I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 671 Golden Jade Completion Plan

"It's now!"

At the moment they were about to pass by, the three of them tacitly came to a ninety-degree turn and entered the side roadway.

Countless arrogances from different directions, large and small, collided together in a narrow alley in an instant, erupting a terrible heat wave...

"Huh, I almost thought I would be forced to accept the ‘free cremation service’..."

"All the things in the nearby area should be concentrated here, right?"

The three walked around from the end of the alley and gathered together on the long street not far away. With lingering fear, they looked towards the alley not far away...

"Although these resentful spirits will temporarily stop and expose flaws when they are'assembled'..."

At this moment, the flames burst and the "fireballs" at the end of the alley have merged with each other until only two are left...

"But the existence of these gadgets after fusion has long been beyond the scope of our'safe removal'!"

Looking at the two "ultra-giant" fireballs that were connected together like the infinity symbol "∞" and swallowed each other with passion, Hiroshi Tsugada felt that the saliva he swallowed was as hot as boiling water.

"How do I feel that your messy ‘plan’ is helping this group of resentful spirits evolve?"

Just ten minutes ago, when a group of people entered the building complex where the cherry blossoms were falling from Yiwenzaka, a weird circle of fire spread out from the depths of the long street, bringing the spirits who had been standing still in the streets and alleys. It was completely ignited, and turned into a ball of fire in front of him.

Blocked by these "fireballs" like aggregating wraith spirits, and worried that they would continue to congregate and break through the gods and enter the Yoshihara red light district, a few people planned to "snap all the fireballs" nearby.

Now, looking at these two giant "fireballs" gradually merging into one, the temperature is so high that it can evaporate everything, Hiroshi Tsugada can't imagine the existence of this aggregation, being "killed by a net".

The actions of myself and others were purely "igniting oneself."

"Don't worry... everything is going according to plan!"

On the side of Niya and Yamada Kengo, there was no discouragement on the faces.

"Yes, there are already two of Jinyu's'Jade'..."

The gazes of the two of them all looked at the other side of the T-shaped intersection...

"...Jinyu's'gold' is almost time to come."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

As if responding to the two men's passionate words, the harsh exhaust sound penetrated the painful wailing in the countless fireballs, and passed into the ears from another direction.

A heavy locomotive with bursting muscles, savage teeth, and surging dark fire, appeared at the end of the road, maintaining a posture of lateral drifting and cornering.

Immediately behind that heavy locomotive, there were five "fireballs" in a row, which filled the entire long street with a steady stream of "flaming squares" like a military parade.

"Hey hey, this number... is it that the guy over there is not big enough?"

Hiroshi Tsutsuta could not imagine what a terrifying existence would be born when such equivalent "fireballs" converge.

"Wow, Araki-kun, the size of your golden jade is much exaggerated than expected..."

"Senior Araki, it's too slow!!!"

The blond man riding on the motorcycle leading the fireball phalanx and causing the three to exclaim was Sousuke Araki wearing sportswear and carrying a bucket bag.

"Sorry, although slowness has always been something I'm proud of... but I was delayed for a while because of greed, it is indeed a mistake..."

Waved to the three people who stood still in place, he led the blazing phalanx behind him like a kamikaze, rushing toward the two giant fireballs without reducing speed.

"Now that you are all here, then I announce... the ‘Golden Rod Replenishment Plan’ is officially launched!"

Coming to the two giant fireballs that had merged one-third of them, the "Warring States Warrior" suddenly leaped to the side, ignoring gravity and drove vertically across the wall next to the long street...

"At the same time, I have to correct me first..."

Being crushed by the inverted-toothed wheels of the warriors of the Warring States Period, the blazing, unquenchable flames on the buildings instantly died down, extinguished into puffs of black smoke, and rushed into Araki Sosuke's body.

"Although it is unexpectedly thick, long, and strong..."

However, the other three had no time to notice this wonderful scene, but focused on the two giant "golden jade" burning...

"But, this is not the gold of'Golden Jade'..."

Because, after Araki Sosuke went up to the wall, the countless groups of fireballs that were neatly arranged behind him, like the barrage of the boss in a plane game, continuously impacted the two fireballs that were merging. Body.

"...It's the gold of the golden rod!"

It is as if a thick "1" slammed into the middle of the infinity symbol "∞", forming a more subtle shape.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Large and small fireballs collided with each other and annihilated, exploding out of the dazzling fire light that people could not look directly at and the scorching heat waves that seemed to be in hell.

"Gold and golden rods are shrinking..."

Seeing that between the collision and fusion of the fireballs, the "1" was getting thicker and shorter, while the two fireballs that made up the "8" were getting bigger and bigger. Hiroshi Tsugada showed a horrified look...

"I missed my decision. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to observe the prop from a close range... This idiot, who is overwhelmingly fascinating, has missed the best time to use that ‘prop’..."

The reason why Tsuneta Hiroshi agreed to this seemingly absurd "fire-ignition plan" was originally to bet the treasure on Araki Sosuke.

In his opinion, in the sports bag that the guy carries like a baby, there must be precious liquid props that can make the resentful spirit "become a Buddha" even if he sacrifices his body.

"I can't take care of so much. Before these guys have evolved from "Golden Rod" to "Sun", let's retreat first..."

But until now, he is extremely sure that even if Araki Sosuke throws out ten times more "mineral water" than that night on the Tomei Expressway, he will not be able to extinguish the "fire" in front of him.

Moreover, looking at the volume of the sports bag on this guy, there shouldn't be much liquid in it...

"This, this is..."

Just when Vice-Chairman Chang Tian was confused in the extreme heat that made people unable to breathe, and instinctively wanted to retreat first...

"Huh, it's so hot..."

Araki Sosuke had already circumvented in front of the three of them riding a warring States warrior at some point, pulling the zipper of the sportswear to the end, revealing his upper body full of tattoos, eight pack abs, and sweat.

Indifferent to the gradual loss of control behind him, he took out a cigarette to his mouth, took out a lighter and lit it: "'Golden Jade' and'Golden Rod' have been combined as planned. Next..."

"Hey, when is it, are you still in the mood to light a cigarette?" We will soon...』

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