"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

However, the body formed by the ox-ghost bathing in flames constantly changes shape like a flame in the wind under the blade of a sword, but it has never been completely cut off by Abe Temple.

The healing speed of the body of flame, between one and the other, completely surpassed the speed of his destruction.

Obviously knowing that in the next second, or the next second, I will not be able to maintain the blade armor that the "sun and moon" double swords have turned into...

I will have the courage to abandon the sword and go away tomorrow morning...

Obviously there is still time to stretch out the wings and evacuate as a streamer...

But Abe Temple still did not retreat, letting the opponent's huge double hooves step on him like a pile.

Because Asagiri, dressed in a purple kimono and weakly clothed, was sitting weakly behind him.

This time, there was a voice in my heart telling him...

Only with this step, I don't want to retreat when I die.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... the kid from the Yanagi family... didn't he run very fast, why didn't he run now?"

The bull ghost smiled wildly and stepped on the foot, and the hooves splashed by the fire light like a red hammer, pushing Abe Temple into the soil inch by inch like a nail...

"Aren't you able to cut everything with these two knives, but the only way to cut through the tender feelings?"

"Asshole, if I still have the spiritual power to use the "Tarzan Mansion Sovereign Sword", how can I make you so arrogant..."

Under the footsteps, Abe Temple vomited blood, but still wielded the double knives in his hands, struggling to make a space for the morning mist behind him, without the slightest retreat.

"Also, can I change my name or my surname..."

The sharp blade of his armor was rolled up under the heavy blow, and was burned red in the flames and heat...

"My name is... Abe Temple!"

But still stubbornly rushed back to his body in the next second, wrapping him in it like an eggshell.

"If I'm not mistaken, the kimono on Asagiri's body is the "Four Formations of Ripai" to build this Shenyin and use it to seal your formation, right? "

This pair of "sun and moon" double swords, which have been incarnate for less than an hour, obviously means the same life and death as Abe Temple.

"Hmph, I know what, your sword certainly makes sense, but as long as you cut it ten times in this divine hidden, I will only have a few more incarnations..."

The bull ghost raised the giant hoof again, and pressed it down like a ruin.

"This time, how do you plan to stop me?!"

"Ding Dong..."

After another heavy blow, the armor of Abe Temple finally reached its limit, spreading like mercury...

It turned into a long and one short twisted remnant blade, and fell to the ground in a desolate manner.

"Master Shoji... please let him go, and the slave family will give you this thing!"

As if he had just recovered, Chao Wu struggled to hold the "half-drenched" and confused Abe Temple from behind, and roared at the bull ghost above his head.

"Hehehehe, is it too long, so you all forgot..."

As if receiving a great insult, the ghost and god who claimed to be Shoji Jinemon laughed in anger.

"I Shoji Jinemon, the uncrowned king of Yoshiwara, when do I need permission from someone else to get what I want?!"

"Today, not only you and this little bitch are going to die... but also the monk who is overwhelming..."

"Um huh... ah ah ah ah..."

As if echoing his words, the pink naked Bodhisattva in the distance that has soared to twice the size of a cow and a ghost, and seems to have the upper hand, is constantly pouring in and shattered into pink light by the densely bound ground spirits. Crazy scream...

"No, don't stop... late late late late!"

"Hmph, in a vain attempt to use one person to carry the entire Yoshihara generations of desires and bad karma that have been accumulated from generation to generation, beyond anyone's imagination..."

The translucent pink Buddha light on the surface of the "Incarnation of Bliss" faintly began to show signs of distortion and cracking.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... You are reduced to ashes in this endless lust, it is only a matter of time!"


Abeji frowned, but he was powerless to get up, and could only look in the direction of Kato Junko with desperate eyes.

Although Junko Kato can't be seen below, just looking at the miserable state of the "Essence Incarnation", presumably her Law Bodies have also reached the limit in the countless spiritual "entry".

"You must be very curious, why this lust can be blocked from the secret and spread to this world..."

It seems that the victory is in hand, Shoji Jinemon is in a good mood, and he has some free time to tell Abe Temple the secrets of this place.

"Because, this Shenyin, the connection with the present Yoshihara has never been interrupted since its establishment!"

"Whether it is a fire, an earthquake, a tornado, a tsunami or a war..."

"No matter how the shogunate and the imperial family set up gods and seals..."

"No matter how people tear down city walls, fill up Bentianchi, destroy buildings, build new buildings..."

"For hundreds of years, the real Yoshihara has never disappeared!"

"Infinite lust and sins have been breeding and uninterrupted in this land that originally belonged to Yoshihara, providing this god with a steady stream of desires, and let the souls besieged in it suffer the eternal lust of eternal life!"

"Because it is not the cold bricks and tiles that surround this place as the Yoshihara tour profile, but the wall of unsatisfied desire in people's hearts!"

"I see……"

Listening to his words, a gleam of enlightenment flashed in Abe Temple's gradually closing eyes.

"It's no wonder that the Yin and Yang Liao, which was in power by the Tuyumen, would choose to suppress rather than completely remove it. Later, the imperial family also made every effort to issue laws and ban Yuguo Yoshihara..."

As long as the land belonging to Yoshihara still provides desire for this god, the ghost and god who live with the gods and hide themselves and take lust as the body, it is as if they have been endowed with endless life, and they cannot be destroyed at all.

Because "desire" is the "original sin" that has been breeding in my heart since the birth of human beings, and even the gods can't erase it!

"Now that I understand, I'll be willing to turn to ashes bit by bit in this lust..."

Having said that, the bull ghost smiled evilly, and stretched out his lustful hand to the desperate morning mist behind Abe Temple...

"Don't worry, you will not be alone! With this ‘base’, I will make this lust and ignite the whole Edo again!"

It's as if he finally awakened his talent and skills as a tauren clan.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

At the same time, a harsh exhaust sound wave came from far and near.


The three bull head ghosts and gods followed the sound, and their movements were stagnant at the same time...

"Why, I didn't feel it at all..."

On the horizon in the distance, the streets and buildings that were originally blazing into the sky were obscured by a tornado that gathers black air and connects the sky and the earth.

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