I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 677: Taishan Mansion Sovereign Sword


Behind Abe Temple, golden flames as dazzling as the sun and frost as blue as the sky, starting from the legs of the huge bull-ghost surging by the fire, spreading upwards, bringing up dense masses in the collision of extreme cold and extreme heat. explode……

"This double sword, cast with the spirituality of the'Sun Moon Pillar', has been destined to become a spirit body since the day of birth with me!"

Abe Temple, who was covered by the helmet and couldn't see his expression, turned around, and the pair of long knives connected to his hand armor began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"...I thought it would take more than ten years, but I didn't want to entrust the hammer forging of the "Yoshihara Yanshang" sword-making furnace tonight to bring this day earlier. "

"It turns out... this pair of swords turned out to be just now..."

Looking at the armor of Abe Temple that was densely covered with blades and still flowing like liquid metal, Junko Kato showed clear eyes.

"...Achieved the body of a shikigami?!"

Since meeting in Yoshihara Shopping Street tonight, she has vaguely noticed that the pair of swords at the waist of Abe Temple is quite spiritual and extraordinary...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a pair of "Fu Mengshen" who had not been cultivated yet.

This pair of swords, which would have taken many years to conceive as a mourning sword, was able to conceive a sharp sword heart with Abe Temple tonight and kill countless wraith spirits. After this lust and Abe Temple’s blood catalysis, they succeeded in one go. The earth casts the body of Fu Sangshen!

"Onmyoji has gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are called the five elements!"

"Five-wheel books have land, water, fire, wind, and emptiness, which are called the five great ones!"

The growth curve of the eliminator is not permanent.

"Whether the Five Elements or the Big Five, the never-ending maintenance, transformation, change, and movement are the yin and yang contained in everything!"

Day and night accumulation, through the right opportunity, coupled with an instant epiphany, will be like a flood discharge dam, bringing subversive growth!

"It turns out that my father didn't teach my yin and yang secret technique, because he was afraid of using it to bind the Tao and hindered me from comprehending the'Yin and Yang Tao'..."

Just as Kato Junko sighed with emotion, Abe Temple leaped high into the air like electricity...

"The Collection of Tale of the Past and the Past and the Collection of Uji Relics" are included. Qingming's ancestors used to pluck grass as talisman and imperial curse to kill frogs. The Yin and Yang Dao of my Abe clan is by no means as superficial as magic, tactics, mantras, laws, and laws... Picking flowers and leaves, you can do it all!"

"Tonight, please ask Master Kato to verify that I, Abe Temple, use swords to enlighten the Tao and Taoism..."

A phantom with a long beard and square crown, like a mountain and with four hands, appeared from behind Abe Temple.

"Congratulations, the Great God of Dongyue Mount Tai!"

The four arms of this phantom are holding a long sword, and they cut out one after another towards the bull ghosts that are similar in shape in front of him and are constantly trembling in the ice and fire...

"Earth, water, fire, wind, air..."

The four rays of different colors and lustre, imitating the huge knife light that would tear the void, slashed through the air.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth..."

At the same time, Abe Temple, who rose into the sky and held up the long blade in his hand, cut out the last invisible sword in the air!


Five blades of different colors form a huge pentagram in the sky.

Yin and Yang·Five Wheels·Taishan Mansion Sword!

"Qingming Platycodon grandiflorum" symbolizes the five elements of heaven and earth and represents the cleansing of all things in the universe.

This "Qingming Platycodon" composed of sword awns, quietly, from the inside and the outside, appeared on the cow ghost, blooming with white light...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

The huge torso that contained frost and heat, fell apart under the "Ching Ming Doraji"...

"Today, no one can stop me for that bitch!"

In the middle of the sky, the bull's head, which was still intact, was still roaring bitterly.

This bull ghost, about 30 meters high, collapsed like a volcano, crushing countless buildings on both sides...


The armor covered with sharp blades turned into liquid metal from the helmet, and then retreated like flowing water, gradually converging the outline of the sun and the moon in the hands of Abe Temple...

"...Father, I found the way you said."

At the same time, his pale face with joy was also revealed.

Taking the opportunity of this pair of like-minded pair of swords to achieve Shikigami, Abe Temple finally penetrated the "yin and yang" in all things.

Thus, the two-day first-class kendo and Abe's onmyoji were perfectly integrated together, creating this unprecedented style.

Killing such a powerful ghost and god to prove the way is enough to show that this is a road that the Abe family has never explored, but it is indeed feasible!


Just as Abe Temple’s spiritual power bottomed out and his mind relaxed, Kato Junko’s "Incarnation of Bliss" above his head, pressed his palm against him...


Not caring at all about the pink giant palm that seemed to turn itself into mud, Abe Temple looked at the smoke billowing ruins with electric eyes...


Following Kato Junko’s reminder, a figure more than ten meters high and lingering in flames smashed out of the wreckage of the ghost and god like lightning, and the hot horns on top of the head pierced him like a meteor...

Looks like that, except for a smaller body and only three horns on the head, it is no different from the bull and ghost before!


The liquid metal that had already faded to the waist of Abe Temple, rolled up like a conditioned reflex, and once again turned into that hideous armor!


The palms of the "Incarnation of Elysium", the blade-covered Abe Temple, and the rock-solid flaming bull-ghost all collided so fiercely!

"Abe-kun, are you okay?"

Amidst the smoke and dust, a pair of jade palms of the "Incarnation of Bliss" are entwining the bull-ghost that is similar to his own body, constantly trying to use the pink Buddha light to convey the ultimate joy to the other party and turn fighting into a jade silk.

"If something happens, it will only be Him..."

Not far from the bull ghost, Abe Temple, which was covered in bright armor, was flapping a pair of wings made up of countless sharp blades and hovering in the air.


A crack appeared on the neck of the ghost and god in hindsight...

Under the spread of the cracks, the bull's head wrapped in the flames broke and fell to the ground.


Lifting up the ashes of the big canopy, the skull and bull head on the ground smiled coldly and scattered into raging fires.

"This ignited Yoshihara's lust, and it will never go out..."

The firelight reunited with the body on the side, and a brand new head grew out again.

"No matter how many times you kill me..."

"Boom... boom..."

In the sound of footsteps that shook the entire Yukou, the sound of the bull and ghost sounded from the other two and turned into three overlapping sounds.

"I, Shoji Jinemon, as the master of Yoshihara..."

The other two horrible figures haunting the flames suddenly stood up from the ruins not far away.

"...I will also be with this Yukuo, in the burning of this desire, time and time again, rebirth from the ashes!"

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