Since Araki Sosuke appeared on this street, he has witnessed him transforming a large number of spirits into Buddha, exposing his body, pushing his hips and shattering ghosts and gods, showing his open eyes...

Kato Junko only feels that his self-proclaimed talent and want to practice his own way of Buddhism has been madly refreshed...

But this scene is another matter.

Kato Junko couldn't be more professional than to carry the desires of all living beings and to pass the world with supreme joy.

"Junior Brother Zongjie actually carried the desires of sentient beings with flesh and blood. What a courage..."

However, even if she has been practicing both virtue and art in the art world for many years, she can only absorb, store, and transform these desires that can erode the soul's origin by using the "Dharmakaya of Ultimate Bliss" constructed by the light of the Buddha as a medium.

"No, this can't be done with courage..."

If she is directly contained in the flesh like Sosuke Araki, I am afraid that she has already become a corpse who is depraved and unable to extricate herself.

In her blurred vision, the countless obscure runes on Araki Sosuke’s seductive body seemed to be creeping slowly, staring for a while will make people spin and fall into it...

"So, it is these scriptures in him... that have eliminated the desire..."

"Hey, look at the pectoral muscles you trained, don't get started! 』

Subconsciously, her slender white fingers quietly touched Araki Sosuke's well-developed chest...

"It's not elimination, but fusion... Could it be that this scripture itself is transformed by desire?"

Suddenly, she seemed to be in the black mist, with a faint figure that was constantly mingling, flashing away in the mist...

"This is far more than desire, there are more..."

Immediately afterwards, there were more figures, like waging war in the dark fog, hacking, robbing, ranting, and wailing at each other...

"Killing, stealing, licentiousness, false speech, two tongues, nasty talk, lustful talk, greed, aversion, evil views..."

At the moment of recognizing what this "black mist" was, a trembling from the soul caused Junko Kato to call out with a heartbreak: "bad karma...this is, bad karma!!!"

This obscure scripture, densely covered in the body of the Araki Sect, faintly formed a certain seal, turned out to be the manifestation of the evil karma of sentient beings!


At this moment, the warrior of the Warring States period who had completed the "cover mission" sprang from the ruins and drove towards the two.

"Oh, you worked so hard just now, Samurai of the Warring States Period... Please add your favorite SuperMagnum ultra-clean 99.5 unleaded gasoline when you go back!"

Sosuke Araki stepped into the car, opened the zipper of the bucket bag around his waist, checked the direction indicated by the arrow on the "Taketori Ezaki", and then looked back at Junko Kato.

"What are you talking about? I still have something to look for, your side..."

Then, he found that Junko Kato behind him didn't seem to plan to leave with him. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and looked at him with tears and compassion.

"At the gate of the temple that day, I was blinded by my knowledge and vision, and I never realized the majesty of Junior Brother Zongjie..."

"That, even though it's saved you once, there is no need to be so moved, right? 』

That day, in front of Heimaji Temple, behind Araki Sosuke, who had exploded in the chicken coop, several spirit bodies that became Buddhas in the morning sun appeared in Kato's mind.

"I am determined to create my own Dharma following the example of Tuo as a teacher..."

She prides herself on her unparalleled talent and amazing Dharma. She has broken through her obsession with the appearance of men and women and cultivated the Dharmakaya with the desire of all beings.

"Today I know that compared with Junior Brother Zongjie's consciousness, it is still too far away..."

But Zongsuke Araki, those who came to come have directly integrated the evil karma of sentient beings into the flesh...

"Junior Brother uses the body of a mortal as a boat to carry the evil karma of sentient beings and cross others to the other side. What a kind of compassion is this!"

This is contaminated with a tiny bit, and it will incarnate a heinous person, be crushed by the karma of rebirth of cause and effect, and will never enter the evil karma of reincarnation!

"The ‘Tao’ chosen by the younger brother to face the great horrors of the world is truly in keeping with the Zen intent of my Buddha cutting meat and feeding eagles!"

Compared with the other person, the various unbearable and heart-wrenching experiences since practicing the Joyful Dharma are simply not worth mentioning.

"If it was back then, I could have the consciousness of my junior brother, would Teacher Kong Hai change his mind and teach me the Sky Eye Tong?"

As if recalling something, a faint sadness flashed in Kato Junko's eyes.


Six years ago, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki Daishi Temple.

Zong Chun, with short hair shoulder-length, kneeled outside the temple gate with his hands folded.

The patter of drizzle dripped on him, glowing with fluorescence.

The large plain monk robe was wet with rain, and could no longer cover the undercurrent body below.

"Zong Chun, let's go back... No matter how long you kneel, the host will not see you."

Standing under the eaves, the burly-shaped Kofa, his eyes filled with distress.

"Zong Chun, according to what the teacher said, regards my Buddha as a teacher, and seeks his own way with all his heart. Why do you want to drive me out of the mountain gate?!"

Shaking his head silently, Zong Chun's thin figure knelt stubbornly in the rain.

"Could it be that in the realm of the master, you are as dull as you, brother Hongfa, and obsessed with the difference between men and women?"

"You... Since you are not obsessed with the appearance of men and women... then tell me..."

Hearing Zong Chun's cold words, the gentle and honest propaganda, slapped violently on the pillar beside him, leaving a deep five-fingerprint.

"What's wrong with the man, why bother stealing the sesame oil money from the temple and insisting on going to Thailand to transform this daughter?!"

No matter who it is, I saw the little brother who had seen him from childhood, suddenly rolled up the sesame oil money in the offering box, and there was no news for half a year. After half a year, he became a "little sister" with unusually flamboyant chest muscles. When he returned to the mountain gate, his temper would not be any better than him.

"Borrowing sesame oil money can’t be considered stealing... Borrowing sesame oil money! Can someone who cultivate a Buddha count as stealing? Just because this daughter is a charity of the world, Zong Chun can never forget his ambition and give it to him. Great joy to cross the world!"

"By the way, if it’s about money, Brother Hongfa don’t have to worry... Senior Brother Zongteng has been in the vulgar for many years, and is now a well-known artist known as the “Golden Eagle Finger”. He introduced me to a job that is both good practice and earning money. , I will return the sesame oil money borrowed a hundredfold soon! 』

As he explained, Zong Chun spread out his palms, and two pink figures slowly appeared in between...

"Brother, please see, the male body is the law, the female body is the wisdom, and the man and the woman are of the same body and unite as one person.

One of the pink figures is a male Buddha sitting cross-legged.

The other figure was a female Buddha sitting cross-legged on his lap.

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