I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 664 The Return of the Deja Vu Sword


In the middle of the team of Oiran Road, this beautiful girl with dignity and maturity blended with an innocent girl. She put her hand on the shoulder of the man in front of her with a handkerchief, stepped on the five or six-inch high exaggerated wooden clogs, her jade feet gently turned towards Draw a perfectly round trajectory and move forward slightly for a half step.

Immediately afterwards, her other foot moved forward again, drawing an arc...

Surrounded by several beautiful young girls behind her, the girl in Huafu used this strange step of "love's outer eight-character circle", approaching the two of them at a speed close to the tortoise...

The faint light of the fire was reflected on the pale and pretty faces of the maids, and there was no trace of blood.

Pair it with the burnt and bloody "onlookers" all around...

The parade in front of me is not so much an "Oiran Dochu", but rather an "Oiran's funeral."

"Amitabha Buddha... Date Hyogo bun, three-toothed spine, male servant holding umbrella, ‘bald’ who opened the way, and ‘new creation’ that followed, and this ‘eight-character step’..."

Seeing this scene before him, Junko Kato sitting behind Abeji Temple narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously feeling the great pressure.

"The one in front of me must be the oiran in the Tao this time..."

"Eight-character step" is a unique way of walking in the Oiran Road with the "eight-character".

There is a saying in Edo that "Oiran walks slower than an ox cart."

When the Oiran was in the road, he often carried more than 20 kilograms of clothing and accessories, and he was wearing six-inch-high, heavy clogs called "three-tooth-lower", which made it extremely difficult to move.

Coupled with this anti-human "eight-character" pace, even an oiran with proficient footwork can take more than an hour at the fastest for an ordinary person in ten minutes.

"Look at her..."

Different from Kato Junko's focus, he swung a knife to kill the endless stream of lantern men in front of him, but Abe Temple's gaze stayed on the undulating curve of that "oiran" from beginning to end.

It's not because of the graceful and attractive figure of this oiran, but because of the grand purple kimono body and the wide cuffs that stretched down on the other party's body. The flame patterns and white flowers are intertwined to form a complete "Blazing Night". Sakura Picture...

"It's the kimono that ran away from the shrine!"

After Abe Temple reminded him, Junko Kato noticed that the somewhat familiar kimono of the oiran wore the "big sleeves" kimono, which was the one that ignited the flames and fluttered away after devouring five cults in Yoshiwara Shrine. Pieces!

"Click... Click..."

Following the elegant, dignified and solemn oiran, walking along the long street bit by bit with the "eight-character step", the cherry blossom petals falling in the sky turned into a downpour...

The dense fire light exploded on the pink Buddha bell, leaving a series of fine cracks.

"Speech for greedy sentient beings, speak the right way to make greed, speak for the likes and hatreds of love to make li aversion, for the foolish, say twelve causes and conditions to make ignorance, and for the greedy, say tanparami!"

Feeling the pressure, Junko Kato frowned, and the Buddhist scriptures in her mouth became more and more urgent...

Once the Buddha's bell is broken, even if Abe Temple is agile, it will not be able to "not touch the body" among such dense petals.

Exposing to the hard-to-extinguish flames of the cherry blossom petals, even if she wanted to retreat all over, she would have to consume the "endless mandala" power accumulated over the years of her career.

What's more, there are densely scorched and black bound spirits waiting outside, and inside this majestic Oiran Dao...

If they took advantage of the chaos, they would die instantly without a place to bury them.

When all the men with lanterns fell under the sword of Abe Temple and turned into a member of the bloody sea of ​​corpses on both sides of the long street, the oiran finally walked not far in front of the two.

"Routou Shinagawa is in the fog and has seen two adults."

Across the long street with scorched corpses, the woman lowered her eyes and bowed to the embarrassed two.

"Shinagawaro...Asagiri...is it her?!"

Hearing this name, Abe Temple, who had originally drawn his sword and wanted to slash, slowed down in his hands.

"Magumi Nujia, thank you Samurai for your help...for your life-saving grace, you must remember it in your heart..."

In the alleyway filled with fireworks, the delicate girl with immature appearance and seemingly indistinguishable from ordinary people appeared in her heart.

"This morning mist... who the hell is..."

The immature girl waiting to be released, and the beautiful and charming oiran in front of her, two completely different but inexplicably familiar faces gradually overlapped.

"Why did this kimono get on her?"

The intuition in my heart told Abe Temple that the woman in front of her, and the kimono on her body, must have a deep connection with this divine shadow.

"Why in this divine hiding place, only she looks the same as ordinary people?"

The appearance of the spirit body will change with the experience and obsessions during a lifetime. Therefore, the theory of being born from the mind is more applicable to the spirit body.

A spirit body that looks close to a living person at least shows that the mind is not so severely distorted by obsession.

Even though his stomach was full of doubts, the Buddha bell above his head, constantly being brought fiercely by the plumes of cherry blossom petals, was already crumbling like a hut in a blizzard.

Since I can't figure it out for a while, it's better to...

Cut it out first?

Just when Abe Temple's eyes were slightly narrowed, and the body was about to act instinctively...

"I didn't feel any malice in her...for the time being..."

Kato Junko's turbulent body was pressed to his back, and he reached out and pressed the hand he was holding on the scabbard: "It's better to watch the changes first...take the opportunity to adjust your breath..."

"Dare to ask this lord, have you and I ever been there, are we destined to meet?"

With the cherry blossoms raining down, looking at the handsome samurai holding double knives, blood splattering the long street, seeing death as home, and the poignant beauty behind him, the oiran who claimed to be the "Magiri", a trace of sorrow flashed in his beautiful eyes.

This situation, this scene, this person...

The flowers fell helplessly, and the sword of deja vu returned.


In 1653, Edo, Yoshihara.

"Asshole boy, remember it for me..."

"Uncle, if you are still here when I bring someone back, just wash your butt and wait!"

"Oh, this kid is so cruel, he stabbed so deeply..."

On the long street full of feasting and soft red incense, several men dressed as samurai, limping and holding their backs, ran towards the gate of Yoshihara.

"Bah! Don't let me wait too long..."

In the middle of the long street, a tall young man in a toga and kimono spit out blood and stood proudly.

"Shou Lang at Shimoyanagi's house, I am waiting for a few door-to-door challenges at any time!"

In his hands, he holds a long slender bamboo stick on the left, the right, the front and the back...

At the bottom of the bamboo stick, there was a dumpling that could not be eaten in the future.

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