"I now suspect that you have committed the original sin that every tauren would commit..."

Driving the locomotive, Araki Sosuke verbally issued an "official declaration" to the two tauren who were besieging the "Incarnation of Elysium" two kilometers away, secretly preparing for many days, with a memorable memorization, but never had the opportunity to use it. .

"On behalf of the Spirit Slayers Association, I announce...you have been surrounded by me, put down the man...woman next to you!"

As the locomotive accelerated and the black arms stretched, the tornado that wreaked havoc on the world came again amidst the gathering resentment, covering his figure.

"You don't have the right to remain silent, and you don't have the right to meet with a lawyer... In short, no matter how hard you beg, I will provide you with a free service package of ‘home to Buddha’s ascension’ on behalf of the association!"

"Ah, Senior Araki is so slippery that he sneaked away!"

"Damn it, I also want to know how deep the water is for the person under the law body..."

"Don't be fussy, act now!"

The other three people who were "abandoned" behind the tornado glanced at each other, and the directors of each Shi quickly attacked in the direction of Abe Temple under the cover of the building...

"Spirit remover?! It sounds like onmyoji, monk, and priest..."

Hearing Sosuke Araki’s "answer", the three cow ghosts that Shoji Shinemon had turned into, the corners of their mouths gushing out of disdain...

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, nonsense!"

In his view, the blond man opposite clearly showed the characteristics of ghosts and gods, and he must be an existence similar to himself.

"Your Excellency can easily dissipate lust and draw grievances into your body for your own use. This is clearly a means only available to ghosts and gods, so why bother to pretend to be a mortal?!"


Taking advantage of the height of more than ten meters, the four people's "splitting of soldiers into two" actions can be seen in full view. The single tauren turned back towards the unconscious Abe Temple and the Asagiri who nestled behind him. Fist!

"Hmph, your Excellency is not willing to tell you frankly, it is reasonable..."

Although incarnate as a huge bull-ghost, the soul in it is still the uncrowned king who has ruled Yoshihara for many years, has a cruel heart and a unique taste.

"Let me take back the thing that belongs to me first, clean up the'garbage' in the tour, and then communicate with you in a simple way, so as to fulfill the friendship of the landlord!"

Feeling the threat, Shoji Jinemon had already put away his hatred, and decided to take back the "pivot" in front of him as soon as possible.

As long as you completely control the entire Shenyin, you can take advantage of the location to swallow the unknown man in the distance and turn it into your own power to break through the seal and return to Edo!

"Wang Wu...Stop it!!!"

Seeing that the immovable Abe Temple and the morning fog are about to be wiped out, a shadow with a burst of thunder light appears under the giant flame fist...

It was Yamada Kengo who arrived in the first place with the speed surpassing the gust of wind.

"Uh... what a strong power..."

The mahogany sword in his hand intersected with the fiery fist, and the majestic power almost made him get rid of it directly...

Not waiting for him to change his moves, the flames above the giant fist had spread all over his body along the flammable peach wood sword.

"Uh ah ah ah!"

The earth-yellow Tai Chi robes, sports underwear, and the dense talisman paper hidden in between, then ignited and turned into fly ash...

It reveals Yamada Kengo's golden light body, thick body hair, and the last trace of dignity worn between his legs...

【Tai Chi Bagua Cynomorium and Meteorite Pants】.

"Hmm... Damn it, it's so rude to actually blow someone's clothes with one button..."

Countless beautiful images flooded into Yamada Kengo's mind with that lust, making his body instantly hot and tough.

"Huh! Zi Zi Zi..."

Inside the meteoric iron pants that turned red in the heat, there was a sound of empty metal crashing and a sound similar to scorching ham...

"No, if here and there at the same time, I will... oh hoo, hot!"

Yamada Kengo, who was like a "big brother and giant baby" wearing a diaper, screamed with pain and joy.


Under the distraction, the peach wood sword surrounded by thunder gang in his hand was like firewood, exploding inch by inch in the flame...


At the moment of crisis, Yamada Kengo abandoned the hilt decisively, raised his hand and slapped himself severely...

"Huh, I almost made a speech...Nan Xin Chang Chang Xin Chang Xin!"

The primitive desire like a beast faded from his eyes together with the bloodshot eyes.

"Abe-kun, did you fight this terrible thing before..."

His hands covered with golden light once again resisted the giant flame fist that struck from the other side.

"Then I can't admit defeat!"

Had it not been for him on the way to come, he had hidden a "Vajra Sadao Dharma Body Curse" in his body in advance, I am afraid that he would have turned into a handful of ashes at this moment.

"Oh? You guys...one by one...is it the monk who came out of the mountain?!"

This eager "little bug" did not indulge in the sea of ​​desire and was crushed to death by himself as expected. Instead, he stubbornly supported his serial fist. Shoji Jinemon's bull nose spouted an angry heat wave... …

The reason why the desire to build this "Yoshihara Yanshang" is getting more and more intense and difficult to extinguish, precisely because it can inspire the desires of the people's hearts as food.

In the face of this kind of spirit remover who can enter into concentration, the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

But what he couldn't figure out was that, except for the last one in the Mediterranean Sea, those who entered the "Yoshihara Yanshang" tonight are obviously young men and women under 30 years old. They are just the age of blood and strength, carrying a gun, and unable to extricate themselves...

Why is this monstrous lust for them, just like ordinary flames, useless? !

"Hey, do you think... this uncle this half a year..."

The golden light burst in Yamada Kengo's hand, making the flame giant fist unable to advance...

"Below that waterfall...what have you experienced..."

However, the bull ghost in front of him is too fierce, just a giant fist is comparable to a truck, and the power of the ghost and god is still rising under the surrounding fireballs...

"The slap that Laozi has eaten, can even circle the earth twice..."

Even though he gritted his teeth, trembled, and resisted with all his might, the golden curse light on his body began to shatter in the flames, and the thick body hair curled and scorched in the heat, leaving him forever.

"What a good plan... you guys... hurry up... I can't hold it anymore..."

The effect of the Tibetan Armor Technique is rapidly consuming in this terrifying flame.

"Boy Kengo, don't worry, everything is in plan..."

A figure that swept like fire, flashing light, rushed out of the ruins on the side, and appeared directly behind him.

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