The black tornado moving at high speed and destroying the earth, along the long street, burning buildings, like dominoes, extinguished from far and near, and collapsed one by one...

Whether it is the cherry blossom petals falling above the head, or the fireballs and earthbound spirits wandering on the long street...

As long as it is hit by the black tornado, it will be directly involved without any suspense, and will be shattered into white light in the high-speed rotation of the black gas!

The black gas formed by the disintegration of the building and the firelight again gathered and surged into the tornado, making people completely unable to see the situation.

There is only a round white light that faintly reveals from the black air, as if there is a one-eyed, peerless beast hidden in the depths of this black tornado...

"No... these buildings, this lust... how could they be destroyed so easily?!"

Watching this scene, the three bull ghosts showed incredulous eyes at the same time.

As the tornado approached, what appeared in his eyes was an empty long street with no construction debris left behind!

"In this Shenyin, I should be the only one who has achieved the body of a ghost and god..."

The bull and ghost strode over the heads of the two Abe Temple and stood in the middle of the long street, waiting to watch the tornado that obscured the sky and approached at high speed.

"No matter where you are, let me, the master of Yoshihara, come and meet you!"

You know, these buildings with hardness comparable to resentment, and the burning desires on them, are manifested by the burning of obsessions, memories, and desires of the thousands of resentful spirits suppressed in this divine hidden, and they also represent the maintenance of the gods. The foundation of hidden operation...

And the connection between this Shenyin and the present Yoshihara is gradually shrinking and weakening as the building collapses and the flames of desire die out...

If this tornado continues to rush like this, destroying all the buildings in the tour outline and extinguishing the lust, I am afraid that if he has the battlefield, he will also fall apart because the foundation of the gods is shattered!

It can be said that the tornado is incomprehensible, and it blows the heart of the tauren, and makes the tears on the face of yesterday dry with memory...

In comparison, the pair of "wild mandarin ducks" who had no resistance and were at the mercy of others, were nothing to mention.

"How can it be repaired... do you look down on me?"

However, the group of tornadoes that were originally moving towards him at high speed did not continue to move towards the nearest bull-ghost when the distance approached a certain point...

Instead, he completely ignored the huge, flaming bull-ghost, and drew an arc of unknown meaning, heading straight towards the naked, plump, and naked "Incarnation of Bliss"!

"Huh, are these two guys' helper?"

Below that constantly collapsing "Incarnation of Bliss", the two cow ghosts who are one-hearted with Shoji Shinemon, although they have not yet completely escaped from the shackles of the pink Buddha light, they have also assumed a posture of facing a major enemy and waiting in a serious battle.

"Arm? What the hell is that..."

As the angle changed, in the black tornado, a pair of dark and raging black arms were faintly visible, flashing away in the wildly surging smoke.

"Wait a minute, where are you driving, stop now!!!"

Suddenly, in the galloping black tornado, a crisp female voice in a foreign accent came out.

"I didn't see that there was a poor couple over there who was about to be given to the tauren by these few stories tall and who liked tauren under our noses?!"

"You don't look at the size of that thing. If something really happens, wouldn't it be a tragedy on earth?" ! 』


The black tornado suddenly circled outside, tracing an arc of trajectory, and stopped at the position where Abe Temple and Junko Kato formed a triangle...

As the violent tornado gradually dissipated in place, a heavy-duty locomotive with full muscles and firelight flowing under the shell slowly emerged.

What was faintly revealed in the black air before was the bright headlights of this locomotive.

"Ah, sorry sorry..."

The driver of the motorcycle is a man with a golden oil head, a bucket bag around his waist, an eight-pack abs and a strange tattoo exposed under his open sports jacket.

"The situation (acting) at that end is too dangerous (excited), so I didn't notice it at all..."

Even if it was an emergency stop, he was still flushed and his nostrils enlarged to look at the pink "Essence Incarnation" of Kato Junko who was happily DIY in the distance.

"The ground-bound spirits who are in the same room along the way are not afraid... However, when facing three tauren ghosts and gods at a time, some strong people will lock men..."

A red-haired girl in a miniskirt nun's uniform was leaping from the back seat of the locomotive, watching the situation in front of her vigilantly.

"Okay, so big, so fierce... Araki-san, don't, don't stop suddenly, my cervical spine and waist...ahhhhhhhh!"

A safety rope tied to the back seat of the motorcycle is being held in the hands of a middle-aged Mediterranean man in a suit and leather shoes, roller skating and wearing an exorcism cloth.

He, who used to "hitchhiking" effortlessly and staring at the "Incarnation of Bliss" intently, was thrown straight forward because of this sudden sudden stop, and was bounced back mercilessly by the rope in his hand...

"Senior Araki, what is buried in the ground over there seems to be the Abe-kun we want to'rescue'!"

"You said that, it's really the little white face of Tachibana Piaoxue, why is he wearing this kind of xp strange cosplay armor, buried in the soil and completely unrecognizable..."

Another man with all fours, wearing a Taoist robe, wearing a wooden sword, and wrapping an exorcism cloth on his head like an ancient thief, dragged the residual image from behind and stopped by the locomotive, stretched out his fingers to the distance and fell limp in the deep pit. Abe Temple...

This pedestrian walked from "Imonzaka" all the way along "Nakanomachi Street", relying on the pair of black giant arms in Sosuke Araki to open the way, like a "bulldozer" to push here, the "Spirit Eliminators Association" demolished. Brigade"!

"At Shimosho Jinemon, I dare to ask you where the ghosts are..."

At the same time, whether it was Abe Temple or the bull ghost beside Kato Junko, all stopped their movements and looked quietly and solemnly in the direction where the locomotive stopped.

"... Come to my "Yoshihara Yanshang", what's the point? ! "

Ignoring the newly-appearing "bundles" on the side, their three pairs of blazing dark eyes fell on the blond man driving the car from start to finish.

Because, until this moment, a pair of huge black arms, like black wings, were drawn out of the building debris that turned into black air on both sides, and quickly retracted toward the man's back.

And the majestic black energy that had been blown up by the tornado, but had not had time to dissipate, was pouring into his body from all directions.

Looking at this situation, the terrible tornado was set off along the way, and the buildings on both sides were "forced to demolish". It must be the terrible black arm behind this man who does not know what he really is.

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