"No! Kato Junko... was possessed by this thing..."

Facing the sudden situation at Junko Kato's side, everyone immediately rushed towards her and moved closer to her, ready to support...

At the same time, the translucent pink Buddha light on the "Essence Incarnation" quickly solidified into a constantly changing flame with pink spots, making people completely unable to see the situation of Junko Kato in it.

From time to time, scarlet filaments burst open on its body surface.

On the long street, the "Incarnation of Bliss" quietly stared at the few "small bugs" approaching at high speed below, and a circle of pink awns that could not be seen directly bloomed, covering his body.

Suddenly, before everyone's eyes, there was a dazzling pink moon that could not be looked at directly.

"Hi...this light...is so dazzling...ah, my krypton..."

"Woo...Why is it still so uncomfortable closing your eyes..."

They found that no matter if they closed their eyes or covered their eyes, they could not escape from the dazzling light...

"Uh...Even the Holy Light can't resist, this thing is weird..."

I could only cry in tears and whisper in the stinging pain of looking directly at the sun.

"Hey, calm me down..."

At this moment, the only unaffected Araki Sosuke has come to two meters behind the "Elysium Dharma Body" like a ghost and silently, subconsciously lifted his palm and cut out with a knife...

"Skin given by a stranger can't be worn indiscriminately!"

Of course, with the exaggerated height gap in front of him, his hand knife can only hit the ankle of this "Elysium Dharma Body" at best.

So from the very beginning, he aimed at Junko Kato, who was entangled with scarlet filaments and looked like a madman inside the Law Body.

The dazzling and sultry pink flame that formed the calf of the "Incarnation of Bliss", when it hits Sosuke Araki, it immediately shattered into thick black smoke and was inhaled by him.


Perceiving that his calf was beginning to fall apart, the "Incarnation of Bliss" that burst into flames all over his body, an extreme panic flashed instinctively in his eyes, and his body squatted slightly...

"call out……"

Before Sosuke Araki hit with a sword, the ten-meter-tall "Incarnation of Bliss" actually kicked on the ground with both legs and turned into a beam of light, breaking through the cherry blossom rain and rushing into the sky...

"Hey, do you know? The falling speed of the cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second, which is 5995849160 times the speed of light..."

Looking at this scene in a daze, Araki Sosuke in mid-air only felt that his brain was in chaos, and there was an empty ear of unknown meaning in his ear.

"The bully can't fly... asshole, do you think you are'Tiga·Fuji Junko·Bump MAN'?!"

"If Xiaoniao Yushi is here, my uncle will definitely let her shoot in my hand, let you know what is meant by "the higher you fly, the closer you get to heaven"! 』

After a second, looking at the "artificial full moon" that disappeared in the dark clouds for an instant, he could only jump his feet and let out an unwilling roar.

"This Mochizuki Secret Treasure, as expected, there is no one that makes people worry... Are you all right?!"

It wasn't until his neck was sore and he didn't look at the other person's figure, that he looked at the three people who fell to the ground behind him, "moved" and burst into tears.

"It's okay, it's just that the pink light is too dazzling, just let me take it easy."

"It's more than glare, let alone closing or blocking the eyes, the old man just tried various postures such as turning around, lowering the waist, turning ninety degrees, all of which were useless..."

"Uuuuuu, why is it always like this, passing by with Kato-sensei again and again...Is youth really destined to have regrets?!"

"I originally planned to request her LINE first, and then use the little secret of the "spiritual killer" as the starting point for communication, paving the way for future friendships to appear in male counterparts and even male lead actors... As a result, because Such strange things are all ruined! 』

After Junko Kato, who was the "light source," left, the other three people kept their tears asking the sky, rubbing their eyes and slowly got up.

"The most urgent thing is to get back the "Kato-sensei" who "fitted" with that thing and turned into a light without leaving a LINE account!"

"Not to mention that she was lifted up vertically...At that speed, she should have circled the earth three times at the first speed in the universe by now."

"By the way, she has that thing on her body, "Taketori Scrolls" should be able to..."

Just when Sosuke Araki looked at the picture scroll around his waist, trying to confirm the location of Kato Junko...


The scorched and broken ruins, the hot long street, the dark clouds that obscure the sky, the walled city walls, the cherry blossoms falling into flames...


The "Yoshiwara Yanjo" in everyone's eyes, like the picture on an old TV, began to flicker.

"What's going on... Is it a visual flare caused by strong light?"

Between the twinkling and twisting of the space, the modern Yoshihara street scene with tall buildings and shining radiance appears from time to time.

"What's wrong, can the visual light spot turn into a 38F bubble bath shop poster?!"

"You, did you see it too? It really is so big that people can't look away... No, I mean, this Shenyin seems to be collapsing..."


In the next second, everything in the entire "Yoshihara Yanshang" was like a mirror smashed by a sledgehammer, torn apart and falling apart...

"here it is……"

"Are we... out?"

After everything in their sights shattered like a mirror, several people found themselves in the center of the neon shining and brightly lit Yoshihara red light district.

In front of me, the arrow on the surface of "Take Tori Scroll" is pointing straight in a certain direction...

"Over there, where did she go?!"

Araki Sosuke looked in that direction, but saw nothing.

"anyone there?"

Yamada Kengo looked around and found that no matter it was on both sides of the street or in the bubble bath shop, except for the attractive masseurs on the light boxes, who were still smiling brightly, they were already empty...

"This area should have been sealed off, we have to find a way to contact the headquarters!"

Hiroshi Tsutsuta took out the phone from the pocket of Kengo Yamada's pants and held it to his ear...

"Cocoon?! Are you out too?"

A figure wearing a dark red samurai armor ran towards Yamada Kengo in stride and shockingly.

It is the "Cocoon", the bronze corpse of the Hundred Wars who was left in Yimonzaka to be stationed in charge.

"Puff puff puff..."

At the same time, amidst the dazzling white light and the harsh noise of the propellers, a helicopter hovered above everyone's heads.

"Vice President Chang Tian, ​​it's great for you to have no facts!!!"

Takeshi Iwata, with a happy expression, quickly slid down the rope ladder with a few people and came to them.

"Deputy Section Chief Iwata...You came just right. Have you seen this spirit remover Kato-Sensei? She is now possessed by a grudge, and the situation is very dangerous..."

Handing the unconscious Abe Temple to several detectives who slipped down one after another, Hiroshi Tsuneta searched for a r18 superb cover on his mobile phone. In the noise, he talked with Takeshi Iwata at the distance of a face-to-face kiss. .

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