"Shogun, the morning mist of Shinagawa Tower, but carefully selected for you, Yoshihara is the purest and most beautiful flower this year..."

Located on the second floor of the tea house in the middle of Nakanomachi Street, on the terrace with the best view, an old man in a black robe bowed fondly to a young man who could not see his face while dangling a curtain and drinking tea.

The old man's gray temples and sharp eyes, coupled with the towering hook nose, gave people a sense of killing and decisiveness.

"Humph, no matter how good it sounds, it's just a slightly clever bird in a cage..."

The young man put down the tea cup in his hand and stared condescendingly at the moving shadow that slowly appeared in his sight, surrounded by the noisy team.

"Seeing that he still has a certain appearance, take it back to mount the lintel for the shogunate and continue his blood."

"The general said yes."

However, what was revealed in the voice of Guan Zhi's age was the majesty that made the old man's forehead sweat slightly and who had been in a high position for a long time.

"...Wait, let's see, what is that?"

The young man whose eyes fell on the oiran, who was unable to take it back, suddenly got up a little surprised and stretched out his finger somewhere below...

"That, that is..."

The old man walked quickly to the lean on the railing and looked at the team in the road below like electricity.


With sleeves on the ground and slowly dragging along the gravel road, there is a faint trace of fiery redness, as well as the scary footprints trampled by those who follow...

The old man's gaze followed the bloodstain all the way, and fell on the slower and slower shadow in the middle of the team.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't go on anymore, it's all annihilated, is it everyone's joy?"

Between the crowds and the crowds in the middle of the road swaggering across the city, it is difficult for those who are in it to notice...

But the gorgeous light purple kimono on the oiran Chaogiri, from the waist to the back, had a hint of blood quietly.

The large fire pattern embroidered on the kimono seems to really burn under the blood soaked...

Together with the intertwined white cherry blossom petals, it is also smudged with a dark red fire.

"I really love you, although it's too sloppy."

At the same time, stepping on the heavy wooden clogs and holding the shoulders of the male servant through the veil, he walked downstairs to the tea house, and suddenly his feet staggered...

"Where is it, swinging too much, exhausted"


In the exclamation of everyone, she actually fell feebly towards the ground!

Oiran fell down while in the road. Although it was not without precedent, it was an extremely rude act.

"Go away!"

The white-haired old man leaned over the railing on the second floor with a vigorous figure, and just fell straight onto the long street, separated the flow of people, and walked sensitively to Chaowu...

"You...you know to do this..."

Seeing the morning mist falling softly to the ground and more and more blood flowing under him, his brows were furrowed, and his voice was constantly trembling: "What will happen to Shinagawa Tower and even Yoshihara... Consequences?"

"Master Shoji..."

Lying in a pool of blood, Chao Wu's lips moved slightly, and he looked at the person in front of him with a vague expression, and folded his hands weakly around his waist, instead of saluting.

"Asagiri...the reason why I want to be an oiran...just for one person..."

If the layers of heavy powder on her face were removed at this moment, what would be revealed would be a pretty pale face with no blood.

"In this Oiran Road, it is only once in a lifetime, for him alone..."

Asagiri's eyes were dull and breathless, but the stubbornness and infatuation in his words were like heavy stones, and Shoji Jinemon, who had always regarded human life like a straw, couldn't breathe.

"Asagiri has nowhere to escape, and he doesn't want to betray the kindness of cultivation and nurturing in the building... But before the day when the cherry blossoms are over the mountain, but in the road of other men's oiran, it is really a missed act..."

The hands were trembling as if worshiping a god, and they were folded reverently, and in the big eyes of Chaofog that lost focus, the red sun was reflected, and the red sun was as red as the sunset, as if it could burn everything...

"Under the dilemma, the only way to apologize is by laparotomy to show loyalty."

The last gleam of expression faded from her eyes, and her hands were weakly loosened to the sides...

"...It's a pity that I was able to go hand in hand with him to see the cherry blossoms in the mountains in only one month."

The vibrating sleeves are flying, as if a gorgeous butterfly, falling into a sea of ​​bright red flowers, blooming with a thrilling and fleeting beauty.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha... stupid!"

Seeing Asagiri who had no aura, Shoji Jinemon seemed to have seen something funny, and looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

Before the team left in Oiran Road, Asagiri had already quietly cut his belly...

It is a miracle to be able to endure unforgettable pain, heavy clothing, and "eight-word steps" to walk hundreds of meters of long street.

"Obviously it is a'cage bird' that everyone can do their best, but they just want to learn from those samurai what they say about loyalty and benevolence, and die for love..."

He lowered his head and looked at Chaowu's corpse in his eyes, full of resentment!

"Come here, hang her body outside the gate and wait for her lover to come and meet..."


Before Shoji Jinemon had finished speaking, a cold snort rang behind him, and his back was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

"In vain, you Yoshihara obviously has more than one'man's husband', but he gave me the most disappointing one...If you didn't deliberately hide the evil intentions, then you are old, and you can't even see the things under your eyes. ."

"The general calmed down his anger, this is a negligence of the villain, please be sure to..."

Hearing these words, Shoji Jinemon didn't care about the eyes of the crowd, and quickly knelt down to the ground humblely.

"No need, Mr. Shoji's kindness, the young general's heart took it... The general's family, for generations, there has never been a custom of compelling prostitution!"

The young man with his hands behind his back and combing his head half-month-old, after softly reprimanding inside the door, turned and left in the direction of the back door.

"This matter was also caused by you and me. Reading in the fog in this morning, she can be regarded as an infatuated woman. She was sent to Benmiao Temple for a good burial... But this martyrdom is really a bad habit, and I will abandon it in the future!"

"Follow, follow orders."

During the conversation, the red light of the setting sun has completely dissipated, and the night slowly shrouded on the silent Yoshihara Long Street...

No one noticed that the purple kimono with big fluttering sleeves on Chao Wu was quietly sucking the blood from the ground into his body, becoming more and more enchanting and full.



On the long street of Yoshiwara where the heat waves are surging and the volcanic soup is like a sea of ​​hot water, Abe Temple, which is wrapped in blade armor, already has more than half of its body. , Fell into the long street that was disintegrating.


Even so, he still stubbornly danced with his hands, turning into a circle of protective shields with the indistinguishable blades of the naked eye...

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