I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 679: The Last Oiran Road

"This number...Even in the Yoshihara fires, it is impossible to accumulate so many resentful spirits..."

After finally reversing the situation, suppressing the ghosts and gods in front of him, but seeing the sudden appearance of the immeasurable earth-bound spirit, Kato Junko's back numb, and the whole person seems like an ice cellar.

"Where did these resentful spirits come from?!"

According to historical records, Yoshihara at its peak had a resident population of less than 10,000.

But at this moment, there are probably nearly one hundred thousand resentful spirits appearing in her induction...

You know, behind each of these souls that have been tortured in the flames of lust to this day, they represent a life that was once alive!

"Not only is it suppressing such terrible ghosts and gods, but there are also nearly 100,000 earth-bound spirits. The origin behind this divine hiding is probably not as simple as the'Yoshihara Fire' we think..."

Taking a deep breath, Kato Junko saw the Buddha's light in the eyes, and the white and greasy curve ups and downs with the heat wave...

"Amitabha, Master Kukai once taught that if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..."

She spread her hands with the "Incarnation of Bliss", wandering around the dragon, playing in the water, stirring the clouds and making the rain, and those who came would not refuse to let those earth-bound spirits merge into their dharmakaya!

"Today, it happens to be the day when our Zongchun reached his ambition and proclaimed the other side!"

In the charming and charming face of the "Incarnation of Bliss", a faintly hideous look faded away.


On the fire-filled Yoshihara long street, Asagiri wearing a purple kimono with big sleeves, solemnly stepping "Eight Word Steps" among the dancing cherry blossoms...


Even though a triangular flame tauren nearly ten stories high was rushing from a short distance behind her, her pace was still unhurried and methodical.

"Chaowu, hand over the formation, I'll give you a good time!!!"

As the distance drew closer, the bull ghost raised its giant hoof and couldn't wait to step on the petite Chaofog...

"Fighter? So that's it..."

A flash of light passed by, and the giant hoof with violent power, like the top of Mount Tai, was separated from the body and flew to the side with no strength.

"Hey, praying man arm as a car..."

The bull stumbled, the bull ghost staggered, and simply lowered his head, using the long and narrow horns, to continue to pierce towards the fog...

"In the land of Yoshihara, I share the same root with these desires, immortal and immortal!!!"

While the wound was dancing with flames, the giant hoof that had just been lost grew out again.

"Don't think about it."

At the moment, a figure wrapped in bright metal stood in front of Chaowu...

The sword light danced from two sharp blades, one long and one short, formed an airtight barrier.

The three horns that struck from the front intersected with the dense sword light, and were repeatedly cut by the ice and fire sharp blade, and then instantly recovered in the fire...

"Two days first class...It's you..."

As if recalling something from the blade light, endless resentment flashed through the bull's eyes.

"If it weren't for you, how could this girl be so stupid as to give up the opportunity to fish over the dragon gate and ruin the entire Edo?!"

His footsteps stopped, no longer hitting towards the fog, letting his limbs experience repeated cutting and healing in the blades of the sword, he swung his sturdy fists towards Abe Temple...


"I caught you, Liu Sheng's little white face."

In a blink of an eye, he used his fast-healing thick arms, stuck Abe Temple double knives in the flesh and blood, and then violently stepped on...

"Yiu Sheng?"

At the moment of the moment, Abe Temple snorted, and withdrew the double knives in his hands, and put the flames on top of the hooves on top of his head...


In the next second, half of his body was hammered like a nail into the split long street, but he still stubbornly propped up a space under the hoof...

"Next... the surname is Abe... you are afraid... have you admitted the wrong person?!"

Behind him, the oiran, who was unsupported, faced the mist, and because of the violent shock caused by this foot, one staggered and sat on the ground.

"You go quickly... it's too late..."

Ignoring the flame giant hoof that might turn herself into flying ash at any time, she turned her head obsessively, looking at the struggling back of the man in front of her...

"It would be great if you could appear like this in the middle of the road that day..."

The two long and one short blades derived from Abe Temple's hand armor gradually overlapped with something familiar in her memory.


In 1657, Edo, Yoshihara.

"In Oiran Road, the idlers are free!"

In the dim sunset, on both sides of the fine gravel road, many small wooden buildings light up the bright red lanterns under the eaves.

"Where is the person I love?"

In the melodious music, the mighty team, in the enviable eyes of the quiet onlookers on both sides, traveled eastward from the west side of Yoshihara Tour...

"I'm coming……"

"It's easy to play according to the script, but can you see him without shouting?"

After the leading band and thugs went through one after another, behind the male fighter carrying the pale lantern, a tall, dignified and eye-catching figure, carrying the afterglow of the setting sun, slowly appeared...

"Is this the new oiran morning mist of Shinagawaro this year? It's really beautiful and beautiful, beautiful Yoshihara..."

"Do you want to be like a tamed cat, meow and have a look?"

The curvaceous, meticulous "Eight Word Steps" wandered along the fine gravel road, as if to solidify the time on this long and busy street.

"Tsk tusk, take a look at this bodywork with fluffy sleeves, it's not ordinary material at first sight..."

Tall, slender, yet exquisite, holding up the gorgeous purple kimono with big vibrating sleeves as full as jade, and the extravagance is compelling...

"I heard that when the morning fog hadn't come out of the pavilion, a big man asked Mr. Shoji as a matchmaker to tame and redeem her. Even the rules of the initial meeting were directly omitted..."

The hands are like catkins, the skin is like fat, the collar is like a grub, the teeth are like a rhinoceros, and the eyebrows of the head...

"So, in today's first meeting, isn't it her first and last time in the Oiran Road?"

The most touching thing is the majestic blend of innocence and coquettishness between the jewels, green, gold and jade.

"Where is the noble man, he is so generous? He has left before he is out of the cabinet. No oiran has been so blessed since the founding of Yoshihara Yuku?"

"If you lose this battle, you won't be eligible to live anymore."

Ignoring the people who were talking about it, between the waist swaying and the lotus step, on the misty red lips, a pair of indifferent eyes, through the crowds in front of them, stared in the direction of the Yoshihara gate...

Obviously, I am afraid that the letter brought out by the trustee has not yet arrived in Kyoto at this moment.

She still deceived herself and looked forward to the fact that the figure with double knives on the waist and long sleeves like fire could appear there at this moment...

Even if it is to see this last side, there is no regret in this life.

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