"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. When piled up from the shore, the current will be turbulent. If you walk higher than people, everyone will be wrong. The lessons are not far away, and the car will follow the track..."

"We are constantly on the road, forgetting the way out, and pursuing occasional satisfaction in disappointment. 』

As the vice president of the Association of Spirit Eliminators, the information that Hiroshi Tsukita can access is far from comparable to that of ordinary Spirit Eliminators.

In recent years, "the favored person once in 4,000 years" Fujiwara Takukai has lived in abundance, and even secretly left Meiji Jingu and moved to a place no one knows about. He has never taken care of the spirits easily, and is low-key to almost no sense of existence...

On the night of the Bon Festival, when Tokyo's three major formations were in danger, he suddenly appeared like a god, and after taking a hand to protect the formation and turning the tide, he flew straight into the resentment-filled area.

Abe Temple, which is the direct bloodline of the Abe clan and the next successor to Seimei Shrine, has practiced kendo in Kyoto since childhood, and did not travel to Tokyo until he was 18 years old. Since early March, it has been closed because of some kind of "secret practice". ...

On the night of Obon, he chased twenty streets with two knives in his hands, beheading countless cults and gathering wraiths along the way.

One of the "Sansha" of Edo, the declining celebrity Kotori Yushi's contemporary Miko Yu Mayumi, when she participated in the exemption examination in February this year, she only floated at a low altitude with just a qualified level...

On the night of the Obon Festival, she showed up with the "Three Sacred Weapons of Akagi", showing the terrifying strength of "a cluster of wraiths with one arrow".

And the current Sosuke Araki, who is under the teacher of Kawasaki Daishi Temple, is even more exaggerated...

He was thrown into the orphanage to fend for himself. During the day, he pretended to be a low-level violent man who had graduated from a fifth-rate university, but in the evening he turned into a mysterious spirit exterminator "Ghost Rider" who punishes evil and promotes good.

At this moment, bit by bit clues continue to converge in the bald head of Hiroshi Tsugada, turning into a continuous white torrent...

"Chairman Shimoto, Master Kawasaki, Abe, Fujiwara... really played a big game of chess, it's hard to hide it from me..."

"We are all liberated in dreams, awake suffering, wandering in dim lights. Go to the end, return to the origin, and enjoy the endless road. 』

Chairman Shiben and the others who knew the truth deliberately turned a deaf ear to all this, presumably they were aware of the existence of organizations like the Aum Truth Society in advance, and hid all these geniuses.

This dark move can not only prevent the excellent spirit removers with great growth potential from being targeted, but also give the enemy an unexpected "backstab" at the critical moment when the gate of hell is opened.

Compared with them, the self who is obsessed with training employees, developing props, and removing spirits from the rear is simply a difference in structure!

"Huh, it's so hot, sweating a lot..."


"It's rare to be confused during performances along the way, and it's rare to be numb in retrospect along the way..."

When Sosuke Araki finished the final "cleaning service" and drove back to the three of them, he was greeted by Hiroshi Tsugada with tears in his eyes and trembling lips...

"...I have wronged you all the time!"


"You don't need to explain, I understand all! As the vice president, I immediately agree to your conversion..."

"Don't worry, I will deal with it in a low-key manner, and it won't affect the situation that you have worked silently for so many years! From now on, I will have a lot to ask you when I become a Buddha..."

According to Hiroshi Tokuta, as a "genius eliminator" who can clearly enjoy glory, Sosuke Araki, for the sake of a greater cause, is recklessly acting as a violent evil spirit eliminator during the day and silently eliminating spirits at night. , What a great spirit of sacrifice that is free from low-level tastes!

"That's good..."

"This Mediterranean, when has it been so easy to talk to, suddenly used honorifics to me, and kept humming quietly... Is there a conspiracy? 』

Ignoring Sosuke Araki with a blank face, Hiroshi Tokuta couldn't help but think of scenes that happened on the rooftop of the Soul Eliminators Association...

Tokimoto Ichiro: "You said that you have deliberately hurt Vice President Tsugada several times. I tried every means to tell the association that you have a mental problem and asked you to see a psychiatrist, but you still beat people around? Are you really mental? Abnormal? Have you forgotten whether you are a good person or a bad person?"

Araki Sosuke: "It was clearly said that it was three years, but three years later, three years later, three years later, and three years later, almost ten years as the president!"

Tokimoto Ichiro: "Can you treat me with a better attitude? Now I am the only one in Japan who knows your identity. I will go back and delete your information. I won't have to worry about you being a Yakuzha for the rest of your life."

Araki Sosuke: "What do you think of me? Remind you every day that you are a spirit exterminator, and even when you dream, you say ‘I’m a genius’?"

"On this intimate road, let me be like you, you are like me, how can I be lonely? ! 』

"Moximosi? Vice President Changtian? Are you still online?"

Just as the three curiously waved to the tearful and distorted Hiroshi Tsuneta...


The ground under my feet shook violently like an earthquake...

"Look over there..."

"This thing is a bit like the one that Araki-senpai just disposed of..."

"Although the size is dozens of times larger... the shape is also "single golden jade"..."

A dazzling fire tornado that spins rapidly and burns slowly from the inside of the city wall to the west of Yoko Yoshihara.

Then, the light of the fire tornado was restrained, revealing the head of a skull with dark red flames, flowing muscles and seven horns on the head...


As the bullhead ghost talked, the scorching heat waves visible to the naked eye began to spread towards the surroundings, causing the burning buildings and the extremely hot "Yoshiwara Yanshang" to hide, and the temperature once again Uplift.

"...Today, you don't want to take that thing and escape from my palm!"

Compared with his size, Yoshihara Yukaku under his feet is just a slightly larger football field.

"Boom... boom..."

Seeing the minotaur, which covered the sky and dazzled the sun, continuously smashed the buildings underneath, and walked slowly along the main road, the foreheads of Tsukata Hiroshi, Yamada Kengo, and Niya all began to drip fine beads of sweat. ...

"This is... the power of ghosts and gods..."

"Regardless of specifications and quality, they are completely different from the previous'Golden Jade' and'Golden Rods'..."

"This ghost and god is a bit like the legendary bull ghost... But since the body is in human form, is it possible that the hybrid object is..."

The power of the rich gray ghosts and gods, like billowing smoke from the seven-horned bullhead ghosts and gods straight into the sky.

"Wow, is this thing called a tauren? I thought it was called a tauren... It seems to be about the same height as the thing in Hakone Park last time."

"And, who was he calling by name just now? The thing he said...what is it? 』

Only Araki Sosuke, with his eyes slightly squinted, stared at the terrible Minotaur who could trample himself like an ant in the distance without any fear.

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