I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 670: The Train King and the Female Sea King

The incarnation of Shoji Jinemon, a bull-ghost who resembles a skyscraper and surging muscles like lava, looked around the Yoshiwara at his feet, and then focused on the middle of the long street. The one who walked slowly makes people's mind anxious. "Eight Word Steps", Chaowu body who is following the same steps...


Then, He opened his huge mouth spitting out hot air waves, and let out a hoarse and bitter roar: "...Today, you can't even think about escaping from my palm with that thing!"

As soon as the voice fell, the flaming giant hoof had slowly moved towards the crossroad...


Suddenly, under the giant hoof, several wooden houses were transformed into modern-style buildings in the heat wave of space distortion, and then vanished in flames.

"So, is this Oiran Asagiri who wants to escape?"

Abe Temple turned his head and looked at Chaowu's deja vu, slowly moving forward...

"Master Kato..."

Being chased by this terrible ghost behind her, her originally graceful and charming "eight-character steps" seemed so stubborn and helpless.

"Now is not the time to keep your hands. If you have anything at the bottom of the box, use them all..."

Intuition tells him that if this ghost is allowed to catch up with the morning fog, even more terrible things will happen.

"Even if you die, you can't let this ghost and god continue to erode the world!"


"Yoshiwara Yanjo" Shenyin, on the east side of Nakanomachi Pass.

A little bit of cherry blossoms fell, colliding with the invisible barrier, bursting out bright fire, illuminating the bald scalp.

"The number of these fireball-like clusters of resentful spirits may not be too many..."

Wearing an exorcism cloth and stepping on roller skating, Tsukida Hiroshi is galloping down the blazing long street.

At the place where his figure passed by, several groups of flames wailing in pain were scattered among the large canopy of exorcism salt sprinkled along his elbows, continuing to burn...

"Even if it is difficult to remove completely, it will devour the same kind..."

Turning a blind eye to such a scene, Hiroshi Tsugada kept skating fast, took the time to loosen the tie around his neck, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"But no matter how you swallow it, it seems that it's just getting bigger..."

"Even if you really consider yourself an auto chess, somehow you should develop a few more advanced varieties, right? 』

He also vomited a few words, and did not mean to stop according to the past habits and implement "just behind the knife" on those weakened resentful spirits.

Except for the impenetrable physiological structure of the fireball-like resentment...

Right behind him, he was also chasing a long series of "fireballs" that were slightly larger and could not be removed by exorcism salt.

The incomplete fireballs along the way were run over by these huge "kind" like trucks and turned into their ever-expanding nutrients.

After these fireballs were provoked by Hiroshi Tokuta, they chased behind him all the way, relying on the embers that swallowed their companions, and developed and grown like a snowball.


Hiroshi Changtian's complaint was not over yet, a few dark red flames burst out of the laneway beside him, blocking his way...

"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​be careful!"

Seeing that Hiroshi Tsukida was about to be "kissed by the flames right behind", an afterimage in a yellow robe shot out from one side and knocked him to the side.

Amidst the collision of the fireball and the raging flames, a golden light burst out of the surface of the robe, which firmly protected the person in it.

"Thanks, Yamada-kun...this handkerchief, but Uchiko bought it newly..."

Sitting aside, Tsugada Hiroshi slightly distressedly pulled out a handkerchief that was stained with sparks on his chest and started to burn, and threw it to the ground.

The "fireball" composed of these dark red arrogances is not fast, and the attack method is also very simple. It is not difficult to remove one by one...

But its difficulty lies in its huge number and can swallow each other to grow. Once the flames around the body become more and more prosperous and disturbing, it will be difficult to extinguish if it does not consume a lot of spiritual energy.

In the next second, the man in the Taoist robe drew out a peach wood sword behind himself, and cut out the majestic Lei Gang...

Several groups of "fireballs" that came first shook violently in the thunder light and stopped.

These stunned fireballs were immediately hit by the "kind" coming from behind, starting a new round of devouring and fusion...

"Are you okay, Vice President Chang Tian?"

This helper was naturally Yamada Kengo, who fell on all fours and carried several lightning peach swords.

"There are more coming from the side, don't stay..."

Yamada Kengo kept passing by Hiroshi Tokuta, pulling him away.

Because, from the direction he came, nearly a hundred "fireballs" have appeared in the alley.

The flames that had been chasing behind the two of them each gathered together into a string.

Looking at the uncountable flames behind him, they continue to swallow each other while moving, and gradually merge into a larger existence...

"Hello, Yamada-kun, is it really okay to do this?"

Hiroshi Tokuta, who was skating on rollers and grabbing the hem of Kengo Yamada's clothes, was escaping like a sleigh ride, with sweat on his forehead gushing like a waterfall.

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem... I'm a professional when it comes to'driving trains'..."

"Hey, this is not too big, there is already at least H..."

Without looking at the dense and burning fireballs behind him, Yamada Kengo, who was on all fours, suddenly stopped at a T-shaped intersection.

"Cough cough cough... Why don't you run away... the guy behind, even the ‘head’ is already formed!"

Following that, Hiroshi Tsuguta came to a halt, looking at a short distance behind him in horror, which had merged into a giant two-story "fireball".

"Because, I have no time to run ahead..."

"What, what?!"

Following Kengo Yamada's gaze, Hiroshi Tsukita couldn't help exclaiming.

"Ahahahaha...How can the strongest'Train King' be better than the'Female Sea King'?!"

In the woman's nervous and wanton laugh, another group of three-story giant "fireballs", with a string of slightly smaller fireballs behind them, appeared from the corner of the intersection.

"...This time, I won!"

Looking closely, not far from under the giant fireball, a red-haired girl in a nun's clothing was rushing towards the two at a speed that surpassed the limits of human movement.

Under her flying miniskirt, on her slender, white and blind legs, a pair of golden boots with small wings are shining stars while she is running.

It is the special nun of the Holy See of the Vatican, Nia St. Catherine.

"Although I am very unconvinced, I am not qualified to refute it in terms of quantity or quality."

Looking at Niya, who led the huge fireball that was enough to drown the two of them, as if launching a suicide attack, Kengo Yamada curled his lip, and pulled Tsukishi Hiroshi toward Niya as if he was going to die...

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