I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 699: Two Yoshihara

"Ka, Kato Master?"

"Come on, the old man will show you the photo. She is one of the participants of the association's de-spirit operation..."

"That, Vice President Chang Tian, ​​is your picture serious?"

"Ahem, I am in a hurry...Although I wear more kimonos than in this photo, I do look like this, and according to my observations, the huge Dharmakaya should be one to one according to this curve... Or I can give it directly. Look at it a bit more dynamic..."

"No need! Before you suddenly appeared here, no one was seen nearby. I immediately asked the units stationed around to search..."

A little disgustedly, he pushed away the face of Hiroshi Tsuneta's approach and the cell phone that started playing the strange movie in the public. Takeshi Iwata handed over the communication headset to several people, and then explained what happened after the split operation.

"After Yiwenzaka's separate operations, due to the outbreak of heat waves in Shenyin and the rising temperature, we had to exit the gate of Yoshihara."

Soon after Araki Sosuke and several people went deep into the Shenyin, the joint action team that retreated outside the gate of Yoshihara observed that buildings suddenly caught fire and collapsed from time to time.

"After discovering the anomaly, I mobilized all available personnel, with the Yoshihara commercial district as the center, and continued to expand the evacuation and blockade... the fire trucks and helicopters in the nearby area have also been urgently deployed near Yoshihara!"

Just as Iwata was busy commanding evacuation, blockade, and fire fighting, the situation changed again.

"First, the weird gate at the Yoshihara intersection suddenly disappeared. Then, more and more buildings were on fire and collapsed inexplicably!"

"This should be the ghost and god who was incarnation of Shoji Jinemon, who had tossed in Kamin before..."

"Although it consumes a lot of exorcism salt, it can't completely extinguish those weird flames, but at least it can buy time to snatch the trapped people out..."

As more and more buildings caught fire inexplicably or were razed to the ground like being trampled on by invisible giants, Takeshi Iwata decisively activated the highest authority of Section Nine and applied for inter-departmental assistance to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Before Sosuke Araki and his entourage came out of Shenyin, they had dealt with dozens of similar "fires" in the Yoshihara commercial street one after another.

"Just now, those flames went out at the same time without warning... and then everyone appeared..."

"Araki-kun, Sister Niya!!!"

The sorrowful cry interrupted Iwata's explanation.

A thin man rushed out of the dark alley...

"Who, raise your hand and walk out slowly!"

Several agents immediately raised their guns, and the searchlights of the helicopter overhead also moved over.

"The neighborhood should have been completely evacuated and there are no people..."


Appearing under the white lamppost and the muzzle of the black hole, was the very embarrassed Oida Moto with a black face.

"Look at him on his back, that kid is..."

On the back of Moto Oida, there was a girl who was about four years old and unconscious.

"Don't be nervous, he is this guy FriendWithBenifits..."

"Hey, pay attention to your wording... What you want to say is actually a good friend, right? 』

Recognizing the person, Niya, a "medical worker," stepped forward quickly and checked the dusty girl.

"Well, breathing is smooth, there is no trauma... She should be fainted, she is just asleep now."

After confirming that the girl was okay, she looked at Xiaojing Tianyuan with a haggard and panic expression: "You should have gone home to watch a movie and shoot a gun to ease the'fright' tonight, why are you still here..."

"Ah, I planned to do that... ahem... Wait, why would you know..."

The girl was handed over to a few detectives, and the other party took out a large instrument to monitor himself in and out of the ground. The thin Xiaojing Tianyuan showed a bitter melon face: "Because one thing is too concerned, Mr. Araki's phone call again I can’t get through, so I thought about finding it along the way to see if I could meet you..."

After bidding farewell from Yoshihara Park, after repeated entanglements, Xiaojing Tianyuan headed towards the Yoshihara Red Light District.

However, no one stopped all the way to the outside of the blockade, and he did not see the two of Araki Sosuke.

He didn't dare to move on, so he simply hid on the rooftop of a building to "secretly observe".

Later, because many buildings in the Yoshihara commercial area caught fire and collapsed, the agents were busy evacuating the people, and they actually let him slip into the center of the Yoshihara commercial street by climbing over the rooftops of neighboring buildings...

Perhaps it is the relationship of "If you die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing". Not only did Motoi carefully bypass the buildings that suddenly burst on fire, but also rescued the little girl who was separated from her family and fainted on the side of the road. .

"After talking for a long time, what are you caring about in such a dangerous area?"

In an emergency situation, Sosuke Araki interrupted the opponent's complaint and went straight to the subject.

"Araki-kun, do you remember that before, by the side of the weird Bentenchi, the group of male resentful spirits who almost dragged me into the water, didn't they claim to be from "Chrysanthemum Downstairs"? "

"Ah, thank you..."

Xiaojing Tianyuan took the mineral water and towels handed by the detective, took a sip, and then continued: "After I separated from you, I used my mobile phone to check and confirm it repeatedly on the Internet. Then Bentianchi and Xinyoshihara files It's exactly the same in the black and white photos of the museum!"

"Isn't it normal?!"

"However, the "Chrysanthemum Downstairs" in Edo, which is famous for producing muscle brothers, small wolf dogs, small white faces and Tsundere, was obviously built in Motoyoshihara and destroyed in the fire, and it has not been rebuilt in Shinyoshihara... …"

"Wait, why are you so obsessed with "Chrysanthemum Downstairs"? ! Also, what Shin Yoshihara or Won Yoshihara's made me faint..."

Oi Tianyuan's nagging "explanation" made Araki Sosuke heard the cloud.

"That... Araki-kun, do you not know..."

Seeing the blue veins on his arm bursting and his face saying, "If you don't succinctly, it will destroy you humanely within the second cross", Oi Tianyuan swallowed and quickly explained: "Yoshihara Yukaku on the side of Asakusa, It was moved from Nihonbashi after the Great Fire of the Ming calendar! Wait, it is not appropriate to say that it was moved. It has been completely burned out in the fire, should it be regarded as reconstruction?"

"You're a big one? It sounds like there are two more Yoshihara red lights? So what?"

"The physical distance and time are so far apart. Isn't it unreasonable that Yuanjiyuan's resentful spirit appeared in Xinjiyuan's pool?"

"These muscular brothers are expensive to fit adult centipede-like resentful spirits, is it very unreasonable in itself? You are in charge of others who are willing to come in and take a bath?"

"No, my instinct as a Detective anchor tells me that there may be all the truth behind this, so I..."

"Come on, your career as a soul-searching anchor is over tonight, okay?!"

When Sosuke Araki and Oi Tianyuan were arguing, no one noticed that Abe Temple, who was lying unconscious on a stretcher, frowned.

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