I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 678 Endless Paradise

Three ten-meter-high cows and ghosts, full of fire and the power of ghosts and gods, soared into the sky, setting off a more magnificent heat wave than before.

"Shoji Jinemon...the founder of Yoshihara...reborn from the ashes..."

Abe Temple carefully savored the words of this ghost and god, and faintly felt that something was wrong...

"However, the establishment of this Yoshihara Yukaku, I clearly remember that it was..."


At the same time, two of the cow ghosts had already stepped on violent steps, one left and the right slammed into Kato Junko's "Essence Incarnation" of similar size.

After this bullhead ghost was transformed into three, not only was his body scorching and violent, his movements were much faster than before.


Suffering from this severe damage, Kato Junko's mouth spurted blood, and the Buddha's light that formed the "Incarnation of Bliss" also began to appear distorted and disordered...


Abe Temple flapped its wings, the incarnation streamer passed through the field...

The two cow ghosts surrounding Junko Kato, under the shadow of the sword and sword, separated again...

"I have said... Mu Da."

The two huge skulls and cow heads turned into flames before they fell to the ground, and they grew out of their broken necks again.

The surrounding fireballs that were originally trapped by Junko Kato's Desire Realm, seemed to have also been stimulated, struggling to gather in the direction of these three bull head ghosts...

"It doesn't matter if it's you... or those guys in another place..."

As the fireballs underfoot entered the body, the aura of the bull head ghost became more and more violent, and the figure began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"...I'm destined to stay here today."

I don’t know when, the other bull ghost has abandoned the two of them, carrying a wild heat wave, striding towards the long street behind them...

"Also, that little bitch Chaowu..."

His goal is surprisingly the oiran, who is marching gracefully in the cherry blossom rain, "Eight Word Steps", toward the fog!

"...Yoshihara was burned back then, but now I still want to leave with that thing?!"

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, Abe Temple turned into a streamer again, and slashed through the two cows and ghosts.

But this time, the decapitated head and strong hands and feet of the bull ghost fell, and it was reattached to the body...

"Tsk, it's getting harder and harder..."

In the present situation, although there is also a relationship between his excessive spiritual power loss and the dullness of his sword's light, it is the main reason that the bull and the ghost are getting stronger due to the influx of fireballs all around.


Appearing from the heat wave, Abe Temple's mouth twitched slightly, his complexion hesitated for a while.

It stands to reason that he should work with Kato Junko to solve the bull-ghost in front of him, and then deal with the lonely one.

However, Chao Wu's desperate back was stubborn, which made him faintly palpitations and ominous.

"Abe-kun, just go, don't worry about leaving it to me..."

Seeing the entanglement of Abe Temple, Kato Junko threw the scorched and torn clothes outside...

"Although I don't know what the ‘that thing’ this ghost and god is talking about is, at this moment, both the enemy and me are divided, and what the enemy does not want me to do!"

She was bare and full of body, her hands clasped together, and the waves strode forward.

"Yu's wife's love is meager, and she won't be able to taste it when she lives in a pure home. After her life is dead, she will pass the sun and the moon and live in the world. It is a kind of name to fight against the sky..."

The "Incarnation of Bliss" also moved lightly along with it, stretched out his arms, and "hugged left and right" like a bubble bath girl who took the initiative to solicit guests, entwining the two cows and ghosts tightly, making them immobile. ...

"In that case...you be careful...I will go back..."

Taking a deep look at Kato Junko, Abe Temple turned into streamer and disappeared in place.

"Just now I heard that you, with the fire of desire as your body and the desires of sentient beings as your food, you will turn this world into a hell of eight heats and pains..."

After Abe Temple left, a pink whirlpool blossomed around Kato Junko, covering the entire west side of Yoshiwara Yuguo.

"Xia Xia is willing to use this body to transform the heavens, to satisfy the desires of sentient beings, and to give them supreme bliss!"

Thirty-three days, whose real name is Renlitian, is located on the second day of the six days in the world of desire. It is the celestial realm where the emperor Shitian lives.


The countless fireballs that were originally gathering towards the cows and ghosts all dissipated in this whirlpool, turned into flushed, humming and slow-twisted naked men and women, and flew towards the "Incarnation of Bliss"... …

Rejoice in Dharma·Thirty-Three Outer Heaven·Endless Paradise!

As the spirit bodies immersed in great joy entered the body and scattered into pink dust, Kato Junko's "Essence Incarnation" began to become thicker and larger...


The memories of the ultimate happiness and pain that the spirit body had experienced in Yoko Yoshihara before his death all rushed into her mind roughly, bringing "insights" that ordinary people could not bear.

"Oh roar... hiss... not enough... come again..."

Kato Junko's face was followed by a look of confusion, madness, and depression.

She boldly used herself as a container to incorporate the souls in these "fireballs" into her body, stripping her desires, sanity, and reason completely, and in return gave her the supreme pleasure of human desire!

"No, it's not enough... People, it's just started... uh..."

As the size of "Essence Incarnation" skyrocketed, the two bulls and ghosts were not only held in place and unable to move...

Even in the body of the ghosts and gods that were lingering in the flames, from time to time there was a spiritual body that happily emerged from it and merged into the "incarnation of bliss."

"Hmph, arrogant bald donkey, set fire to oneself, do you think you are the so-called god and Buddha?!"

Kato Junko's style is tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom of the pot. Not only did they intercept and integrate their "fireball" as the source of power in advance, but also arrogantly began to try to snatch the desire to merge within the two cows and ghosts...

"Even in the Edo period, those so-called Buddhist masters did not dare to incorporate the desires of others into their own bodies..."

Being suppressed by the two enemies, the bull ghost smiled coldly, stomped his feet suddenly, and the flames of the distorted space spread towards the surroundings...

"Since you want it so much, the old man will give it all to you..."

Where the ray of fire light passed, countless scorched, thin, cracked fire-light corpses crawled out of the soil endlessly...

"It's connected, the soul of Yoshihara has accumulated over hundreds of years, the desire and pain contained in it!"

"It hurts... It's hot..."

"Help...why, I am going to be burned to death..."

"God bless me, save me from the sea of ​​suffering..."

They were wailing incomparably desolately, like an army of ants carrying food, densely walking toward Kato Junko's "Essence Incarnation"!

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