"Hey, these guys seem to be better than the previous ones..."

Facing the resentful spirit in front of him, the sun and moon double knives disappeared in the hands of Abe Temple, and the light of the knives intertwined with flames and ice splashed.

"However, it is still..."

"Scars, cut one by one."

Waka, Buddhist scriptures, and groans echoed together, and those charred black heads that had taken off their masks and exposed the hideous appearance below, all brushed up into the sky...

"...A bit thicker, no more weeds."

"The realm of transcendence is solemn and sufficient, far away from worries and all evil opinions, it is a profound meaning to break the doubts of the public, remove all evil views, and break through the realm of desire and colorlessness..."

Among the compassionate Buddhist scriptures, the silent Abe Temple is like a solemn executioner.

He wielded a non-marking sword that surpassed the limit of human dynamic vision, and accurately took the head of the slow-moving earthbound spirit in the "world of desirelessness" without wasting a trace of physical strength.

Two-day first-rate, five rounds, empty scroll.

"In my heart, there is a song of mourning, nowhere to spill it."

Although, these masked, fiery earth-bound spirits are far more powerful than those on the long street before.

However, no matter how ferocious and terrifying these wraiths are, no matter how poisonously scorching flames around the body and deceiving people's minds, Abe Temple does not need to make any defensive actions at all, and even the spiritual power of the protective body does not need to be maintained.

Because all the earthbound spirits who set foot on the pink pebble road will be driven by the desires in their hearts, and they will do things that don’t describe each other, and they will make happy and suppressed hums...

Even if it is a raid towards Abe Temple eroded by lust, it will be flexibly picked up by the pink Buddha bell outside.

A goal that can't go all out can't even be called an "rival".

"This life can't be done by hundreds of people...Hundred ghosts are not bad either."

All he needs to do is to stand on the spot, take the knife, take the knife, take the knife, take the knife again...

"Flowers dyed in melancholy colors, longing, withered."

On the long street, there is a parade that can't see the end at a glance, and the dense silhouettes go forward and one after the other to connect with the Buddha clock where the two are located, like turbulent waves, slapped on the majestic reef...

The heads that flew up were the foam that splashed up with them.

"Has it changed?"

After the men and women wearing masks and dancing demons and dances fell down like harvested wheatgrass, what appeared in front of the team was a scorched black man with a giant stick, blue-faced fangs, and a height of more than two meters.

These burly "thugs" exist precisely to maintain order along the "Oiran Road".

"In Oiran Road, idlers retreat...hehehe..."

They waved the thick iron rods in their hands and stabbed them towards the lower part of Abe Temple.

"Bang Dang."

At the top of the iron rod, several rings clinked...


The swift and shadowless light of the knife, through the dense iron rods, cut the men's necks first, so that their attacks could not touch the translucent pink Buddha clock.

One after another fierce heads continue to rise into the air...

"Don't worry about the Abe donor... No matter how strong and violent the impact, I will be happy."

Seeing his thoughts, Kato Junko reminded softly.

"Hmph, their sticks are too slow, not deliberately acting..."

Abe Temple's face was expressionless, and he continued to dance the icy fire sword in his hand.

Only this time, perhaps because he no longer cared about the large weapons in the opponent's hands, he "mows the grass" more efficiently.


The thick iron rod slammed on the pink Buddha bell, and a melodious bell sounded. I don't know who the death knell was played for.

Although these earthbound spirits that appeared with the parade are stronger than one...

But as long as Abe Temple takes a sword, these earth-bound spirits will rise up into the sky like "weeds", and their bodies will fall to the ground.

Bells, Waka, Sakura Rain, the shadow of a sword...

The slow-moving queue turned into countless headless remains before the pink Buddha bell, gradually accumulating into small hills on both sides of the long street, and finally drifting into pitch-black resentment.

Kill ghosts, kill ghosts, kill ghosts continuously...

As long as the spiritual power is not exhausted, as long as there is a trace of strength, he will swing the next sword without hesitation.

I don’t remember how many knives were swung, or how long this action lasted...

Strands of resentment lingered and dripped on the hot and red sun and moon knives like iron, like blood, ink, and teardrops, evaporating into the flames of desire.

The mighty parade continued to march forward willingly, but those giants who wielded iron rods seemed to have been cut under his sword and disappeared.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is..."

Instead, there were short men lined up, standing solemnly, holding giant white lanterns.

On the white lanterns with the flames, the words "Chaowu" are written in bright red writing brushes.

"Man with a lantern?!"

When the Oiran is in the middle of the road, a servant will carry a lantern with the name of the Oiran to open the way to declare its prestige.

"Congratulations, Oiran is on tour!"

Not waiting for the two to react, after the men with lanterns sang loudly, they slowly separated towards the two sides of the road and continued towards Abe Temple.

As they walked, they lightly waved their lanterns in their hands, and brought a large string of fire lights like a lion dance, continuously impacting the Buddha bell beside them.


As if being in the eight hot hells, Abe Temple continued to swing the knife without stagnation, raising the heads of people against the burning fire.

When the men carrying the lanterns were flying moths to the heads in front, in the middle of the road behind, two young girls who stepped on clogs, dressed in scarlet kimonos, white faces, black hair and black teeth, and blood-colored flower crowns on their heads slowly appeared.

They carried long pipes and tobacco boxes in their hands, and they could not see the slightest expression on their pale faces like dead people. They stood on both sides of the road with graceful and graceful figures.

He didn't attack the two of them like other Binding Spirits, but waited there quietly.


The crisp and dull footsteps sounded from the separate teams.

In the song, a stocky man with a solemn expression and scorched and cracked body walked out slowly.

Behind, another tall and thin man is holding a giant umbrella leaning forward.

Under the huge umbrella, there is a girl who is gorgeous but not vulgar, charming but not mediocre, and curvy.

She is wearing a gorgeous purple kimono, heavy clogs on her feet, and a "small pillow" bow belt around her waist.

On the exquisite face with vermilion lips, teeth and double eyes cut water, there are six cross-fixed Date Hyogo buns made of coral and tortoise shell.

On both sides of the heavy bun inlaid with jade and gold, the crimson pendant that moves with the wind adds a touch of playfulness to the dignity.

What made the two people in the flames unable to look away was her skin that was still white and snow-white under the yellow flames, without any traces of scorching black.

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