"The power of this ghost and god seems to be connected with the entire Shenyin..."

Right below the pink Bodhisattva, there are two figures standing and sitting.

"Moreover, as the fire of desire burns the seemingly endless desires in this divine hidden, He is still getting stronger and stronger..."

Sitting cross-legged, it was Junko Kato, who was untidy and springing up.

"Abe-kun, my "Thirty-Three Outer Heavens · Incarnation of Bliss" is transformed by the desires of sentient beings and has not yet reached the realm. I am afraid that it is not his opponent. "

"Master Kato doesn't have to humble himself. As far as I know, even at the Kawasaki Master Temple, no one has cultivated the Dharma body for nearly a hundred years..."

Standing next to Junko Kato is naturally Abe Temple standing with a sword.

"Only based on Buddhism, your Excellency is unparalleled in the world."

Even though his clothes are tattered and his whole body is smoky, his eyes are as clear as amber, and his eyes are always shining to observe the "war between heaven and man" above his head.

The Buddha has three bodies, namely the Dharmakaya, the Samsakaya, and the Incarnation.

Dharmakaya, the Sanskrit word dharma-ka^ya, represents the Dharma and Buddha nature in the mind of the practitioner, which is not obvious.

It is said that only those who are extremely talented and practice their own Buddhism can cultivate the "external manifestation of the Dharma body" and manifest the spiritual body through the Dharma.

"Now... uh huh... not the time to compliment..."

Kato Junko's long hair fluttered in the heat waves, the expression on her pretty face was intertwined with pain and joy, and the humming in her nose started to moan.


Under the violent impact of the seven horns on the head of the bullhead ghost and god, this giant Buddha clock soon appeared cracks...

"I can't hold him for too long. If I don't let go and attack now, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

Her "Happy Dharma" absorbs the desires of sentient beings and gives feedback with supreme bliss. However, she encounters the bull-headed ghosts and gods who are fueled by desires and can be called natural enemies. It can be described as miserable.

"Huh...it's so..."

Looking back at the long, burning street behind him, Abe Temple took a deep breath.

"Since the bull's goal is hers..."

Hundreds of meters behind the two of them, the morning fog wearing a purple "Weaving Flame Night Sakura" and stepping on heavy clogs was still advancing with difficulty.

"Until I figure it out, I can't let it succeed."

"Oiran walks slower than an ox cart" is not unreasonable.

"It's been more than twenty years, you guys..."

Converging his mind, he looked down at the double knives in his hands.

"Almost ready, right?"

Even though it had spiritual protection, but had cut too many spirits and the "fireball" that was hot enough to vaporize steel, the pair of swords were completely twisted and deformed like twists, hanging down in a desolate arc.


Hearing Abe Temple's words, the dying, broken and deformed Sun and Moon Double Swords shook wildly with excitement.

"...Then, if you don't break or stand, let's be reborn from the ashes!"

The hot and sharp blade slipped quietly across the arms of Abe Temple, bringing out drops of blood...

The drop of blood flowed along the hands of Abe Temple's drooping hands, on top of the sun and moon double knives held by him, disappeared between the blades, without a drop falling to the ground.

"Drink...how much...how much..."

Spiritual energy flowed down the blood, and the tired Abe Temple even swayed a little while standing.

"I thought it would take decades... but I didn't expect it to be in this situation..."

He has always been gentle and meticulous, his eyes are full of madness at the moment, and a twisted smile is outlined at the corner of his mouth...

For some reason, there was an inexplicable throbbing and unyielding in my heart.

Let Abe Temple want to challenge this bull-headed ghost and god, under the giant hoof of the opponent, guard the thin figure that stubbornly advances with the cherry blossoms scattered in the fire.

Even if she is just a resentful spirit that has long passed away...

Even if you might lose your life for this!


The raging frost and fire rose from the two knives in the hands of Abe Temple, colliding into a cloud of white mist, swallowing his figure.


Kyoto, Shangkyo District, Chuanchuantong.

To the northwest of the "Yiyijiuqiao", in the quaint and elegant shrine with black ceilings and white walls, a teenager who is less than ten years old is sitting solemnly in the side hall.

"Father, I have already awakened my inspiration, and still have enough energy to practice kendo. Why don't I teach me more secrets of Abe's Onmyoji?"

Although her face is so tender and beautiful that she is often mistaken for a girl at first sight...

But his straight posture and the rock-solid seriousness in his eyes clearly showed his maturity and perseverance far beyond his age.

"Hiccup... I said... Ah Si... You always kneel like this in your own home, don't you feel tired?"

Not far in front of the teenager who was sitting in danger, was a middle-aged scumbag man with a hand pillow, lying on his side and wearing only a pair of beach pants.

"Hey, the so-called Abe Yin and Yang Secret Art is nothing more than a trail..."

In front of him, there is an old chess board, and black and white peanuts and peanuts with wine are scattered randomly on it.

"Even though it is the Tuyumen clan or our family, they have tried their best to recover a lot of Abe's onmyojis lost in the war..."

"Tons, tons, tons, tons...Aha..."

He was a little embarrassed by his son's quiet and silent gaze. He picked up the peanuts on the chessboard and threw it into his mouth, grabbed a large bottle of sake next to him and took a greedily sip, and finally reached out and scratched it in his crotch. Only then did he begin to answer the other party's questions with his slightly curly hair.

"The talented children in the family also practiced, sacrificed, and expelled spirits according to the yin and yang techniques of these ancestors, performing their duties as an onmyoji..."

In addition to the same handsome face, this meticulous young man and this middle-aged man who is raunchy, stubborn and drunk early in the morning seem to divide this narrow side hall into heaven and hell from the middle.

"From Abe Yoshihira, Abe Yoshimasa, Abe Taikin, Abe Yusuke, to Tsuchimimon Taifu..."

"Even if Domimon has worked hard to integrate and store the onmyojis of Triga Shinto, Ise Shinto, and Yoshida Shinto, forming today's Domimon Shinto..."

"For hundreds of years, those of us who have inherited the blood of the Abe clan, have anyone ever surpassed Qingming's ancestors?"


Facing his father’s successive interrogations, the boy thought carefully, nodded, and then shook his head somewhat unwillingly: “But, that’s Qingming ancestor...”

"You mean to say that Qingming's ancestors had the bloodline of "Chalaiquanxiantianhu", and our descendants have weak bloodline and curse, right..."


"...It's a fart!"

Just as the boy was about to nod, he was interrupted by the man's spitting roar.

"It's just these guys who have been lingering and observant under the prestige of their ancestors, they are just looking for reasons why they have been going downhill."

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