I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 672: Top Secret

Just as Araki Sosuke greedily expelled the first puff of smoke, a huge black arm that was as huge as a train, tangled in flesh, and burned with dark red scriptures, sprang out from his back in a majestic and silent manner...

"...It's time to provide the service of'become a Buddha and ascend into the sky, be sent into the soul'!"

"What service... Wait, this guy is still sealed with Shikigami in his body? ! 』

It’s not uncommon to see spirit-eliminators with resentful spirits and ghosts in their bodies as shikigami, but this is the first time that Tsukida Hiroshi has seen such a thick, long and black body.

In his sluggish gaze, the huge palms squeezed the stubby "1" formed by the fireball and squeezed in the direction of "∞"...


Being held roundly by the giant black arm with inexplicable skill, and smoothly wiped to the end, on the lustful "golden rod" composed of countless fireballs, the flames went out...

It's like a "large massage accident scene" that suffered from overly crude service and couldn't get back to it before reaching the peak.

"The service is over, don't send it if you leave!"

"After finishing work", that black arm swept the surrounding flames and turned into a large amount of resentment, and retracted back to Sosuke Araki's back.

At the same time, a pool of crystal clear things splashed out from the top of the black wreckage of the "golden rod"...

"Impossible...this...this is..."

Regardless of the smoky smoke spraying on his smooth forehead, and the scary black arms that are somehow familiar still remain in the retina, Tsukida Hiroshi's pupils spread, and his face is sweaty looking at the scattered white crystals. ...

"Become a Buddha?!"

"Obviously, I didn't see him opening the bag and applying any liquid..."

That's amazing, there are countless pure spirit bodies with smiles, hands folded, standing on both sides of the long street like onlookers!

In the next second, those pure white spirits glanced at Yoshiwara Flower Street in the flames with complicated eyes, smiled and disappeared into the long street...

"What...what is the principle... If you can become a Buddha by just doing this, then am I also..."

"Could it be that this seemingly unpretentious massage technique is actually a certain technique secreted by the Master Kawasaki Temple...No, the shikigami itself should be the key... Or, it is the shikigami performing it." Before the'massage', the'liquid prop' was applied in advance by some secret method? ! 』

As thoughts flew, a vague memory suddenly emerged from the heart of Hiroshi Tokuta...

"Wait a minute...Why is this, this God's arm so familiar!"

On the night of Obon, I was trampled under the crotch by the resentful spirits gathered by the cats and dogs.

With the aura of ruining the sky and destroying the earth, the huge black arms that smashed several gathered wraith spirits in one blow...

The spirit body of stray cats and dogs shining all over the sky...

A certain back who was riding on a thin, old locomotive quickly disappearing...

The huge amount of snorting liquid dripping from the head and filling the nose and mouth...

"I knew that it was definitely not an illusion caused by my drinking too much urine..."

Scenes from scenes to scenes gradually overlapped with the back of Araki Sosuke, who was riding the hideously shaped heavy motorcycle and carrying a thick backpack, and began to "clean" the long street along the long street.

"Ghost Rider, it's you!"

On the second day of the Obon Festival, Hiroshi Tsukita was unconscious and found on a street corner by the search and rescue team. He only regained consciousness after being taken to the hospital.

After recovering, he also inquired in the association as to who had rescued him.

However, none of the spirit removers who entered Taitung District on the evening of the Bon Festival were in line with the people they saw.

Except for one person...

The mysterious and powerful spirit eliminator who once appeared in hell apartments and joint operations, the Ghost Rider!

Later, as he was busy dealing with the various abnormalities left by the "Gate of Hell", Hiroshi Tsugada could only put his doubts aside for the time being.

However, if Sosuke Araki is the Ghost Rider, who could have obtained the certificate directly, why should he take the Exam for Exempting Spirits incognito?

"Congratulations, Vice President Tsugada, for knowing the top secret of the Spirit Slayers Association..."

Just when Hiroshi Tokuta's thoughts were chaotic, his brain was running fast, and he was about to burn and explode like the fire field in front of him...

I don’t know when to get close to Yamada Kengo directly behind him, and gently press his thin shoulders with warm hands...

The burning breath has not yet arrived, and the uncontrollable itching has spread on the earlobe in advance.

"The Association's...top...secret?"

"Is there anything else I don't know as the vice president..."

Hiroshi Tsukida swallowed and tasted these four words carefully.

"Yes, the existence of Senior Araki itself is the top secret that the Spirit Eliminator Association cannot record with any words or images, nor can it remain on any carrier..."

"After returning to the association, remember to sign a confidentiality contract with Shimoto teacher. 』

"So, I always thought it was Abe Temple. It turned out that it was him who performed the so-called "Top Secret Mission" here..."

Suddenly reacting to something, Hiroshi Tsugada did not care about the unhealed cervical spine, and turned his head in amazement to look at Kengo Yamada and Niya, whose faces were fairly calm: "Wait a minute... So, so, about the identity of this kid... With his monster-like strength, you, you...have already known it?!"

"It hurts, it hurts...the old man's cervical spine..."

"Don't look at me, this lady was also involved accidentally tonight. The depth of your members of the Japanese Spirit Slayers Association, as the vice president, shouldn't you have tried it out long ago..."

"Yes, with regard to the identity and strength of Senior Araki, as arranged by this teacher on time, only Master Kofa and a few other spirit-eliminators in the meeting have the right to know..."

"Is it arranged by Chairman Shiben..."

"Who can change the length of life, who knows how terrifying eternity is? 』

Listening to the words of Yamada Kengo and Niya, Tsukida Hiroshi's eyes fell on someone's back in the distance, and he hummed some inexplicable and profound singing in his mouth for some reason.

"That's it, my pattern is still too small!"

"Who knows that survival is often crueler than fate, but no one wants to admit defeat. 』

Even after witnessing the scene of the other party beating the three "giant workshop owners" with my own eyes, my own judgment of Araki Sosuke was still too sloppy!

Regardless of how powerful Araki Sosuke's body is, what kind of existence is sealed in his body, and what mysterious liquid treasure he has mastered...

Just like just now, the destructive power of the long street exceeds the level [3], the super-large aggregate of resentful spirits gathered from countless fireballs into a Buddha with a single blow...

He, like Fujiwara Takumi, had already had the qualification to directly assess the exemption level [3] of the soul.

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