"No, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

The original dazzling lust extinguished and faded from the whole body of this bull and ghost like a tide...

"My origin...no, no, it can't be there!!!"

The dark red flames flowed around among the remnants...

That scorched black body like a tall building shattered and collapsed like ceramics!

"No... I, Shoji Jinemon, spent half my life and painstakingly managing this Yoshihara..."

Shoji Jinemon was horrified to discover that under this strange flame, he could no longer feel the endless desire of sentient beings from Yoshihara Yukho...

"Just because of this cheap and inexplicable'love', it was burned and wiped out..."

He lay on the ground feebly, stretched out his broken palms, staring resentfully at the remaining light spots where the fog disappeared...

"I hate..."

Now, even the original "easy" thing of reorganizing the broken body, he could no longer do.

"Obviously... it's almost..."

Like a dead candle, quietly waiting for the last moment when the wick burns out.

"Obviously... as long as I get that thing, I can..."

The white light dissipated, and the gorgeous kimono fell with the wind, burning up bit by bit in the lust, turning into a black ash...

"Wait...you are..."

The broken bull's head on the ground, the dark red flames flowed through the big eyes, and his eyes suddenly solidified...

"No... don't come here... everything you suffer is caused by your own desires, what do you do with me?!"

He seemed to have seen something incredible, and even the scorched and mutilated teeth began to tremble.


With the bitter wailing in the mouth, the pitch-black remnant piled on the ground like a hill suddenly shattered into the sky pink crystal...

"I...are we still alive?!"

The action is still frozen in the embrace of Yamada Kengo and Tsukida Hiroshi, but they have not recovered from the "ghosts and gods collapsed in front of the face without changing their colors".

The rainy pink light pours down, falling on the two bald heads that are close together, splashing bright fireworks...

"If you rule out the possibility of this guy breaking himself up..."

Relentlessly loosening the back collar of Abe Temple, letting the back of the opponent drop to the ground with a "bang" and spit out a big mouthful of foam, Niya looked up into the depths of the long street...

"It must be the slow guy, Sosuke Araki, who is playing with his heartbeat again."

On her sweaty little face, there was a dumbfounding expression on her face.

In the distance, the other two bull-ghosts that stood up like a mountain have disappeared at some unknown time, leaving only the pink light spots that have not yet fallen in the air like an aurora...

"Senior Araki...it must be him, who saved me at a critical moment...this is the beautiful friendship between men!"

At the same time, Yamada Kengo, who was not far away, also recollected what had happened just now, and let out a moving roar.

"Before you cry, please take your face away from me... Bah bah bah bah..."

"What are you talking about, it was obviously Vice Chairman Chang Tian that you took the initiative to hug them..."

Hiroshi Tsukita, who was sprayed with tears, pushed the opponent away, wiped his face indiscriminately, and looked around with some doubts: "But...if this ghost is really removed from treatment, why is this god hidden? collapse?"

"Could it be that Shoji Jinemon is just a prisoner trapped in it?"

On the quiet long street of Yoko Yoshihara, there are no traces of bullhead ghosts and earthbound spirits.

However, the flames above the uncollapsed buildings still remained, and the cherry blossom rain in the sky never stopped falling.

Out of everyone's sight, where the fog to become a Buddha dissipated, in the black ashes that the purple kimono turned into, a faint light of fire flashed.

A wisp of breeze blew, and the ashes scattered, revealing half of the purple vibrating sleeves...

The large flame patterns embroidered on the vibrating sleeves surging with fiery light like real flames, reflecting the intertwined white cherry blossom petals more and more matte.


"Yoshihara Yanshang", deep in the long street.

"Amitabha, Master Zongjie's Law Bodies, is as powerful as this... does it have a title?"

"This burning Sanskrit seems to be some kind of Buddhist scriptures. I have been looking at the Buddhist scriptures of the Kawasaki Master Temple for several years, but I have never seen it..."

On the long, quiet street occupied by a lot of pink light, Junko Kato, who was still hugged by Sosuke Araki, stared intently at the huge black arm that kept the "heshi" in front of him.

"How did you do it to get rid of this ghost?"

It is not impossible to defeat this lustful ghost and god. The previous Abe Temple also did it with the powerful "Taishan Fujun Sacrifice Sword".

The most difficult thing is to let the ghosts and gods who rely on the desires of all living beings accumulated in the divine hidden as their roots and can be reborn from the ashes for countless times.

"What is the honorable name, I only have the Line number... As for this black and thick thing, what is it, and when did it enter my body, I still want someone to tell me..."

Putting Junko Kato wrapped in a sportswear jacket on the ground, the shirtless Araki Sect was blushing, and he looked in the direction of the other people: "Ahem, this tauren, It should be completely hard to get up, let's find them to join first..."

The black arms, like wings, also retracted smoothly to his back...

"This... I awakened the Dharma body without knowing it. Could it be that Junior Brother Zongjie's Dharma talent is so terrifying, to the realm of enlightenment that is as natural as breathing?!"

"This, this Buddha..."

On the beautiful long street, Kato Junko noticed that Araki Sosuke had tattoos on his strong back, the black bodhisattva sitting cross-legged and glaring.

"Is Amitabha Buddha the full picture of the Dharma Body of Master Zongjie? The immeasurable Buddhas of the ten directions and three generations, and I don't know which one it is..."

"Wait, you, you, this is..."

Immediately afterwards, her gaze turned to Araki Zongsuke’s pair of golden and black enchanting pupils, and her eyes were sucked in by the light of the other's eyes that looked like the stars of the universe and penetrated everything...

"It's not wrong, although it is slightly different, this is the Sky Eye Tong!! The Sky Eye Tong is the secret of my Heijian Temple...it must be Mr. Kukai, he actually passed this magical power to you..."

After finally pulling away from the line of sight, Kato Junko's inquisitive color at the bottom of her pupils completely turned into surprise, unwillingness and jealousy in the trembling!

"To be able to insight into and remove the origin of desire in this ghost and god, Tianyantong is worthy of being the most mysterious of Buddhism Liutong...Huh?"

Then, she later noticed that after the ghosts and gods collapsed and the surrounding spirits became Buddhas, the pink particles representing extreme desires that had fallen like rain, when they approached Sosuke Araki, they all actively surged. Into his body.

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