the "divine power" accumulated over the years to be obliterated and deprived is a thing a hundred times more terrifying than death for every "favored person".

"Wait, wait a minute!"

In the extreme fear, because of the influence of the "divine power", the "Rockfish Proprietor" who has become accustomed to acting instinctively, his brain suddenly became extremely clear.

The people of the Aum Shinrikyo are all in a frenzy because of the "unlimited number of named fetish rewards" promised by the president, and are eager to try...

After all, in each subsequent sacrifice, being able to unconditionally and unlimitedly obtain any kind of ghost's "miracle" reward is enough to make an ordinary person the most powerful "favored person" in an instant!

However, no one has thought about it carefully. If the "named living sacrifice" named Sosuke Araki is really "vulnerable" as described in the information...

Why, "No. 5", "No. 3" and other senior "favorites", will break in his hands one after another?

Why didn't the president do it himself, but instead offered the "unlimited number of named gods" this kind of high reward that has never appeared before?

There is only one answer.

Sosuke Araki is so powerful that even the guild leader must rely on quantitative advantages to test and weaken the existence.

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