"When Qingming's ancestors were alive, they ruled the twelve-style gods and eliminated countless spirits. Even in the face of Dajiangshan evil spirits, Rashomon, and Hyakki Yexing, they are not defeated!"

"Not to mention that there are opponents such as Ashiya Michiman, Zhide Mage and so on, and even ordinary gods treat him with courtesy..."

Shaking his head disdainfully, the man took another gulp of sake.

"...Then his descendants can't be surpassed just because of the illusory curse and the fading power of the bloodline?"

Listening to his words, the young man sitting opposite was silent, showing thoughtful eyes.

"If you continue me, and your grandfather, grandfather, and great-grandfather's trajectory, thinking that you have a strong bloodline and can see something more than ordinary people, you will do your best to follow the ancestral precepts and practice..."

Impenetrable pain, confusion, and regret flashed through the man's sleepy eyes.

"As a result, when confronted with certain existences, I find that I still can only do nothing to do with ordinary people. Even if I get lucky, I'm afraid I will end up depressed in the despair of wasting time."

Then, he looked straight at the waist of the boy...

"The times are changing, and even the resentful spirits are evolving. Knowing that the path of the ancestors is not suitable for you, you can't go on, you have to break and stand and find a new path..."

There were two samurai swords, one long and one short, which were made too large by the thin body of the young man.

"So, my father asked me to practice kendo from Ginji teacher since I was a child, all for..."

Following the man's gaze, the young man stretched out his hand to caress the pair of double knives that he had carried with him since childhood.

"Yes, before you were born, I used chess as a hexagram for divination. You are destined to be someone who is destined to the sword and can open up a new path for Abe..."

The man picked up two chess pieces scattered on the tatami and threw them into the air...


Two chess pieces, one black and one white, collided with each other, shattered, and fell on the board...

"That's why I did everything possible to find this pair of ancient knives, and under the nickname of'departing from the classics', I dismantled the'sun and moon pillars', and asked someone to temper the essence and spirituality into the knives."

At the "Tian Yuan" position in the center of the dilapidated chessboard, there was an extra piece of a complete chess piece that was half black and half white.

"So, since I haven't been able to climb, I must not leave my body day and night. Even if I can't move my back, I have to take the knife to kindergarten, elementary school, middle school..."

"As a result, I was considered a bad boy with a special family background and holding a murder weapon. I haven't even got a friend because of your divination?"

"Ah, my head is so dizzy, I'm going to sleep for a while, call me when the sacrifice starts in the afternoon..."

No longer paying attention to the young man with a dark face and broken thoughts, the middle-aged man lay on his back, put his hand into his pants and scratched it sourly...

"I will arrange for people to teach you the general knowledge of Onmyoji. But remember, what you are going to walk is definitely not the old road of the Abe clan."

"But, if there is no way in the direction I want to go, where should I go..."

The young man slowly got up, bowed to the man, and slowly exited the door with the hilt of the knife that had grown to the ground, his pure eyes full of confusion.

"I, Abe, have lost a lot of the inheritance of onmyoji, but only the divination hasn't fallen yet. It all depends on you, whether you can catch that ‘great chance’..."

"And, don't you still have two knives in your hand? If there is no way, just cut out a way... Hulululu..."

The middle-aged man murmured as if he was asleep, and then he snored.


"Abe-kun, how are you... others..."

With his back facing the mist colliding with ice and fire, Junko Kato, who maintained his "Essence Incarnation" and the huge Buddha clock with all his strength, uttered a low chant of fascination with jade.

"It's going to be done...ahhhhhhhhhh..."

"Om... Om... Om..."

The trapped cow ghost moved more and more violently, knocking the pink Buddha bell in the heat wave to ring continuously and melodiously, as if the alarm sounded at the time of "flaming".

Fortunately, Junko Kato has been at the pinnacle of bliss and pain for many years, and is extremely resilient.

Although the expression and voice seemed to have reached the limit, he still maintained the crumbling and almost invisible Buddha bell.

"Master Kato, don't humble yourself."

The voice of Abe Temple quietly sounded in the mist behind itself.

"Your Dharma is unfathomable, and you know it below..."

Familiar with Junko Kato’s works, he naturally knows that in the more than ten hours that he defeated more than a dozen top industry male stars and became famous in World War I in his masterpiece Dacha X (designation MK9527)...

"All right……"

She looked like this shaky, approaching limit from start to finish, but she never really defeated the battle, on the contrary, she became more and more courageous, rising from the top, and climbing the peak bravely.

"In the next moment... it's going to..."

In the white mist, a bright mirror like fire, a flash of electricity, quietly rushed out...


"Ah...Da Baa!!!"

At the same time, Kato Junko's pink Buddha clock finally couldn't withstand the violent impact of the bull and ghost, and the pieces shattered...


The figure looked like a slender blade of light, quickly rushing up to the giant hoof of the bull and ghost, and rushing on the dark flames and extremely high temperature of the body...

After the rays of light flashed over the huge body of the bull and ghost, a figure rising with a wave of heat, then stopped behind him.

"This is……"

From head to toe, a figure that was tightly wrapped in a bright mirror-like metal, appeared in the sight of Kato Junko.


This pair of armor is made of blade face and sharp-edged armor. It is bounded by the center line of the body, and the two sides are shining with different colors of blue and gold...

On this armor, the toes, knees, elbows, shoulders, head and other positions are all like hedgehogs, with sharp and ferocious blades proliferating.

And where the palm of the hand was supposed to be, it was connected like a mantis arm, one long and one short, with two large blades far exceeding the proportion of the body.

Judging from the appearance and color, it is actually the same as the original "sun and moon" dual swords.

It can be said that this is a sharp-edged armor that was born for "cutting" regardless of material or appearance!

"No, this is not armor... They just chose the most suitable form for the immediate situation."

The voice of Abe Temple came from the armor wrapped in sharp edges.

"Beside the path of Seimei Shrine, there is a'Sun Moon Pillar' with a stone statue of the sun and moon, which was once the gate pillar of the'Four Elephant Gate' for the ancestors of Seimei..."

Behind him, the bull-ghost who was banging the Buddha bell frantically stopped at any time.

"The pillar of the sun and the moon, with the'sun' to the south and the'moon' to the north, means yin and yang!"

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