I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 683 BroScience in the spirit world

"Hehehehe, Shoji Jinemon, I have heard of this name!"

Just when everyone was hundreds of meters away from the three bullhead ghosts and gods, they were stalemate from the left and the other right...

"The descendants of the Wind Demon Ninja clan and the founder of Yoko Yoshihara! These three ghosts and gods must have been transformed by the dead souls of this person..."

The gray-headed Hiroshi Tsukida climbed up from the ruins

"Judging from the arrogance of the power of ghosts and gods and the old man's years of professional experience, the sum of these three suspected ghosts and gods is at least a level "three" existence..."

He glanced motionlessly at the three cows and ghosts on the left and right sides with huge body, terrifying muscles, ghostly spirit and firelight, and helped the deformed glasses reflecting the firelight on the bridge of his nose...

"Moreover, looking at the ghost and god body made by his flames, there should be a deep connection with the gods here..."

Even though the spirit of ghosts and gods rose to the sky, and the heat wave rushed over his face, he was still stern, undaunted, and unpredictable reading the situation in front of him, sweating.

"However, the situation is urgent. We know very little about the structure of this Shenyin, and it is too late to weaken him by cracking the formation. So..."

"Wow, you deserve to be an experienced "Buddha Office Worker" and "Hirozhi right behind", but the moment he fell and got up, he already knew the situation in front of him..."

They analyzed it like a tiger, just when the three of them thought that Hiroshi Changtian was already confident...

His vicissitudes of life were blooming like flowers, a flattering smile bloomed unsuspectingly, and he bowed to the side of Araki Sosuke: "That, Araki-kun, the official spirit exterminator..."

"Hayi? That...Vice President Changtian...what is your posture?"

"Look, do we defeat them one by one, split the troops in two ways, or directly save people and retreat?"

"In view of the critical situation at present, if you can't use a certain secret prop, I am willing to share your worries at any time..."

This standard and humble 90-degree leaning over to offer chrysanthemums is no different from those social animals who ask their boss for instructions in the office and may untie the belt at any time to provide additional services.

After learning that Sosuke Araki is the "Top Secret" of the Association of Elimination of Souls, he witnessed Sosuke Araki's "summoning the gods" and "everywhere I passed by Yimonzaka, the land of Buddha" was leveled all the way. Post this...

The label in Hiroshi Tokuta's heart for Sosuke Araki has long since changed from "slavish violent slavic squatting illegal spirit exterminator" to "Lifo Wushuang is in the dark heart and walks in the light."

More importantly, he was extremely sure that Sosuke Araki had mastered the secret method used in conjunction with the "liquid Buddha statues" from the Kawasaki Master Temple so that he could bind the spirits along the road so simply and rudely, like the highway that night. Like a mother-in-law, "become a Buddha at once!"

Even, regarding the pair of black arms in Sosuke Araki, he still had some guesses that he couldn't believe...

"Oh ha ha ha, Vice President Chang Tian, ​​the'Official Spirit Eliminator' sounds very good, so try calling a few more times?"

"No problem, when there are no outsiders like this, you can call me Xiao Guangzhi..."

"As long as you are willing to discuss the technique of'becoming a Buddha' with you later, you can call it whatever you want tonight, the official dementor Sosuke Araki!"

"Um, Araki-senpai, are you so happy? Everyone here seems to be an "official spirit remover"..."

Seeing Hiroshi Tsukita, who completely ignored the contemptuous gazes of Niya and Kengo Yamada, and still maintained a bright smile and humble posture, the confusion on Sosuke Araki's face gradually converged into a wry smile...

"So, the world of the eliminator, like the gym, also believes in BroScience? 』

BroScience, the "big is the truth" that has been circulating in the gym since ancient times.

Even if it is a series of confusing fallacies such as "It is safer to squat while training while screaming from behind", "You can judge whether you are a virgin through the akimbo muscles" etc... …

As long as it is personally spoken by a devil like Ronnie, even if the facts about the inborn lack of myostatin and medication are deliberately omitted, it will be regarded as truth by the general public.

There is no other reason, because...

He is older than you.

However, Sosuke Araki's understanding is not wrong.

The strong eat the weak and the survival of the fittest are the unbreakable laws of the jungle in nature.

In a transcendent world full of unknowns, chaos, disorder, and not much logic to speak of, the soul-eliminators are also advocators of resultism and strongmanism.

Therefore, Araki Sosuke, who had been crushed all the way to bluff the three cows and ghosts with his aura, naturally obtained the temporary command of the scene.

"They don't seem to see this red energy..."

Taking a closer look at the three bull-ghosts who were still stunned in the same place, waiting for them to "report their name", Sosuke Araki frowned slightly...

"So, was it the ghost who broke the wind last time again?"

Among the firelight and muscles flowing on the opponent's body, from time to time, there are very familiar fine and scarlet energy threads, which are surging like worms...

"Ahem... In view of the urgency of time, after careful consideration..."

Arakizong's face was flushed, pretending to be serious, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and coughed, and said the other three people's plan with big eyes and small eyes: "I will attract the attention of the two on the left, and you will take the opportunity to attack the right. Take a closer look at the single one and save Abe's little white face..."

"What...A mere virgin, actually planning to fly?!"

"Senior Araki is one enemy and two. Will it be too laborious? Why don't you let my younger generation who is good at pushing the flames behind you be with you..."

"Ahem, Araki-kun, you listen to my advice, the water over there is very deep, you can't grasp it... Don't look at me like this, I still pay attention to nutritional supplements on weekdays, let me come..."

"Asshole, who do you think of me?!"

At the critical moment, Hiroshi Tsukita and Kengo Yamada cast a scorching glance at the "Essence Incarnation" that was not far away with pink light and mournful groans. At the same time, they raised their objections awe-inspiringly, not wanting Araki Sosuke to "take risks with his own body" alone. .

"I have absolutely no other weird thoughts, just because Master Kato is also very dangerous (fine) dangerous (color), and the tauren-like ghost and god seems to be more interested in me... although it is not worth it. Happy things..."

"Under the official spirit exterminator Araki Sosuke, code-named "Shijing Da lonely fierce man"..."

Regardless of the discussions of the other three people, Araki Sosuke had already made a sensation on the accelerator, and galloped toward the two cows and ghosts on the left that were more than ten meters high, lingering in the fire, and surging in the heat.

"The two tauren over there, listen to me..."

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